Serious Censorship on DJI Forum

Jan 29, 2015
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Salt Lake City, UT
These days I seldom visit the DJI forum. Today I was directed to the forum so I also logged in and noticed 4 notifications. One that I checked was a post where I mentioned that DJI does not provide the warranty information with the purchase of a Phantom (this is required) and also, that they change the online warranty without any notice. So I recommended to people that they download a copy of the warranty at soon as they purchase their drone. That post was deleted. So I guess DJI does not want their customers to know this fair and reasonable information. I guess they have something to hide.


BTW - M in the requirements.... that's me.
I posted a picture I found on the internet of the Inspire2 a month before it was officially unveiled.
It was deleted within an hour.
Looked pretty close to the final version.
Here it is: (Maybe it won't be deleted here)
I felt like posting on there that their Inspire 2 is a bad lemon, but didn't as I know where that would go.

Thing has bad props that don't fit and you have to mail the old ones back to DJI even though they know they are bad, and wait and get a new and maybe another bad set. Supposedly 3rd variation of props out there, or about a different set every couple of months (Too tight or too loose, and quick fix for Version 2 was pack it with foam!.). Excessive vibration with some that shake apart in flight. Gimbal shake and twitches. Power disconnects in flight. Bad firmware and codes that require it to be sent in to clear. Landing gear that sticks and may not come down. Expensive $1,200 license that is burned into the drone itself and may not come back with the refurbished drone and no response to address that. Slow repairs. Remote or Director's RC doesn't link up. Locked rotors. Controller overheating. Battery issues. Decreased speed with successive firmware updates.

Thing needs a recall, or wait until Inspire 2 Version 2 comes out to polish up the current $6,000 lemon.

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