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An area in Oregon known as Rough & Ready. P4A plus with N/D 4 filter. Light edit in Lightroom and NIK.
There's almost never a reason to use a ND for photographs, especially when the light is low as it is here. You're just robbing yourself of valuable shutter speed.

There is running water in this photo, not only would I have used an nd filter,I would have used a larger value such as an 8 or a 16.

In some instances I would agree with your statement, but not this one.
There is running water in this photo, not only would I have used an nd filter,I would have used a larger value such as an 8 or a 16.

In some instances I would agree with your statement, but not this one.

So you were going for the silky water effect. Typically one would use a shutter speed in the 1/4 to 1 second range. Not sure how still the drone would remain for that long. I guess it's worth trying.
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I was not going for any effect and there’s no running water it’s the sea just playing around with my drone and getting the hang of it .
Couple new from tonight with lucky story,,,it was to windy for the p3s,but needed to fly,,gezz it getting blown backwards over ocean even with stick full foward,I nearly let it go,,,not a good day for me,,anyway dropped height and just got it back,,,phew I think,mayby
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Forgot to add one,even got picture of 747 going past to wellington airport,
Yay got a treat today,not taken with drone or I get in trouble..this thing sounds awsome

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