Stabilizing Videos with "After Effects"

Nov 12, 2013
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Topeka, KS
I wonder if anyone could outline a very simple "step by step" approach to applying "Stabilization" to a P2V video? I just got access to the Adobe Cloud and am having trouble getting through all of the steps in "After Effects" to do this. I should say that I am fairly adept at Photoshop and Premiere, but this program has a TON of options...!! I've looked at the Adobe TV presentations, but I remain confused...! Any of you video pros out there who might be able to help out??

[Thanks in advance!]
Re: Stabilizing Videos with "After Effects"

Apply Warp Stabilization. Adjust 'Smoothness' (I think that's what it's called - this is from memory). It starts at 50 - which is usually ok, but lower the number to help get rid of unwanted jello effect from the stabilization.
Jebus...thanks for your response...but you are still waaay out in front of me... I'm sure you know exactly what you are talking about..but so far the only thing I can do is to "Import" my video clip and place it on the "TimeLine". At that point, I am stalled. I see on the Adobe TV the section that has the Stabilization Effect, but on my workspace, I have not been able to even find that option. And...I get a message of "No clip selected"...and I'm unable so far to find how to make a "Selection".. So, as you see....I feel pretty stumped now...and a LONG way from what you have helpfully suggested... I'm sure that when I get a few of the basics figured out, your thoughts will come in handy....

I see that our local library has a couple of Guides to "After Effects" those should help...fingers crossed..!
Re: Stabilizing Videos with "After Effects"

No problemo. The World Wide Web is your friend. There is a wealth of tutorials out there to learn how to do anything (maybe I'll learn how to weave a basket later!).

Once you've imported the clip, drag it into the timeline and After Effects will create a composition the same length as your clip - and with the same settings (frame rate & resolution). You can change this (eg; make the composition longer so that you can add more clips), under Composition Settings.

Once you have your clip on the timeline, click on it to select it, then under 'Effects' type 'warp stab' in the search bar to search through the effects and you'll see the Warp Stabilization. Simply double clip it and it'll apply it to the selected clip in the timeline. It'll start analyzing the clip - which will take quite awhile if it's a long clip - and then stabilize it when that's done. I find that with a little fine tuning, it works wonders on footage (although I've yet to use it on any Phantom video - yet!).
Jebus....thanks for that detail...and I'm sure I can get past this current stumbling block with those hints.. This just seemed like one of those times when I can't find the right thing on the correct drop down hiding behind a layer...etc..etc..etc..! I have plenty of bumps on my head from slapping my forehead when I find the 'simple solution'....and realize that it was there all the time...!!

I'll give your "work flow" a try tomorrow...thanks for helping this "AE" noobie...
Re: Stabilizing Videos with "After Effects"

I've just gotten into this hobby and have got a ton of help from others here. Just trying to help whenever I can. Good luck!
It is a very slow and computer intensive tool - but can work surprisingly well.
A minute or so of 1080p takes at least 30 minutes on my 16GB machine.
It might depend how much adjusting needs to be done.
I wouldn't contemplate it on the 4GB laptop although I guess it would get there eventually. has professional tutorials for many many softwares. I used them for adobe premier and after effects. has professional tutorials for many many softwares. I used them for adobe premier and after effects.
Thanks to all for your helpful posts / suggestions / links...! When I had viewed the Adobe TV one, the presenter did not go through the steps for actually finding where the Warp - Stabilization effect could be found. I'm sure he assumed that anyone watching his demo would already "know" how to do something that simple.. I realize that probably 98% of the viewers are familiar with most of the steps involved....but I sure fall into that 2% area...and NOT just on this subject....[Grins]

So....that being said, I have found the "Effects" I was looking for and now my workspace matches the Training Video..and I can proceed to my next stumbling block...! Seriously...I think I'm on the way thanks again for the help with this...but stay close by.....I might need more FREE advice...!!

"Semi-Progress" report...In case anyone was in suspense about how this stabilization project was going...!!
The good news is that thanks to the help of you "pros", the learning curve has gotten less steep.. The major stumbling block was finding the effect for "Stabilization"....I never would have thought it would be under "Distortion"....but there is is...!! At this point I've been able to convert a short 15 sec. segment of Phantom Phootage...into a pretty smooth and fluid sequence. The process does take a long time as the program has to analyze and convert this case...or thousands of frames with longer clips...into the finished product.

A book that I found at the local library that was helpful as well is the Adobe "Classroom in a Book". It includes a CD with many examples of the various options in AE along with detailed step by step instructions.

SO......I guess I might not "need" a P2V+ after all......!!! [Snif, snif]

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