Phantom Camera Feed Froze and Flight Controls Became Slow to Respond

Jun 4, 2017
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I had two problems that arose with my Phantom 4 Pro today. First, during my second flight after changing the battery, my video camera feed froze. Second, during my third flight after changing another spent battery, my Phantom started moving forward slowly despite applying full forward power on the stick, it took longer than usual for it to get to full speed. At one point, the UAV was almost not moving at all despite applying full forward pressure on the stick. After that, I aborted the flight. During both the second and third flights, my Samsung Galaxy tablet displayed a message that it could not charge the battery from the remote because the battery temperature was too high. It was partly sunny in my area and in the mid 80s Fahrenheit. My tablet was in a black protective case and I only briefly set the remote control on the silver metallic bench that I was sitting on to change the Phantom's batteries. I do get some WiFi interference messages while flying in the field that I use but as far as I could tell, it never impacted communication with the Phantom. As far as I can recall, the WiFi transmitters on my phone and tablet were switched off. Were the problems that I experienced due to the battery on my tablet or something else? Thanks.
I have a P4 Adv and flew it today and to my surprise the AC was behaving very similar of what are you describing, at one point I was moving the stick forward and the AC was moving slowly and at some points like a stop and go movement, I left go the stick and engage again and it moved ok. When bringing the AC down it was very slow and I got the stick almost to the floor and let go the stick and normal speed again. This is the first time this happened to me.

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