Rotorpixel gimbal for Phantom Vision

spanktimonious said:
gfredrone said:
When you get back home to first world bandwidth I'd like to see the video re-upped in its full uncompressed glory.

The video quality is still constrained by the fact that It's a Vision camera. There is no such thing as "full uncompressed glory" since the video straight out of the camera is heavily compressed.

This is basic stuff.

Yup the basic stuff your overly literal thought process can't comprehend. No post production compression with a max bitrate render of what the camera originally output. Get a clue bozo!

The herky jerky jello filled raw video I took this past weekend was crystal clear at 1080p with no artifacts whatsoever. Stop wasting people's time here...

Are they letting people at the mental ward back on the Internet? If you hate the P2V so much what is your purpose here. You bring absolutely no value to the community whatsoever. Just sign off, no one will miss you, but I think you are one of those people who can't make it through a day of life without creating some sort of controversy, and that's what gets sickos such as yourself off.
FSJ Guy said:
F6Rider said:
I saw a gopro video where the guy waited to long to land from a low battery alarm and it self landed... in his pool, you can see him dive in clothes and all to retrieve it. He stated after he drained the water and dried it out for a couple of days it worked fine. I would be replacing all 4 motors at the least.

With a order # of 436 I guess I will be making my Hawaii trip Droan-less. But I am sure it will be here for my Desert southwest trip at the end of May. Hmmmmm, I wonder if I can manage to fly it inside Carlsbad Caverns, whoops, no gps lock, no fly. How about the entrance to the bat cave when they swarm out? Just thinking out loud.

No photography of the bats is allowed when they are leaving or going back home. You can apply for a special permit to photograph them from just INSIDE the cave entrance, but I SERIOUSLY doubt they will let you fly anywhere near it. With or without a Rotorpixel gimbal.
Sorry guy's, I was pulling your leg, didn't mean for it to come off in my hand :D I have been to the caves several times and am well aware of the rules, I was just dreaming out loud. I have filmed the bat excursion at dusk without lights against the sky and it looks great, you are not allowed to use flash or movie lights. The queens cavern is large to lose a drone in.
spanktimonious said:
Scottrod said:
This is a repeat username of another troll. Cocksucker or something. I can't remember the last name he used. Just add him to your FOE list and problem solved. He just enjoys attempting to start trouble because his life is empty. Truthfully I feel sorry for the guy. Probably sits at home alone masturbating to porn every night. :lol:

Why are you so threatened by facts?

Weak. Very weak. What is the psychological reason for you to come on and attempt to berate the owners of this flying toy? That's called a lack of self esteem. Psychology 101.

BTW I absolutely love your motto, "why are you so threatened by facts?"
tizzl10 said:
yeah the vision camera isn't the best by any stretch, however I experimented with filming at 1080i@60 frames instead of 1080p@30 frames and to me it looks better. has anybody else tried this?
Sorry to be the video police, but 1080i60 (interlaced) is not 60 "frames" per second. It's 60 "fields" or "half frames" per second (even lines, then odd lines). It's 30 frames per second. If you think it looks better than 1080p30, great. Just be aware that the file won't play on (or even transfer to) an iPhone or iPad, without first converting it to 1080p30. Apple iOS supports progressive video only.

But if you have a CRT-tube HDTV set from circa-1999 - then interlaced is definitely the way to go! :)
spanktimonious said:
Scottrod said:
Weak. Very weak.

Just the facts Scott. Just the facts.

Scottrod said:
What is the psychological reason for you to come on and attempt to berate the owners of this flying toy?

It's funny (in a laughing at you kind of way) that you consider sharing indisputable facts to be "attempting to berate" folks. Funny, but really weird while speaking volumes about the insecurity that you continue to struggle with.

In all seriousness. Do you want to have a real conversation or continue to be obnoxious? To which facts are you referring? I personally bought my P2V to play and get the occasionally aerial shot. I bought it knowing it's a flawed machine and accept it as such. Some of the owners on here take real pride in their machine and I see the way you talk to people on here and I see it like a form of bullying. If you're looking to contribute (even criticism) to the forum it's welcome as long as you're not purposely trying to be a **** to people. So, shall we try this again?
Hey jackass I come here to read about the gimbal and look for Keri's updates not listen to you guys fight like toddlers about who's right.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 2
spanktimonious said:
Scottrod said:
In all seriousness. Do you want to have a real conversation or continue to be obnoxious? To which facts are you referring? I personally bought my P2V to play and get the occasionally aerial shot. I bought it knowing it's a flawed machine and accept it as such. Some of the owners on here take real pride in their machine and I see the way you talk to people on here and I see it like a form of bullying. If you're looking to contribute (even criticism) to the forum it's welcome as long as you're not purposely trying to be a **** to people. So, shall we try this again?

Here are the facts that got your panties twisted this time:

"The video quality is still constrained by the fact that It's a Vision camera. There is no such thing as "full uncompressed glory" since the video straight out of the camera is heavily compressed."

In response to:


"Some of the owners on here take real pride in their machine" Yeah, that's the whole people getting their self-worth tied up in a toy they bought thing.

"Here are the facts that got your panties twisted this time:"

- There you go again. You're purposely trying to be obnoxious. Why? Wouldn't it be more fun to make friends on here and not have to repeatedly make a new username? If you're looking for attention, I'll be your friend if you stop with the negativity.

"The video quality is still constrained by the fact that It's a Vision camera. There is no such thing as "full uncompressed glory" since the video straight out of the camera is heavily compressed."

- Again, the FC200 is not a high end DSLR. Do I think DJI could have done a better job with the camera? **** yeah! Do I care? No. It does what I need it to do. Also, don't you think DJI will be releasing better cameras or the Phantom 3 Vision or an updated camera for the Vision?

Now I pose a question to you. This thread is supposed to be about yhe Rotorpixel gimbal. The Rotorpixel gimbal is going to give the capability to mount multiple different sized cameras (including your cherished but flawed GoPro). Wouldn't you say there is a benefit to being able to mount both types? I see the benefit as being able to use the FC200 for stills and the GoPro for video. Best of both worlds IMO.
ooooops careful, there was almost an incursion into discussing the gimbal there pmsl (gets a very large wooden spoon out)

pyrophantom said:
ooooops careful, there was almost an incursion into discussing the gimbal there pmsl (gets a very large wooden spoon out)


Yeah better watch it you'll get dragged into a off topic spank fight if you actually start talking about "it" ...... :shock:

just sit quiet and wait for your Gimbal, or until your blood blows and ya just cant help ya-self ..... and have to throw you comments into the air, like ya just dont care ?!!!! ROFLOLOLOL :lol:
Yup im gonna retreat back under the hatch and just peep out for an appropriate moment to jump in with a comment about the gimbal......that will surprise em lol

pyrophantom said:
Yup im gonna retreat back under the hatch and just peep out for an appropriate moment to jump in with a comment about the gimbal......that will surprise em lol

Well just check my emails for an overnite shipping notice from RP and
Calm calm....all good things to those who wait, surely those impatient folk would rather it was exactly right before they are shipped ?? Remember its a brand new product and all new product launches with the best will in the world have delays and setbacks, and im sure Keri and his team are doing their best to get these out to people. Personally I wouldn't want mine to be made in a hurry by someone who feels pressured by the baying public who are screaming for their gimbals, I want mine made with the maximum care and attention possible.

Its a real shame that what looks to be a really good product and some good discussion and points being made, is getting dragged off topic with some bad taste comments from a dissatisfied minority. If those people are unhappy then simply don't buy the thing, or cancel your orders and get out of the topic thread as you are achieving nothing by arguing on here and its getting **** boring for the rest of us. Those of you with kids probably have enough of this to deal with at home without getting it on here as well.

And if those unhappy people want to pick on me for saying what I have then go ahead, its a waste of your life not mine !!!
spanktimonious said:
So much confusion. Where to start?

I don't cherish my GoPro. That's really silly. It's just a small camera with many compromises due to price point, form factor, etc. All cameras are compromises.

Those facts don't change the fact that the Vision camera's video that is heavily, compressed, heavily sharpened, has a relatively limited dynamic range, relatively limited capture resolutions and fps
choices, etc.

There is no confusion, the Vision was marketed (by Colin in several video interviews) as a "GoPro 2.5 like camera". It does what it does, the still photos look pretty good to most folks. The stabilized video also looks pretty good to most folks.

And that's a fact.

Now, except for the sheer pleasure of it, can we stop beating this dead horse before my Karma runs over your Dogma??
Pull_Up said:
We do seem to have our fair share of fans of the old equine necrophiliac flagellation... ;)

Quite. The nag has rigor mortis, yet on they go... :roll:


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