Oil refinery uses

Sep 17, 2016
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I'm a firefighter/medic in an oil refinery that has been tasked with looking into implementation of a drone to use for various safety and inspection jobs. I have zero experience with drones, so I'm looking for help in ways to train, implement, and use a drone in our setting. TYA
I used to work in a refinery in the UK, I doubt the owners of this refinery would have allowed a Quadcopter to fly over. All equipment had to be specially designed to be intrinsically safe, the Phantom most certainly is not.
We were not allowed mobile phones,only purely mechanical cameras, or specially designed ones were allowed, but I presume a risk assessment before flight would be OK.

You may need to obtain a permit/license, it could be construed you are flying commercially.
However you have come to the right place to gain knowledge,if your employer is paying for the Quad, then the inspire would be a good choice.
Wish I could be employed to fly a Quad.
I'm a firefighter/medic in an oil refinery that has been tasked with looking into implementation of a drone to use for various safety and inspection jobs. I have zero experience with drones, so I'm looking for help in ways to train, implement, and use a drone in our setting. TYA

I am also a firefighter working in the oil and gas industry so I might be able to help a little with your query. First, anyone planning on flying will need to comply with part 107. This includes obtaining the PIC license and either adhering to or obtaining waivers for visual line of sight, daytime flights, and also not flying over people directly involved in the flight operations. Additionally, I assume your facility is governed by PSM so proper steps will have to be taken to ensure that you are in compliance. I recommend that you contact the different departments dealing with regulations in your company to obtain a greater understanding of the hurdles you will face.
Refineries are part of the critical infrastructure that we are not permitted to overfly. So a waiver would be required from the FAA.
I'm a firefighter/medic in an oil refinery that has been tasked with looking into implementation of a drone to use for various safety and inspection jobs. I have zero experience with drones, so I'm looking for help in ways to train, implement, and use a drone in our setting. TYA
, then the inspire would be a good choice.
Wish I could be employed to fly a Quad.
The inspire would be absolutely one of the last on a list to consider, or not consider at all, it has zero redundancy.
Read the Inspire forums and see if an inspire would instil confidence in you or not, flying this often crashing 3kg brick around process pipelines.

If you are flying around critical structures you want as much redundancy in as possible.
There are good few systems around which have good redundancy, this is one for example.
AscTec Neo /// Most advanced, fully redundant research UAV
If you are in the UK or Ireland send me a PM, I fly and have worked in inspection, offshore and in refineries and tank farms and can try to to better help you out.
What is your location? We have a refinery close to my location and I have flown at the perimeter of it and even a little over it. Plant security was right there and had no problem with it. Did the shoot with a DJI Phantom 3 Pro. I have an Inspire as well but really consider my P3 (I own 6) preferable for a shoot like this because of battery life and simplicity. Wondering what you would be shooting or recording in this refinery. This is just my opinion but I have hundreds of hours shooting construction, buildings and facilities. BTW I am FAA rated and carry $1mm liability insurance...fully compliant.
I work in an oil refinery. Drones are used at my facility quite regularly for visual tank roof, vessel and tower inspections. Heck, one time the flare went out and the a drone was used with a road flare dangling from it to light the pilot light. They come in very handy for all kinds of jobs. The way we handle it is hot work permits must be issued by the responsible operators where the drone will be operated. However, we do not operate the drones ourselves. A local outfit comes in and does the actual flying. They must sign a NDA of course. I might add the refinery leadership team is thinking about buying a couple to use ourselves rather than paying for contractors though.

Hope this helps... drill baby drill
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