Rotorpixel gimbal for Phantom Vision

ResevorDG said:
I know I agreed to wait and I will. But just so I can make plans, do you have delivery date in mind for the people like me who ordered on day one?

We're hoping to have all materials ready to start assembling and shipping units out next week.

However, please understand that within the first 8 hours alone, there were over 150 orders... and now, 54 hours later, that number has approximately doubled. To the best of our ability, we're going to be shipping orders out in the order in which customers indicated that they were interested. So, the first person that placed their order is not going to necessarily receive theirs first. It's just not fair to those who have been patiently waiting for pre-orders to begin for months.

It's sort of like if you're in a painfully long line at a grocery store, and you need to step out of line because you forgot to get an apple, then, when you get back to the line, no one will let you back in. That's just not fair. The line needs to let the person back in where they've been patiently waiting, rather than screwing them over because of a small amount of time away from the line.

(Alright, maybe analogies are not my strong suit)

We're compiling a list of order numbers in the order that we plan on fulfilling them, which we'll make publicly available, so customers can check to see where in the line-up they stand, and when they can roughly expect to receive them. Although there are still lots of unknowns in the assembly process... namely, how many we can realistically assemble per day/week/month. There will be more accurate info next week.

Rotorpixel said:
ResevorDG said:
I know I agreed to wait and I will. But just so I can make plans, do you have delivery date in mind for the people like me who ordered on day one?

We're hoping to have all materials ready to start assembling and shipping units out next week.

However, please understand that within the first 8 hours alone, there were over 150 orders... and now, 54 hours later, that number has approximately doubled. To the best of our ability, we're going to be shipping orders out in the order in which customers indicated that they were interested. So, the first person that placed their order is not going to necessarily receive theirs first. It's just not fair to those who have been patiently waiting for pre-orders to begin for months.

It's sort of like if you're in a painfully long line at a grocery store, and you need to step out of line because you forgot to get an apple, then, when you get back to the line, no one will let you back in. That's just not fair. The line needs to let the person back in where they've been patiently waiting, rather than screwing them over because of a small amount of time away from the line.

(Alright, maybe analogies are not my strong suit)

We're compiling a list of order numbers in the order that we plan on fulfilling them, which we'll make publicly available, so customers can check to see where in the line-up they stand, and when they can roughly expect to receive them. Although there are still lots of unknowns in the assembly process... namely, how many we can realistically assemble per day/week/month. There will be more accurate info next week.


Thanks Kari,
One of the things that sold me on you guys was all the good communication.
I look forward to using your product!
I hope my PM to you here on this forum counts! I didn't have any other way of communicating with you….
Rotorpixel, I think you've done a wonderful job developing this gimbal ! I judy joined this forum

However, regarding fairness and the list, It was never clear to me that "the list" was to determine pre-order position . I've been observing this forum and the comments on your U-tube channel from the beginning and l I've never seen anything written down about the list being for pre-orders. This is what you said in your blurb on the gimbal on U-tube, "If you'd like to be added to our notification list for updates on product development, please leave a comment asking to be added. " . It doesn't say anything about pre-orders.

I did join the list eventually, I think, by sending an email via your contact section and did buy a gimbal on the first day.
Rotorpixel said:
ResevorDG said:
I know I agreed to wait and I will. But just so I can make plans, do you have delivery date in mind for the people like me who ordered on day one?

We're hoping to have all materials ready to start assembling and shipping units out next week.

However, please understand that within the first 8 hours alone, there were over 150 orders... and now, 54 hours later, that number has approximately doubled. To the best of our ability, we're going to be shipping orders out in the order in which customers indicated that they were interested. So, the first person that placed their order is not going to necessarily receive theirs first. It's just not fair to those who have been patiently waiting for pre-orders to begin for months.

It's sort of like if you're in a painfully long line at a grocery store, and you need to step out of line because you forgot to get an apple, then, when you get back to the line, no one will let you back in. That's just not fair. The line needs to let the person back in where they've been patiently waiting, rather than screwing them over because of a small amount of time away from the line.

(Alright, maybe analogies are not my strong suit)

We're compiling a list of order numbers in the order that we plan on fulfilling them, which we'll make publicly available, so customers can check to see where in the line-up they stand, and when they can roughly expect to receive them. Although there are still lots of unknowns in the assembly process... namely, how many we can realistically assemble per day/week/month. There will be more accurate info next week.


We have ALL been patiently waiting.

So for someone like me who was interested from day one but didn't email you or PM you about said interest gets the shaft even though I was probably of the first one hundred orders and clicking refresh on your site for days to see if the order link was live.

Yeah, just got my Amex statement too.

I believe several of us were also asking about getting on the list but received no response. Not cool, the orders should be sent out on a first come first serve basis with maybe a small exception for those who helped with design concept ideas or that you know on a personal level.

Not a happy consutomer after reading that post! Does my email I sent through your website asking you to notify my when the order link goes live count for being in the grocery line? Felling like I just slipped on a banana peal while trying to make it back the the checkout line.

Moreover how do you even know who's who? What if I used a different email or name at checkout from what you have on this list?
OldFlyer said:
Rotorpixel, I think you've done a wonderful job developing this gimbal ! I judy joined this forum

However, regarding fairness and the list, It was never clear to me that "the list" was to determine pre-order position . I've been observing this forum and the comments on your U-tube channel from the beginning and l I've never seen anything written down about the list being for pre-orders. This is what you said in your blurb on the gimbal on U-tube, "If you'd like to be added to our notification list for updates on product development, please leave a comment asking to be added. " . It doesn't say anything about pre-orders.

I did join the list eventually, I think, by sending an email via your contact section and did buy a gimbal on the first day.

I apologize if you feel mislead - we are doing the best we can, and are trying to be as fair to everyone as possible. If you have an idea that pleases more people, I'm all ears.

The problem is that literally *hundreds* of people have all placed orders within minutes/seconds of each other after pre-orders opened. So, a few minutes separate people who are going to get units shipped out next week, and those having to wait multiple weeks. For someone who expressed interest months ago to have to wait so much longer than someone who is just seeing the product for the first time, is not fair, in our opinion.

Can anyone back me up here? Is this the right way to deal with orders? Does anyone have a better suggestion? I should point out that doing this is creating quite a bit of extra work for us, so this is purely to try to keep everyone happy...

gfredrone said:
We have ALL been patiently waiting.
So for someone like me who was interested from day one but didn't email you or PM you about said interest gets the shaft even though I was probably of the first one hundred orders and clicking refresh on your site for days to see if the order link was live.
Yeah, just got my Amex statement too.
I believe several of us were also asking about getting on the list but received no response. Not cool, the orders should be sent out on a first come first serve basis with maybe a small exception for those who helped with design concept ideas.

Not a happy consutomer after reading that post! Does my email I sent through your website asking you to notify my when the order link goes live count for being in the grocery line? Felling like I just slipped on a banana peal while trying to make it back the the checkout line.

I'm very sorry for the lack of response to your notification list request... emails, youtube comments, testing, sourcing, and manufacturing have been impossible to keep on top of simultaneously. However, we still have your request on record, so your place in the notification list is based on when you sent the request. You haven't lost your spot in the line-up.

I know that you have all been very patiently waiting, but some people made the decision to contact us sooner than others, so I think that is a pretty good metric for determining when shipments should go out. We're talking about the first indication that a customer had intent to purchase.

And, I'm sure that there have been plenty of people that have remained silent, observing from the sidelines until the pre-orders opened up... but it should've been pretty clear that we were compiling a list, so if they were interested, then they should have said something to us via youtube or email. We're trying to be as fair as possible here. I think that no matter what, we're going to upset someone, though! :(

Im looking forward to the list. Hopefully I'm near the top. But not stressing over it. Thanks for the update.

gfredrone said:
Moreover how do you even know who's who? What if I used a different email or name at checkout from what you have on this list?

It looks like, in most cases, either the name or email address in the notification request email matches either the name or email address in the order. Of course there could be situations when someone gets bumped backward by some amount, but we're trying to please as many people as possible, and we think that this is the way to do it.

Rotorpixel said:
And, I'm sure that there have been plenty of people that have remained silent, observing from the sidelines until the pre-orders opened up... but it should've been pretty clear that we were compiling a list, so if they were interested, then they should have said something to us via youtube or email. We're trying to be as fair as possible here. I think that no matter what, we're going to upset someone, though! :(


Hmmm... list of intent for pre-orders? I thought that pre-order is pretty strong indication of interest. Unfortunately I'm one of those silent people :( And you got my money already.
Rotorpixel said:
gfredrone said:
Moreover how do you even know who's who? What if I used a different email or name at checkout from what you have on this list?

It looks like, in most cases, either the name or email address in the notification request email matches either the name or email address in the order. Of course there could be situations when someone gets bumped backward by some amount, but we're trying to please as many people as possible, and we think that this is the way to do it.


What I've learned in life is, "you can't make everyone happy." :)
No way to please everyone, however expressing interest v placing an order and paying money upfront are two very different things and to quote Jerry McGuire "Show me the money!".
Seahorse said:
No way to please everyone, however expressing interest v placing an order and paying money upfront are two very different things and to quote Jerry McGuire "Show me the money!".

Yes, but everyone, including people who did/didn't ask to be on the notification list, "showed the money" essentially at the exact same time. So, we're saying that because everyone's pre-orders were in one massive explosion, peoples' positions in the order queue are not necessarily representative of how long they have been begging (in some cases) to place their pre-orders.

If we ship units out exactly as the orders came in, then lots of the people in this forum are going to be bumped way back. That just doesn't seem right.

[In hindsight, we should've made the site password protected, and staggered the notifications across the list.]

Your business looks to be in a position to expand with a product people clearly want, not a bad place to be even if you do have a supply and demand issue to resolve. :cool:
Keri, it's all your own fault for coming up with a product that everyone wants! How very dare you! ;)

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but I can sympathise with your position bearing in mind you were developing this blind to the level of interest it would generate, which means there was always going to be a lag between initial production run and subsequent more mass-produced runs once you have an idea of the interest (and some cash flow to put in a reasonable minimum order, set up tooling, etc).

But you'd probably get berated however you chose to manage your initial rush of pre-orders, either by those who'd been eagerly trying to throw you money for weeks and were late to the pre-order party, or by those who actually threw you real money the very minute the site went live but haven't been spamming your inbox for weeks. ;)

All I will say is compared to other manufacturer/suppliers (not only in gimbals, but in any technical and niche product) your communication with your potential/actual customers in a public forum has been exemplary and I think this bodes well for everyone in terms of ongoing support, firmware updates, accessories, etc.

I hope you get through the initial tsunami of orders pleasing most of the people, most of the time - and if you do get a spare minute in the coming days it would be great to get more info on how you are doing with assembly and orders getting out the door.

Thanks in advance for whenever I get mine!

Thats right.
Focus on production and shipping as many out possible
and get the money!
And like you said, good things come to people that can wait...

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