Phantom 2 Stopping distance

Jul 13, 2015
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United Kingdom
I have posted on a different thread about how my drone doesn't drift - however if I fly at a good speed and stop, it will keep going for a little while before losing enough speed to stop. Nobody seems to be able to solve this issue so I am now wondering whether my issue was normal, and I only just noticed it. So what IS the standard stopping distance for a Phantom? Say I travel at top speed for 10 seconds and then let go of controls, how many metres might it continue?
If I need to stop fast I hit reverse. Have had to do it several times. Debt perception with these guys is a little tough. Next time I fly I will try your request and let you know. I do know if I am full throttle and release it it does take a few for the quad to stop and hover. Did t consider it bad but will check.
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Thank you very much! Very reassuring to know someone else may test this also. I always flew it fine - then my brother (who also flew it) pointed out it had a large stopping distance. I made a thread - and now was wondering whether it was the norm that I had just forgotten about when my brother pointed it out... So thanks - this would help a lot!
GPS usually takes a bit to stop because it is meant for filming, if GPS mode stopped the drone very fast it would mess up and make the filming look bad
Mine stops quick, especially hard surfaces.
But in all seriousness - try gain settings. Set the Basic Gain Pitch = 180. The gain settings changes the reaction times.
I cant assure you because i have always flown with default settings. You need to be aware of consequences. Changing gain settings is an art, as too much gains may give you jello in the video and too little may give you unstable flight characteristics such as wobble.
GPS usually takes a bit to stop because it is meant for filming, if GPS mode stopped the drone very fast it would mess up and make the filming look bad

You have it backwards ATTI is best for filming not GPS.
I have posted on a different thread about how my drone doesn't drift - however if I fly at a good speed and stop, it will keep going for a little while before losing enough speed to stop. Nobody seems to be able to solve this issue so I am now wondering whether my issue was normal, and I only just noticed it. So what IS the standard stopping distance for a Phantom? Say I travel at top speed for 10 seconds and then let go of controls, how many metres might it continue?

I do the same as RoyVa when flying back at at full throttle.
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Sounds all good people! Evidently my drone is normal then - but I still could have sworn it used to stop instantly without pulling backwards...

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