Ram for processing 4k

When in Premier (and most other NLE's) you save a file that is all of your edit commands, when you want a file that is a video file that contains all of your edits you "render" it to a file that shows all of the things you did to it (color correction, titles, music, voice overs, ect.) as a final video. Hopes this makes sense. You want your original files on a different drive than the one you "render" to.
Why can't I open the file on my SSD, edit it, then save my finished video on my SSD, too?
You don't want the read process and write process on the same drive, video rendering is very, very ram and HD intensive and have your original files and your the file you are rendering on the same drive will really slow things down.
You might not as it appears you have Thunderbolt version 1
I read a comparison of the USB 3 vs Thunderbolt 1, and the speed is about the same. Shouldn't be able to tell the difference.
In the specs for your computer that I saw it said Thunderbolt. Thinking that it would say Thunderbolt 2 if that's what it was.
I don't think it has thunderbolt 2, either. At least I have USB3 slots. I just bought an external 1TB SSD drive that connects via USB3. I guess I will just have to be satisfied with it.
Do I have options to connect a small 4k monitor?
Thank you,
You don't want the read process and write process on the same drive, video rendering is very, very ram and HD intensive and have your original files and your the file you are rendering on the same drive will really slow things down.
I have 16 gb ram. Should I upgrade to 32? Thank you.
16GB is plenty, You won`t even use 8 of that. I have a i7 , 6 generation with 16GB and when rendering only 4GB of ram is used. The best bang for the buck for speed is a SSD drive.

Do I run my entire OS on the 1tb SSD, or dedicate it to editing software? I have it hooked up now via usb 3. It's the fastest connection I have. If I leave it dedicated to editing and store files, how do I load the editing software to the SSD?
Thank you for you advice.
Yes to OS and editing software on your SSD
I want to make sure I understand you. Are you suggesting that I run my O.S. and editing software both on my SSD, or just my editing software. I currently have just my editing software, and were also going to save all my 4k files on it.
Thank you,
Your SSD drive is very fast and to access all files needed to run your software, your OS and editing program talk to each other and thats why they have to be on the same drive. With regular disk drives it is faster to read from one drive and to wright to another, SSD drives can do it all on one drive faster then 2 disk drives. Your OS and all drivers must be on your SSD to achieve maximum speed. Usually with SSD drives you will have included software that can transfer your OS and operating system and configure all to the new SSD.
I just bought the following:
Phantom 4, 2 extra batteries, Case Club case, Extra Ram, External 1TB SSD, iPad Mini 4.
Therefore, I have spent all I can on my hobby.
What can I do with what I have in order to shoot in 4k and downsize to 1080? I don't mind if it's slow, as long as I can do it. I put my software on my SSD, and was going to process and save files on it, too. Will this even work?
I just bought the following:
Phantom 4, 2 extra batteries, Case Club case, Extra Ram, External 1TB SSD, iPad Mini 4.
Therefore, I have spent all I can on my hobby.
What can I do with what I have in order to shoot in 4k and downsize to 1080? I don't mind if it's slow, as long as I can do it. I put my software on my SSD, and was going to process and save files on it, too. Will this even work?
Yes this will work fine, in your premiere pro you will assemble your video, you have to learn this software first, the basics are not that hard to learn and keep the hard stuff for later. Make your first one short, I would just cut and assemble a few videos' with inserted fade types, you will have a time line to insert music if you wish. Once your video complete you will have the option to render your 4K into various output resolution and frame rate, etc. I use Corel Video Pro9 now so my output choice is chosen in the share video icon, your will have many many types of output choices. For my samsung TV the best image I can play is 1080p at 30fps, this rendered from a 4K native video gives me very good results.
BTW I have a pretty fast laptop and it takes me about 45 minutes of rendering for a 10 minute video.
BTW I have a pretty fast laptop and it takes me about 45 minutes of rendering for a 10 minute video.
Thank you so much for your help. I just need to go out and shoot a video and give it a try. I just finished assembling my kit, and haven't flown it yet. A little nervous about it. I'm still learning the controller on my bare P2. No gimbal or camera. Unhooked all of the gimbal and camera wires. Looks bare but neat. I really like it that way.

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