Should I update my phanton 3 advanced to the latest firmware 1.50030

And I've addressed this again and again........So with the latest update you can just for 1 example fly higher than 500m above home point? Can you enlighten us on how you did it? And PLEASE show me in the release DJI notified us that this is now a height restriction since the original firmwares.......
I'm not sure what you're saying.
500 metres was the limit imposed for the P3 series the day the P3 launched and it still is.
It was in the original published specs.
Some people don't like that but it's nothing that DJI have taken away - it's never been different.
My problem continuous:

I have drifting with 1.4 and 1.5. Can`t roll back to 1.3.2 or rock solid 1.1.9. Solutions? My fault?

At least i can put more than 120 meters limit (didn`t try more).
Top speed is the same or even more (even i dont like it much, because formations).
Hi everyone,been looking here to see if this question was asked but haven't seen it,first right now with my PA3 I'm running the 1.4 firmware and getting ready this week to upgrade to the new 1.5. Now do I put the SD card back in computer and format to rid the 1.4(since PA3 has it in it's memory)then upgrade to 1.5 and then when everything is OK do I then format that also so I have a full empty card for filming and pictures? Sure hope this makes sense to you all.I've got about 6 flights under my belt so I'm still a newbie.thx
You can just delete the file, and then copy the new file to the SD Card. Unless you experience a problem with the Copter not being able to read the card, there is no need to reformat it every time. If you delete the file from the card instead of formatting, you will still have an empty card ready for filming and pictures.

It won't hurt anything to format is every time, but it's an unnecessary step.
Ya, it seems fine to me. I had to install it twice in order for it to take. Other than that no problem
It fixed my drift issue and I've not had any issues after burning 6 batteries.
I'm not sure what you're saying.
500 meters was the limit imposed for the P3 series the day the P3 launched and it still is.
It was in the original published specs.
Some people don't like that but it's nothing that DJI have taken away - it's never been different.

If you have only ever used the DJI App, you would think that the Phantom 3 has always had an altitude limit of 500m, although I believe the first pilot app did not have that restriction, but I can't really be sure of that. However, it was not a limit that was imposed by the firmware. It was a limit within the app that DJI chose to impose. Third party apps using the original SDK did not have that limit. I use the Litchi app and have no altitude limit, however, with the latest SDK and the newest firmware, that 500m restriction has been forced on all the third party apps as well.

Therefore, I choose not to upgrade, because I currently do not have that restriction. Using Litchi (The version before it was redone with the SDK v 2.4) with the old firmware (version 1.4.10), I do not have that restriction. So it is true that when I bought the Phantom 3 I was able to go higher than 500m without restriction, and if I update to the latest FW, I would lose that ability because I am using third party software.

So this is something DJI has taken away from everyone who used third party apps, and I do question whether this restriction was in DJI Pilot 1.0, but have no way at this point to look it up.

Here is text from a post on the Litchi forum where they explain that the DJI SDK version 2.4 created a NEW altitude restriction that forces their app to comply:

What SDK 2.4 means for P3/I1 users:
The max altitude limit for P3/I1 users is now 500m, enforced by the SDK 2.4.
This means that, starting with Litchi version 2.4 beta, the maximum altitude cannot be set above 500m.

I am going to state all the things that have been taken away just this one more time and document each one with information from DJI or third party app developers like I just did. These are the reasons I keep saying what I have said. I am NOT making these things up. These are all things that have been removed or restricted from when it was purchased, and based on the way that DJI controls your updates through the DJI Go app and the fact that if you update, your old versions of the apps are rendered useless so you can't continue to use them (without the restrictions) makes me believe that more restrictions are on the way. I have stated this over and over. That is my belief, based on what has already taken place and the general climate about drones.

I have already covered the first point. That was the altitude restriction that was just added via Firmware to make sure that NO app will allow you to fly above 500m, not just the DJI app.


I have mentioned that there used to be 32 channels of video transmission in the DJI Pilot app which was reduced to 8 channels. This reduction in channels effectively reduced my range of flight due to frequent video signal dropouts happening closer to home due to fewer, more overused channels with lots of interference to choose from. Having the full 32 channels which the app would select the strongest automatically worked MUCH better for me because I live in an area where there is a lot of interference. With the 32 channels, I was always able to pull one in that worked, and I had almost no live video dropout. As soon as DJI restricted it to 8 channels, I got constant dropouts and couldn't fly anywhere near as far.

If you don't believe that happened, check out any of these threads about people hacking the app with mods to get back the 32 channels: Search Results for Query: 32 channel | DJI Phantom Forum

I wrote DJI complaining about my loss of range because of the reduction in video transmission channels and got this response from
Sophie Zhang (DJI)

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your reply.

For the channel issue, I am sorry to tell you that it's strictly follow the international law and regulations, and we're unable to provide you the way to get it back to 32 channels.

Best regards,
DJI Product Application Technical Support

So that is an admission that they did at the beginning, when I bought my Phantom have 32 channels of video transmission and then cut them down to 8.

Fortunately for me, I was already using the Litchi app which was still providing all 32 channels of video transmission since it was not restricted in the firmware, only in the DJI app. So by using Litchi to fly instead of the DJI app, I keep my altitude unrestricted and I keep my 32 channels and my range is not compromised.

For anyone who was using the DJI app, this is another thing that was available at the beginning and was later taken away.

Then there was the autonomous flight modes. DJI customers that used previous versions of the Phantom were used to ground station that allows you to plot your flight using satellite images and maps, then bring it outside and fly your missions. When DJI finally released their versions of these autonomous flight modes for the Phantom 3, that feature was gone, and the only way to create an autonomous flight mission, was to first fly it manually setting each point (Some of my missions consist of over 40 points) by flying to it, and setting that position and orientation as a point. If you can do that whole thing without using up an entire battery, you get to save the mission and then fly the mission you just flew manually, autonomously!

Again, this disappointment did not affect me, because the Litchi app has a much more robust version of Ground Station (and Orbit) than DJI did, so I just use that. I can still enter waypoints remotely by using satellite images and maps. I'm sure customers who were used to the old DJI GS for older Phantom versions were expecting at least the same, if not better functionality, and were let down when this was released.

I keep referring to Litchi because that was the third party app I decided to use. I understand that there are others, and to each their own. I only have experience with this particular one, so I can't speak to what the other ones can do or what restrictions they have.

So, just in case that was not enough, DJI restricted the speed at which a Ground Station mission can be flown in one of their SDKs which did affect all the third party apps.

There was this exchange on the Litchi forum between a Litchi user and the Developer about this issue:

The maximum speed between waypoints seems to be 15MPH (24KPH). Was this done on purpose? Will this be changed in the future? I would like to be able to go full speed (35MPH or 56KPH) between waypoints. Some of my planned future missions involve 2 mile straight flights that transition into slow arcs and then orbits. It would be nice to fly full speed to the target so I have enough battery left to do some video before I must return home.

Response from VC Tech (Who is the developer of the Litchi App:
This is a recent SDK/firmware change from DJI.
Nothing we can do about it except hoping DJI increases that limit. Hopefully they will as 25km/h is really a let down.

Add to these things the fact that all apps had to be redesigned in order to work with the new DJI SDK and the next FW version, and older apps that may not have contained these restrictions could no longer be used if you upgraded, and the fact that your ability to roll back to a version of the FW without those restrictions was removed, and that the latest DJI Go app makes sure you are running the latest app and firmware and just downloads and installs it for you if you don't block it, makes me believe that they want to be sure to impose these restrictions on the widest number of people possible, and I see nothing anywhere that indicates to me that DJI is done taking things away. These few small things are just the beginning of a drive by DJI to reduce their liability by limiting what you can do with their product.

The following email from DJI states how after the update of the SDK to version 2.4, old versions of all app for the Phantom 3 become inoperable:

Dear DJI Developer:

A new encryption protocol will shortly be implemented. Please ensure that your app is updated to ensure continued use by downloading DJI Mobile SDK v2.4.0 at DJI Developer. Apps not updated to v2.4.0 will cease to be functional.

Besides some useful new features and bug fixes, DJI Mobile SDK v2.4.0 also includes an important security update that will significantly impact legacy applications starting from late October 2015. In other words, applications developed with earlier SDK versions will no longer be able to communicate with the Remote Controller. Please read the following for full details.

New iOS & Android SDK Features:

1. Access to Main Controller’s Serial Number
2. Access to aircraft type identification
3. Video hardware decoder library
4. New sync & download feature for the Inspire 1 and Phantom 3 Professional

Bug Fixes:

For a complete list of all bug fixes, please refer to the SDK and firmware release notes.
Of particular note, the Intelligent Navigation Waypoint mission feature has been fixed to allow uploading and execution directly from the ground.

IMPORTANT – New RC Encryption Method:

A new encryption method will be enabled in the next release of RC firmware scheduled for late October 2015. Only applications developed with SDK v2.4.0 will be able to communicate with RCs with the late October firmware. Applications developed with SDK v2.4.0 will be able to communicate with RCs that have either the current firmware or future firmware.

The only problem with this for me, is that the restrictions they are going with are one-size-fits-all solutions that in many cases stop you from doing perfectly legal things that are not against regulations just because it is possible for someone somewhere to misuse their drone.

As I also pointed out before, I am aware of what GEO is and what it does, and I am aware that there is a process you have to go through if you want to temporarily override the GEO restrictions in places where you have permission/authority to do so. I don't like it because instead of just alerting you to the fact that you are entering a NFZ and letting you fly there with the knowledge that it is a NFZ, without jumping through extra hoops and wasting time, your bird won't fly there at all. If you do have a legit reason for being there, you shouldn't have to register someplace and ask permission from DJI to proceed. If it just gave you a warning, so the uninformed pilot would know, DJI would have done their duty, and life would go on.

Seeing how things are going, I also believe that once this is in place, and people are used to being blocked from a variety of areas, the next step will be to start reducing the distance from your home point that you can fly. After all, you can only see so far with the naked eye, and your not supposed to fly further than that, so why not limit you to how far the average person can see. This is just supposition on my part. To date, DJI has done nothing specific to make anyone believe that this is currently in the works, but I see it coming. It's another way for DJI to avoid future litigation at the expense of the enjoyment of their customers.

So I hope we can put this part of the debate to rest. There have been things that the Phantom 3 came with that have been taken away.

I believe that more is coming, and just saying I am wrong or paranoid, will not change my belief. Only seeing over time that these things are not implemented will do that. So save your breath, and accept three things:

1. Things have been taken away already and I have documented them.
2. I am allowed to believe what I believe.
3. Anyone who reads this is free to do whatever they want about upgrading. If they are concerned about these issues, I suggest they do as I am doing and wait and see. I am allowed to make that suggestion. People are allowed to follow it or ignore it as they see fit.
If you have only ever used the DJI App, you would think that the Phantom 3 has always had an altitude limit of 500m, although I believe the first pilot app did not have that restriction, but I can't really be sure of that. However, it was not a limit that was imposed by the firmware. It was a limit within the app that DJI chose to impose. Third party apps using the original SDK did not have that limit. I use the Litchi app and have no altitude limit, however, with the latest SDK and the newest firmware, that 500m restriction has been forced on all the third party apps as well.

Therefore, I choose not to upgrade, because I currently do not have that restriction. Using Litchi (The version before it was redone with the SDK v 2.4) with the old firmware (version 1.4.10), I do not have that restriction. So it is true that when I bought the Phantom 3 I was able to go higher than 500m without restriction, and if I update to the latest FW, I would lose that ability because I am using third party software.

So this is something DJI has taken away from everyone who used third party apps, and I do question whether this restriction was in DJI Pilot 1.0, but have no way at this point to look it up.

Here is text from a post on the Litchi forum where they explain that the DJI SDK version 2.4 created a NEW altitude restriction that forces their app to comply:

What SDK 2.4 means for P3/I1 users:
The max altitude limit for P3/I1 users is now 500m, enforced by the SDK 2.4.
This means that, starting with Litchi version 2.4 beta, the maximum altitude cannot be set above 500m.

I am going to state all the things that have been taken away just this one more time and document each one with information from DJI or third party app developers like I just did. These are the reasons I keep saying what I have said. I am NOT making these things up. These are all things that have been removed or restricted from when it was purchased, and based on the way that DJI controls your updates through the DJI Go app and the fact that if you update, your old versions of the apps are rendered useless so you can't continue to use them (without the restrictions) makes me believe that more restrictions are on the way. I have stated this over and over. That is my belief, based on what has already taken place and the general climate about drones.

I have already covered the first point. That was the altitude restriction that was just added via Firmware to make sure that NO app will allow you to fly above 500m, not just the DJI app.


I have mentioned that there used to be 32 channels of video transmission in the DJI Pilot app which was reduced to 8 channels. This reduction in channels effectively reduced my range of flight due to frequent video signal dropouts happening closer to home due to fewer, more overused channels with lots of interference to choose from. Having the full 32 channels which the app would select the strongest automatically worked MUCH better for me because I live in an area where there is a lot of interference. With the 32 channels, I was always able to pull one in that worked, and I had almost no live video dropout. As soon as DJI restricted it to 8 channels, I got constant dropouts and couldn't fly anywhere near as far.

If you don't believe that happened, check out any of these threads about people hacking the app with mods to get back the 32 channels: Search Results for Query: 32 channel | DJI Phantom Forum

I wrote DJI complaining about my loss of range because of the reduction in video transmission channels and got this response from
Sophie Zhang (DJI)

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your reply.

For the channel issue, I am sorry to tell you that it's strictly follow the international law and regulations, and we're unable to provide you the way to get it back to 32 channels.

Best regards,
DJI Product Application Technical Support

So that is an admission that they did at the beginning, when I bought my Phantom have 32 channels of video transmission and then cut them down to 8.

Fortunately for me, I was already using the Litchi app which was still providing all 32 channels of video transmission since it was not restricted in the firmware, only in the DJI app. So by using Litchi to fly instead of the DJI app, I keep my altitude unrestricted and I keep my 32 channels and my range is not compromised.

For anyone who was using the DJI app, this is another thing that was available at the beginning and was later taken away.

Then there was the autonomous flight modes. DJI customers that used previous versions of the Phantom were used to ground station that allows you to plot your flight using satellite images and maps, then bring it outside and fly your missions. When DJI finally released their versions of these autonomous flight modes for the Phantom 3, that feature was gone, and the only way to create an autonomous flight mission, was to first fly it manually setting each point (Some of my missions consist of over 40 points) by flying to it, and setting that position and orientation as a point. If you can do that whole thing without using up an entire battery, you get to save the mission and then fly the mission you just flew manually, autonomously!

Again, this disappointment did not affect me, because the Litchi app has a much more robust version of Ground Station (and Orbit) than DJI did, so I just use that. I can still enter waypoints remotely by using satellite images and maps. I'm sure customers who were used to the old DJI GS for older Phantom versions were expecting at least the same, if not better functionality, and were let down when this was released.

I keep referring to Litchi because that was the third party app I decided to use. I understand that there are others, and to each their own. I only have experience with this particular one, so I can't speak to what the other ones can do or what restrictions they have.

So, just in case that was not enough, DJI restricted the speed at which a Ground Station mission can be flown in one of their SDKs which did affect all the third party apps.

There was this exchange on the Litchi forum between a Litchi user and the Developer about this issue:

The maximum speed between waypoints seems to be 15MPH (24KPH). Was this done on purpose? Will this be changed in the future? I would like to be able to go full speed (35MPH or 56KPH) between waypoints. Some of my planned future missions involve 2 mile straight flights that transition into slow arcs and then orbits. It would be nice to fly full speed to the target so I have enough battery left to do some video before I must return home.

Response from VC Tech (Who is the developer of the Litchi App:
This is a recent SDK/firmware change from DJI.
Nothing we can do about it except hoping DJI increases that limit. Hopefully they will as 25km/h is really a let down.

Add to these things the fact that all apps had to be redesigned in order to work with the new DJI SDK and the next FW version, and older apps that may not have contained these restrictions could no longer be used if you upgraded, and the fact that your ability to roll back to a version of the FW without those restrictions was removed, and that the latest DJI Go app makes sure you are running the latest app and firmware and just downloads and installs it for you if you don't block it, makes me believe that they want to be sure to impose these restrictions on the widest number of people possible, and I see nothing anywhere that indicates to me that DJI is done taking things away. These few small things are just the beginning of a drive by DJI to reduce their liability by limiting what you can do with their product.

The following email from DJI states how after the update of the SDK to version 2.4, old versions of all app for the Phantom 3 become inoperable:

Dear DJI Developer:

A new encryption protocol will shortly be implemented. Please ensure that your app is updated to ensure continued use by downloading DJI Mobile SDK v2.4.0 at DJI Developer. Apps not updated to v2.4.0 will cease to be functional.

Besides some useful new features and bug fixes, DJI Mobile SDK v2.4.0 also includes an important security update that will significantly impact legacy applications starting from late October 2015. In other words, applications developed with earlier SDK versions will no longer be able to communicate with the Remote Controller. Please read the following for full details.

New iOS & Android SDK Features:

1. Access to Main Controller’s Serial Number
2. Access to aircraft type identification
3. Video hardware decoder library
4. New sync & download feature for the Inspire 1 and Phantom 3 Professional

Bug Fixes:

For a complete list of all bug fixes, please refer to the SDK and firmware release notes.
Of particular note, the Intelligent Navigation Waypoint mission feature has been fixed to allow uploading and execution directly from the ground.

IMPORTANT – New RC Encryption Method:

A new encryption method will be enabled in the next release of RC firmware scheduled for late October 2015. Only applications developed with SDK v2.4.0 will be able to communicate with RCs with the late October firmware. Applications developed with SDK v2.4.0 will be able to communicate with RCs that have either the current firmware or future firmware.

The only problem with this for me, is that the restrictions they are going with are one-size-fits-all solutions that in many cases stop you from doing perfectly legal things that are not against regulations just because it is possible for someone somewhere to misuse their drone.

As I also pointed out before, I am aware of what GEO is and what it does, and I am aware that there is a process you have to go through if you want to temporarily override the GEO restrictions in places where you have permission/authority to do so. I don't like it because instead of just alerting you to the fact that you are entering a NFZ and letting you fly there with the knowledge that it is a NFZ, without jumping through extra hoops and wasting time, your bird won't fly there at all. If you do have a legit reason for being there, you shouldn't have to register someplace and ask permission from DJI to proceed. If it just gave you a warning, so the uninformed pilot would know, DJI would have done their duty, and life would go on.

Seeing how things are going, I also believe that once this is in place, and people are used to being blocked from a variety of areas, the next step will be to start reducing the distance from your home point that you can fly. After all, you can only see so far with the naked eye, and your not supposed to fly further than that, so why not limit you to how far the average person can see. This is just supposition on my part. To date, DJI has done nothing specific to make anyone believe that this is currently in the works, but I see it coming. It's another way for DJI to avoid future litigation at the expense of the enjoyment of their customers.

So I hope we can put this part of the debate to rest. There have been things that the Phantom 3 came with that have been taken away.

I believe that more is coming, and just saying I am wrong or paranoid, will not change my belief. Only seeing over time that these things are not implemented will do that. So save your breath, and accept three things:

1. Things have been taken away already and I have documented them.
2. I am allowed to believe what I believe.
3. Anyone who reads this is free to do whatever they want about upgrading. If they are concerned about these issues, I suggest they do as I am doing and wait and see. I am allowed to make that suggestion. People are allowed to follow it or ignore it as they see fit.
Well written, and the sounds of silence from Meta4 and the categorical dismissal if he does, will speak volumes. I already tried, and failed to get through to him. Instead, he accuses me of paranoid delusion, no facts to contradict our assertion of the app and firmware are being locked down, and claims I am asserting a conspiracy, despite the fact that I have never stated that, and have made it clear that it isn't a conspiracy, but simply DJI acting in their own best business interests, in anticipation of impending government restrictions. He won't hear of it. Here is Meta4's last post above:

"you read some of my posts above, I've addressed this and I'm not going over it again. There are a few that think DJI has imposed restrictions but on examination, I can't see actual evidence of it. I mentioned significant evidence that it isn't true (P3 range and GEO) but these have been conveniently ignored.
We had Gadgetguy try to tell us that DJI forced his app to update - but it turned out that there was no confirmation - it was just a rumour he's heard and now he's come out with another one to back up his assertions that DJI wants to take your flying freedom.
Has anyone apart from Gadgetguy observed that the latest firmware has slowed your Phantom down? I'd be interested to hear.
If you want to get all conspiracy minded, you need facts to back up your theories.
Misinformation, distortion and rumours are the exact opposite and that's what Gadgetguy has presented."

I specifically asked Meta4 if he could positively refute the assertion that the DJI GO app would autoupdate after 1.5 was installed, even if autoupdates in iOS were turned off, as has been reported on this forum. He has yet to answer. I can only base what happens after 1.5 is installed upon what other users have reported here and what DJI has told us, as I will not update, given what I know, even if some of what has been reported by users here later turns out not to be true. Apparently, Meta4 does not read the posts by Unknowncaller which have established to my satisfaction that something in the 1.5 update has reduced max speed downwind, and asserted it was due to the drifting fix. Even if this turns out not to be the case, no intelligent reader of this forum can still claim that DJI isn't reeling in all the original unrestricted P3P capabilities, and restricting them, and not enabling full prior functionality of the P2 Waypoints when implemented on the P3. The only thing you need to know is that once you update to 1.5, you cannot go back, and you will be stuck with whatever Trojan Horse is buried within it or the next update which will give DJI full control over all the limits and features of your bird, after you bought it, in order to comply with all future government regulation. The government regulation is coming. We all know that. That isn't a conspiracy. That is a fact. That DJI is changing our platform to give them greater control should surprise no one. Permanently preventing rollbacks to prior firmware without new restrictions in the future firmwares is the necessary first step. Beware! Just know what you are opening the door to, when you update this time! I told you so, and so have many others. Ignore our warnings at your own peril. Just don't complain later when the only place you can fly your P3P under a future firmware update is an AMA sanctioned Flying Field under AMA Rules! Yes, I am being overly dramatic and sarcastic in that last statement, Meta4 :rolleyes:, but the future capabilities of your P3P are being restricted, and the only question is to what degree, and we already know what FAA Rules the AMA is lobbying the for: the AMA Flying Rules! DJI is merely being proactive so they can enforce all future FAA Rules through software and firmware. If that adds restrictions to your current flying capabilities, you won't be able to blame DJI. They will merely be imposing the FAA Rules upon all their aircraft owners, as the government has requested!
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I made the mistake of upgrading to 1.5 thinking I could just rollback to any firmware I wanted. Boy was I wrong! I could only downgrade to 1.4 only.

Note that the damage has been done, am I still relatively safe from future restriction if they are imposed? Meaning if in the future DJI imposed restrictions (either through firmware or GO app), I can stay right where I am currently, right? I have all GO app apks just in case...
Enjoy your conspiracy theories guys.
You are completely right.
DJI eventually want to totally ground your drones.
The government is going to come and take your guns
And Elvis is pumping gas somewhere in Michigan
It's amazing how well you guys can see through all the plans of DJI and the government.

btw .. the 500 metre altitude limit was always a feature of the Phantom 3 from the first one they sold.
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Enjoy your conspiracy theories guys.
You are completely right.
DJI eventually want to totally ground your drones.
The government is going to come and take your guns
And Elvis is pumping gas somewhere in Michigan
It's amazing how well you guys can see through all the plans of DJI and the government.

btw .. the 500 metre altitude limit was always a feature of the Phantom 3 from the first one they sold.
Meta, if you can answer one of the following two questions below, I would stop being a conspiracy nut:

1. What reasons do DJI have in limiting rollback of firmware?
2. Why did DJI remove “format data recorder “ option from GO app?

Thank you in advance.
@Meta4, believe what you want. However it is clear that no amount of facts and logic will ever change your mind. When everything starts getting locked down further, to comply with new laws, you'll simply tell us DJI had to do it, which is all I am saying now. They are simply laying the groundwork for it, with each successive update. The first question everyone should ask is, "What does this update take away?"
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Meta, if you can answer one of the following two questions below, I would stop being a conspiracy nut:
1. What reasons do DJI have in limiting rollback of firmware?
2. Why did DJI remove “format data recorder “ option from GO app?
1. I don't know - I can only guess - maybe there's a perfectly valid technical reason?
2. I don't know - I can only guess - maybe there's a perfectly valid technical reason?
If you want to be certain you'd have to ask DJI or the mindreaders that can tell why DJI do things and what they are planning for the future.
@Meta4, believe what you want. However it is clear that no amount of facts and logic will ever change your mind. When everything starts getting locked down further, to comply with new laws, you'll simply tell us DJI had to do it, which is all I am saying now. They are simply laying the groundwork for it, with each successive update. The first question everyone should ask is, "What does this update take away?"
GG .. you may be able to understand DJI and know what they are going to do in the future, but if you think your psychic abilities extend to knowing what I'm thinking or will say, you are very wrong.
1. I don't know - I can only guess - maybe there's a perfectly valid technical reason?
2. I don't know - I can only guess - maybe there's a perfectly valid technical reason?
If you want to be certain you'd have to ask DJI or the mindreaders that can tell why DJI do things and what they are planning for the future.
1. To prevent circumventing future flying restrictions by downgrading.
2. To prevent deleting the internal black box flight log, so you can't claim your bird has an alibi (never flew there) and so they can come find you and know everywhere you launched from and have flown. You cannot delete where your bird has been any more.

Meta4 is correct. Those are both perfectly valid technical reasons. :D
However, that doesn't mean I have to like them, or support them!
I do also fully understand their consequences, and their implications, going forward.
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GG .. you may be able to understand DJI and know what they are going to do in the future, but if you think your psychic abilities extend to knowing what I'm thinking or will say, you are very wrong.
You have already proven me right! :cool:
You can't help yourself. You also can't leave this discussion among us alone, even though you said you should...
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2. To prevent deleting the internal black box flight log, so you can't claim your bird has an alibi (never flew there) and so they can come find you and know everywhere you launched from and have flown. You cannot delete where your bird has been any more.

I have a fix for that and will be posting soon. Stay tuned!
1. To prevent circumventing future flying restrictions by downgrading.
2. To prevent deleting the internal black box flight log, so you can't claim your bird has an alibi (never flew there) and so they can come find you and know everywhere you launched from and have flown. You cannot delete where your bird has been any more.

Meta4 is correct. Those are both perfectly valid technical reasons. :D

Pretty much but they are valid reasons. DJI wants to keep selling drones and, to do that, they need to make sure they're not seen by the FAA as the bad guys so they will make compromises to ensure their stakeholders (board, employees, customers, environment, etc.) are as content as possible for the future. Doesn't mean everyone will be happy but they have to think of the future and the greater impact on the hobby.

Remember, we don't like DJI's product for whatever reason (everyone's reason is valid to him or herself) we do have the option of building our own without the limitations. You could actually build a much better one than they could because they have to appeal to the masses. I'm old, fat and lazy so I won't be building my own any time soon so I'll just stick with what they give me and hope a reputable company offers a third party object avoidance module for the P3P. (one can dream)

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