Phantom took off on its own, uncontrollable, crashed onto someone's car, bricked everything.

Boy did this thread get hijacked!!!!
Why not keep the AMA/FAA comments, arguing to your OWN thread????
Bunch of whiny old men!

Haven't seen anything positive come out you either BUD.
My personal impression is that GadgetGuy is not a fan of AMA. I joined without bothering to read the 200+ documents because $15 for a three-month trial membership seemed reasonable, and having an AMA number and a "Reward if found" phone number affixed to a label on my bird gives the impression that I'm trying to be a responsible operator. And if I have to pop another $5 to the FAA for yet another number to remain legitimate, so be it. I enjoy the hobby and have just picked up a couple of large R/C park model foamies to expand my enjoyment into fixed wings as well. I'm in this for the enjoyment, not the railing against authority that government regs have deemed necessary. After all, regulations in other countries are far more stringent and draconian. Go... Fly your bird(s), stay safe, and go with your personal feelings. But don't try to wag yours in my face.
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My personal impression is that GadgetGuy is not a fan of AMA. I joined without bothering to read the 200+ documents because $15 for a three-month trial membership seemed reasonable, and having an AMA number and a "Reward if found" phone number affixed to a label on my bird gives the impression that I'm trying to be a responsible operator. And if I have to pop another $5 to the FAA for yet another number to remain legitimate, so be it. I enjoy the hobby and have just picked up a couple of large R/C park model foamies to expand my enjoyment into fixed wings as well. I'm in this for the enjoyment, not the railing against authority that government regs have deemed necessary. After all, regulations in other countries are far more stringent and draconian. Go... Fly your bird(s), stay safe, and go with your personal feelings. But don't try to wag yours in my face.
AND you get the $5 refunded if you register within 30 days of 12/21, so for registering it is free.

I agree with you about the AMA and FAA registration. It may look like government meddling, and alot of trash, but I like the fact that I will be registered with the FAA and have an AMA membership so I can show this IF anything were to happen.
I also do NOT plan on trying to use the insurance policy (supplemental insurance) that the AMA touts... that is the whole idea of flying safe... BUT if I do, it is there to at least try to use.
I know alot of people here think this is just another attempt at government and an organization to control, but the other options available are not something that I want to experience.

It is just another way to get jealous neighbors or non-quad owners off my back also.

I don't want anyone here telling me that I have to think like they do either! Keep your personal feelings, like you said, to yourself and let ME make my own decisions!

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