Jul 1, 2014
Reaction score
Arlington, Ky.
After only a few perfect flights today this unit would fail to perform proper compass calibration. First rotation would result in green light, second axis rotation would result in steady yellow light then go to green slow flashing. Even though the flight control lights would flash slow green and confirm GPS mode, it would still not fly a straight line and would yaw left or right without input from controller. Luckily I got her close enough to me on all 3 occasions to catch her by the skids and kill rotors. Crash avoided. I completed basic IMU calibration and advanced IMU calibration 3 times and my values where always between 1400-1500. Never seen anything like this in my life. Called and they advised to ship back and they would replace unit if it was defective or refund my money if I chose. They were told not to send this unit back no matter how it performed for them. To many times have I taken vehicles to the mechanic with a complaint and once they test drive it, it would function without fail only to leave me on the side of the road days or weeks later. I requested a complete replacement or refund. If I would have taken this bird to altitude there is no doubt there would have been a flyoff that would have resulted in a crash and loss of $1,400.00. Folks, pay attention to those flight control lights and make sure she will hold hover within a 3-5' radius. If she rolls or yaws in either direction get her down as fast as possible and get under her. There is no doubt I had one of the fly away V2+. So, far has been wonderful even though I was kind of an ***. I did call back and apologize to them personally as its not their fault, they didn't build the unit. So far nothing but good things to say about (Just received FedEx call tag, they even paying for shipping back to them!) I am sick because I am now without my V2+, I admit it I am now addicted to this aircraft.
If it makes you feel any better I had to replace my first unit from B&H after about a week. Glad you didn't crash though!!!!! I just wonder what the problem is. :?:
JWarren said:
Did you happen to notice how many satellites you were connected to?

That shouldn't make any difference to the compass. My Boy Scout compass from 1964 works without connecting to satellites.
JWarren said:
If it makes you feel any better I had to replace my first unit from B&H after about a week. Glad you didn't crash though!!!!! I just wonder what the problem is. :?:

I have no idea but it freaked me out 2 days ago. I was on a flight and all was going great. After about 10 mins of flight I brought her in to me at about 15' in altitude and around 10' in front of me. All the sudden she went on a hard right right roll in a 180 degree bank coming straight at my right side and just above my head. My hands were off the control unit and she was hauling *** right for me. I did a hail marry jump and caught her by the landing gear (bare in mind I am 6'7" tall and have a 3' reach and nearly as high vertical leap - even at the age of 47) Even though I had a hold of her skid she was pulling mighty hard so I was able to pull the left stick all the way down and hold it and the rotors killed. Scared me to death. I called it a day after that, one because my nerves were shot and 2 it was getting dark. I brought the unit home and was curious as to why she did that. i hooked her up to the assistant software and everything checked perfect. My calibration settings were between 1400-1600. All is as should be according to the assistant and I am operating on 3.04. I took the unit today and performed a new compass calibration, on the first 360 degree rotation the flight control lights turned green, placed unit nose down and completed counter clockwise axis rotation and the flight control lights tuned yellow steady then to slow green flashing. I found that unusual as I don't ever remember them turning yellow on the second axis rotation on the first few flights. I have only flown her 3 times and never in the same location so I always do a compass calibration to be on the safe side. I power cycled the unit completely twice today and completed yet another compass calibration with the yellow lights on the second nose down axis rotation. I took my chances, I had 8 satellites, and slow flashing green lights on flight control lights. I fired her up and brought her approx. 5' off the ground into a hover right in front of me. She hovered for approx. 3 secs and took off to the left and I brought her back and she took off again. I once again brought her back in front of me placed her into a hover and she took off the the left. I was able to regain control and get her just above my head and I grabbed the skid and shut her down. I called Dronefly and they send ship her back and they would check it out. But, if she flew correctly they would just send he back. I told them, "Hell No, I don't want her back!" I have had to many vehicles act up only to take to a mechanic and they not act up and then leave me on the side of the road a few days later. Be my luck she will fly fine for them and I get her back and get a few good flights and then act a fool again and wind up with a flyoff and huge repair bill. No thank you. They were instructed to send me a Brand New unit or give me a refund. I have no confidence in this unit and will never have after this episode.
JWarren said:
Did you happen to notice how many satellites you were connected to?

8 Satellites on the ground and never lost one. She was flashing slow green the entire time.
480sparky said:
JWarren said:
Did you happen to notice how many satellites you were connected to?

That shouldn't make any difference to the compass. My Boy Scout compass from 1964 works without connecting to satellites.

But it does make a difference in the pattern of lights if you are connected to less than 6. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
I believe the satellites are required for the phantom to know where she is and also to gain home lock. I am sure it also has to do with stability. But the compass is going to make sure she flies a straight line and keeps orientation. I think they are both equally important when flying GPS mode. But, yes I was in a wide open field with 8 sats on the ground after about a minute.

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