Red light in flight


Apr 25, 2016
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Hi folks
Has anyone experienced getting a red light when flying a little aggressive. Basically what I noticed was when I give the FC30 full throttle with full forward movement (or any direction) a red light popped on them as I backed off on the controls it went back to green. It did this on all 4 fully charged lipos I have ?
It had no flight issues, just a red light when giving it some.
You mean an FC40 right? Sounds to me like it's trying to tell you to take it easy because you're maxing out the battery draw. But I'm just guessing since I don't have an FC40.
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As Marknmd said but also if your batteries are on the older side it could be a sign they are starting to lose capacity to handle the current draw.
Keep a close eye on the flight times and don't fly too far away late in a flight as a sudden loss of power could be imminent.
I say this as I have had an experience where a battery dropped flight time by only a minute or so for a few flights and the LED flashed red when I used full power and then after being fully charged a flight ended suddenly 4 or 5 minutes early and it was a hard seach through acres of meter deep grass looking for my Phantom.
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Cheers for that.
Yeah I don't know how old these lipos are as I bought the quad secondhand.
Tine to invest in some multistar 4000 I think.
I've noticed a momentary red light while under load, but usually near the end of the flight. Never had it occur earlier than that.

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Yes!! I have had the same problem and tried 4 different batteries all 2200mAh and they all do the same thing, i have ordered some new 3000mAh batteries so hopefully they do the trick. Otherwise i have no idea why it is doing this?

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