P3P Playback?

...I may have answered my own question. I get how in Auto you can roll the slider to change the EV value. I just don't get why it's stuck at -2.0 (and not controllable).
When I'm in Auto I can only change the EV. When in in Manual, I can change shutter and ISO but can't change EV. It stays at -2.0.
Well, at least we got you back to control over the exposure. :cool:
Try using the right transmitter wheel to independently control either shutter or ISO, which should change the EV. Are you doing this in Video mode or Camera mode?
In video mode.

EV mode changes in Auto when you turn the right wheel. In Manual the wheel controls shutter and ISO (pressing the wheel in). But, in manual the EV is set at -2.0 and cannot be changed. Perhaps this is normal?

Lastly, thanks for the hand holding. I am very grateful for all your help.
In video mode.

EV mode changes in Auto when you turn the right wheel. In Manual the wheel controls shutter and ISO (pressing the wheel in). But, in manual the EV is set at -2.0 and cannot be changed. Perhaps this is normal?

Lastly, thanks for the hand holding. I am very grateful for all your help.

What mode did you shoot the original washed out video in, Auto or Manual?
I don't think you mentioned in your original post.

If you are mainly going to be viewing/editing on a PC then switch the format to MP4 and try viewing with VLC Media Player. MOV is more of a Mac format.
In video mode.

. But, in manual the EV is set at -2.0 and cannot be changed. Perhaps this is normal?

Lastly, thanks for the hand holding. I am very grateful for all your help.

Yes this is normal. If you see a minus ... or plus value, this is just the P3 light meter telling you that it believes you are under (minus value) or over exposed. Adjust your other settings and you will see this value change, when it reads '0', it is at an exposure value, that would be achieved if you actually had it in Auto mode.

When it reads '0', it is the exposure that the P3 believes is the right exposure. I hope that's clear!!
Okay, makes sense. Thanks again for the help.

EPT160. I bet I had it in manual and swung the wheel. User error.

Okay, makes sense. Thanks again for the help.

EPT160. I bet I had it in manual and swung the wheel. User error.

You can always correct overexposure by changing the available settings to reduce the light hitting the sensor. However, if it is too dark, and you have already maxed out all the settings (slowest shutter, and highest ISO, which is 3200 for video, but only 1600 for still shots), you cannot increase the negative EV without adding light to your subject. There is no flash on the P3P. :cool: If you are doing your testing now indoors in a dark room, -2 EV may be as good as you can get without turning on a light which illuminates what the P3P camera is focused on.

I suspect your original video was in Auto, and you then inadvertently rolled the exposure wheel to the right, which then overexposed the recorded video. Easy to do! Use it for good, rather than evil! ;) Monitor the onscreen Histogram to keep your video well within the left and right margins. Dial in exposure compensation with the wheel as needed.
please google ' k-lite codec pack' - its a great bundle of most recent codec for most format. download the full (free) and install....no more slow or weird speed video playback. Cheers!

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