P4 F-Stop 2.8

May 6, 2016
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Is it possible to adjust the camera's f-stop/aperture or is it fixed at 2.8?
It's fixed. If you want an adjustable aperture, you need an Inspire with an X5 camera.
Thanks. So the only way to adjust the exposure is to work with the shutter speed and perhaps ISO?
To get proper exposure in bright light, favor ND filters over cranking the shutter speed up. If possible, unless you're going for some special effect, keep the shutter pinned at or near 2x frame rate. Your viewers will thank you.
To get proper exposure in bright light, favor ND filters over cranking the shutter speed up. If possible, unless you're going for some special effect, keep the shutter pinned at or near 2x frame rate. Your viewers will thank you.

Definitely true for video. If you are shooting for stills then low ISO and fast shutter speeds give the best results, but will make the video look choppy.
Definitely true for video. If you are shooting for stills then low ISO and fast shutter speeds give the best results, but will make the video look choppy.

Ah yes, of course, thanks: this is video. (hence frame rate factor).

Shutter speed for stills is another matter altogether. Sometimes you want to freeze motion, sometimes you want to let it blur some for motion effect. If it's blur you want (slower shutter), and it's bright light, then ND is your friend for stills, too.
Ah yes, of course, thanks: this is video. (hence frame rate factor).

Shutter speed for stills is another matter altogether. Sometimes you want to freeze motion, sometimes you want to let it blur some for motion effect. If it's blur you want (slower shutter), and it's bright light, then ND is your friend for stills, too.

That's true - if you are looking for motion blur then you do need NDs. That will really only work for fast-moving objects though, since the platform is not steady enough to hold the other elements of the photo still with really long exposures.
That's true - if you are looking for motion blur then you do need NDs. That will really only work for fast-moving objects though, since the platform is not steady enough to hold the other elements of the photo still with really long exposures.
2 to 4 sec EV is possible with stills, and very effective in adding some attractive motion blur/softening to moving water. Works a treat on waterfalls and retreating water over rocks and sand around the ocean. Just be sure you are in a stable hover and take a few extra shots.
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2 to 4 sec EV is possible with stills, and very effective in adding some attractive motion blur/softening to moving water. Works a treat on waterfalls and retreating water over rocks and sand around the ocean. Just be sure you are in a stable hover and take a few extra shots.

That is very good to know - impressive stability.

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