Phantom 3 Advanced Fcc mode in CE country

Dec 3, 2017
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More my curiosity than real need or else, I was wondering if there is any way to switch P3A to Fcc mode in Ce countries.
For the P3SE it was done just using fake gps and then it seems app 3.1.8 or previous don't switch back.
Thanx for anybody who will fulfill my curiosity!
What I meant was apparently it can be done but the drama you have to go through to do it just isn't worth it.
There's a thread on here somewhere that goes on for many pages about it.

I read other posts here, at least two, where it is stated that, as you say, it's a drama, but I haven't found what the drama really is yet! lol!
Can you link where it is explained please?
I know it's not a necessity for the ADV as it has become for the P3SE, but I was just wondering... maybe I'll have some time to check if the "fake gps" trick works! ;)
Thanks! :)
Tried to search but I still can't find any explaination on how to do it... only one post seem to have developed but there's noting more than some guess as far as I can see..
thank you!
I am following the only other thread where something is explained, but still there is no answear to "how", just "yes, it is possible"! lol!
Windserfers only direct signal, making it a bit stronger, they have nothing to do with fcc mode!
Ahhhhh, right. Thanks for that. So, other than greater distance, which a windsurfer gives, what are all the other benefits of operating under FCC over CE?

The main improvement from FCC mode is that tx and rx receive more power, resulting in a stronger signal, which does not only means "more distance" but also in less interferences issues!
Add to this that it is known that windsurfers don't grant any distance nor interferences resistence improvement as they only "direct signal waves", it migh be a big help if, for instance, you have tree between you and ac, will probably give no benefits if you are just standing on top of a hill with nothing between you and quad!
The main improvement from FCC mode is that tx and rx receive more power, resulting in a stronger signal, which does not only means "more distance" but also in less interferences issues!
Add to this that it is known that windsurfers don't grant any distance nor interferences resistence improvement as they only "direct signal waves", it migh be a big help if, for instance, you have tree between you and ac, will probably give no benefits if you are just standing on top of a hill with nothing between you and quad!
I have no idea how much experience you have of flying UAV's and DJI in particular, but you're you're sure talking inexperienced nonsense. What is "known" about windsurfers theoretically and "really known" in the real world are different. I simply wanted a more stable signal for my 3A but on the two occasions I've tested the improvement, the greatest distance I've achieved in the UK is 3 miles at 300ft over tree covered ground and close to 4 miles at 1000ft "elsewhere" in Europe before I lost signal. Anyway, you go right ahead and see if you can really get FCC to work in CE and please continue to let us know how you get on. In the meantime I'll carry on flying with my pointless windsurfer.
You know, FCC power mode and windsurfer are not exclusive. You can continue using your pointless windsurfer even in you have the output power increased.

Anyway, you won't find more comprehensive explanation on getting FCC on Ph3 pro/adv that the one I made here:
Changing P3P from CE to FCC. Is it possible?

(yes, I am proud of that post :p)
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You know, FCC power mode and windsurfer are not exclusive. You can continue using your pointless windsurfer even in you have the output power increased.

Anyway, you won't find more comprehensive explanation on getting FCC on Ph3 pro/adv that the one I made here:
Changing P3P from CE to FCC. Is it possible?

(yes, I am proud of that post :p)

Great...... so from what I can see, neither of these cracks, hack or whatever do not seem to actually work at the moment and you wouldn't be happy using one of them anyway?
Great...... so from what I can see, neither of these cracks, hack or whatever do not seem to actually work at the moment and you wouldn't be happy using one of them anyway?

It looks like you want to prove a point. Still, I have no idea what the point is and why you want so hard to prove it.

What I presented in that post is just information. If it's not interesting for you, you can just stay with the pointless windsurfer.
It looks like you want to prove a point. Still, I have no idea what the point is and why you want so hard to prove it.

What I presented in that post is just information. If it's not interesting for you, you can just stay with the pointless windsurfer.
You know, FCC power mode and windsurfer are not exclusive. You can continue using your pointless windsurfer even in you have the output power increased.

Anyway, you won't find more comprehensive explanation on getting FCC on Ph3 pro/adv that the one I made here:
Changing P3P from CE to FCC. Is it possible?

(yes, I am proud of that post :p)

You're 100% right and I'm following your thread and liked it a lot, it's full of interesting infos!! :D
I just found yours later, could not find it in my first search!

It might be that I'm speaking a language that's not mine and can't make it clear: I KNOW the benefits of windserfers, I DO have windserfers, but what they do is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from what switching to fcc can do!
Yes I'm not an expert, but I read and check what gather my interest and if you do a little search you will see what I mean.
Windserfer MAY let signal propagate better and so reach a bigger range, cons is that it will be affected more by wrong controller to quad orientation, depending on environment, space, etc. it might do nothing at all.
Fcc mode gives antennas more power, so it will not only GRANT bigger range under any circumstances, but it will also suffer less from interferences of any kind.
Hope I made it clear why I'm interested in this! lol!
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You're 100% right and I'm following your thread and liked it a lot, it's full of interesting infos!! :D
I just found yours later, could not find it in my first search!

It might be that I'm speaking a language that's not mine and can't make it clear: I KNOW the benefits of windserfers, I DO have windserfers, but what they do is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from what switching to fcc can do!
Yes I'm not an expert, but I read and check what gather my interest and if you do a little search you will see what I mean.
Windserfer MAY let signal propagate better and so reach a bigger range, cons is that it will be affected more by wrong controller to quad orientation, depending on environment, space, etc. it might do nothing at all.
Fcc mode gives antennas more power, so it will not only GRANT bigger range under any circumstances, but it will also suffer less from interferences of any kind.
Hope I made it clear why I'm interested in this! lol!
Right... thanks for that.
Personally, I'll stick to my £2 windsurfer to achieve pretty-much the same results, rather than messing about with the electronics/FW and potentially destroying the RC and having to fork-out for a replacement. But please, let us all know how you get along...

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