Stablised hover?

Nov 23, 2014
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Hi All

My P2V+ seems to drift about a lot when I'm not using any of the controls. Since I'm a very newbie I wondered if this was normal. Even more so at height 34 meters.

This is even in little to no wind!

Cheers Folks.
Are you in GPS mode? If so, it's usually a sign that the compass needs calibrating.
Make sure the S1 switch is in the top position (GPS). If in the middle position, it is flying without GPS correction.

Sorry guys should have said.
Yes I do a compass calibration before every flight and I normally have about 9 sats!
My rear lights are green.
If it is drifting a substantial amount, I would also check to see if the motors all to be spinning evenly. I have had a bad motor that has caused my Vision Plus to swing in a wide arch.

Just to add. It will drift pretty much continuosly unless I start using controls to try keep in the same place. Will try firmware upgrade etc this eve. Cheers gang!
Is it not the toilet bowl effect we experienced before the latest frimware updates? Like a big circle?
One day, my Phantom slowly rotated to the left during hovering, right from lift-off. I had to yaw right nonstop to counteract the rotation, but it would rotate again the moment I let go of the left stick.

I landed the copter, re-calibrated and, presto, perfect hover.
Because i've only had 3 or 4 flights i'm not certain about what is normal but let me give a couple of examples.

Im flying the Phantom in little or no wind and when i move left or indeed any direction and then take my finger off the throttle it slows movement in that particular direction BUT will continue to move in that direction unless i again move throttle to counteract the movement. It DOES NOT stop within a few feet and hold its position like i was expecting it to.

2- I fly the phantom to 30 meters high and all i want to do is hover at this altitude and pan the camera up or down with the Vision App (Gimbal Control) and suddenly the phantom starts drifting right about 20 meters until i again jump in with Throttle controls and fly it back to me! It may have went further without intervention who knows.

I have green indications on rear LEDs and i also have 9 Sats

Side note- today i updated all of the possible firmwares that could be updated via the assistant software and i did a basic calibration but not advanced yet.
Ill try another compass dance and report back how she is performing.
I agree the examples indicate atti mode behavior. What is described is exactly what one would expect with less than 6 sats. Assuming phantom mode, I would expect yellow lights with that behavior, not green. Hmmmm.

Just an FYI, I have had atti mode behavior with 6 sats indications before. I didn't expect it, but there was no denying it. I think you should consider switching to NAZA mode so you get definitive sat info from your LEDs. It is clearer to the pilot what is going on with the sats in this mode.
Ok just did a quick test flight out the back here now and it would appear to be a lot more stabilised. It nows seems to only drift a little and when it does you can see that it is attempting to use the satellite lock to pull itself back, so hopefully all is good now. Thanks everyone for the words of wisdom.

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