NYPD Where’s their Waiver? 107.39

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May 25, 2016
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I received a email trim IDRA with a link to an article about the NYPD planning to fly over crowds during the 4th of July, also at night. I checked and did not see any evidence of FAA approval, links below.
Can anyone show proof of their FAA waiver? Just curious.

List of 107.39 waivers granted
Part 107 Waivers Issued

NYPD Article
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They are likely flying under a PAO COA type authorizations.
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As @N017RW stated they are probably flying under a Public Use COA and when you get your COA you build any "waiverable" actions into it. They take longer to get approved and "built" but once your COA is in place it makes life so much easier from a Public Safety standpoint.

Also if they are only flying under Part 107 a Public Entity still has the option to call and request a SGI (Special Government Interest) and get nearly instant approval for "Waiverable" actions that you'll not see on the FAA "Approved Waivers" list.
As @N017RW stated they are probably flying under a Public Use COA and when you get your COA you build any "waiverable" actions into it. They take longer to get approved and "built" but once your COA is in place it makes life so much easier from a Public Safety standpoint.

Also if they are only flying under Part 107 a Public Entity still has the option to call and request a SGI (Special Government Interest) and get nearly instant approval for "Waiverable" actions that you'll not see on the FAA "Approved Waivers" list.

Or, knowing the NYPD's general arrogance, they are doing as they please under the notion that "we are law enforcement so nothing we do is illegal and we shall continue to do so until the supreme court says otherwise", then they do as they please anyway but call it something else.

It would be interesting to see of a paper trail will ever be found.

The NYPD also has a habit of being absurdly pedantic about FOIL requests, then when they do hit the mark, turning them down. So don't hold your breath, y'all...
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Yes BigAl07 probably an existing COA a SGI but with the NYPD I'm kinda inclined to think Bad Andy could be just as likely correct.
Hard to say.
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Yes BigAl07 probably an existing COA a SGI but with the NYPD I'm kinda inclined to think Bad Andy could be just as likely correct.
Hard to say.

Definitely much more satisfying, based on zero evidence, to assume that they were operating illegally.
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The NYPD also has a habit of being absurdly pedantic about FOIL requests, then when they do hit the mark, turning them down. So don't hold your breath, y'all
Actually, I would be more inclined to assume that being the PD of the largest city in the United States, it's very likely that they cross all their T's and dot all their 'i's

And I'll just assume that you meant to say 'FOIA'... ?
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Actually, I would be more inclined to assume that being the PD of the largest city in the United States, it's very likely that they cross all their T's and dot all their 'i's

And I'll just assume that you meant to say 'FOIA'... ?
Ask a cyclist in New York how the NYPD crosses their t or dots their i.
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Actually, I would be more inclined to assume that being the PD of the largest city in the United States, it's very likely that they cross all their T's and dot all their 'i's

And I'll just assume that you meant to say 'FOIA'... ?
I believe FOIA (Act) is federal while FOIL (Law) is a state thing.
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Ask a cyclist in New York how the NYPD crosses their t or dots their i.

That cyclist would have to come down here, I wouldn't go to New York City for love nor money
Definitely much more satisfying, based on zero evidence, to assume that they were operating illegally.
Let me put it to you this way: I live here. You don't.

But since I'm sure you're not going to leave it at that, do keep reading, please...

Actually, I would be more inclined to assume that being the PD of the largest city in the United States, it's very likely that they cross all their T's and dot all their 'i's And I'll just assume that you meant to say 'FOIA'... ?
FOIA, FOIL, tomayto, tomato. The answer is Google-able. I'll spare you the snarky LMGTFY link.

I'd be inclined to assume that the authorities of a city of 100,000 in Michigan could provide safe drinking water. But those of you who haven't been living in a cave in the Andean Mountains know how well that worked out.

If there's one thing wrong with this forum software, by the way, it doesn't have nearly enough emoticons to express gut-busting drink-spraying floor-pounding hysterical laughter.

Here, allow me to show you a current example of how the NYPD crosses their "T"s and dots their "I"s...

The TL;DR version is that the NYPD is running checkpoints but calling them "step-out initiatives", thereby side-stepping all the constitutional and legal reporting requirements that come with operating checkpoints, and making it all FOIL (and FOIA, LOL) -proof.

And to the extent that dangerd said "ask a cyclist in New York how the NYPD crosses their t or dots their i" and you yourself wrote "that cyclist would have to come down here, I wouldn't go to New York City for love nor money", I would like to mention that the tactic being contested in the above linked legal action has been used for almost a decade by the NYPD's HWY, CTTF and ordinary precinct cops to conduct checkpoints to pull over all motorcycle riders, without cause, and royally screwing up traffic for everyone just to make them hate motorcycles more than they already do, to go on fishing expeditions and not just ticket but impound bikes for silly crap like license plate lamps or missing reflectors.

Being a motorcyclist, I don't think I should have to explain to you folks how I feel about this.

Two summers ago I filed a complaint with IAB about one HWY cop who wrote me a fraudulent summons (in one of those checkpoints that aren't checkpoints, LOL). Thanks solely to beautiful full-HD helmet camera video, IAB had his command strike the summons, but somehow exonerated the officer of any wrongdoing. Talk about crossing those "T"s and dotting their "I"s. Actually, no, wait, they did say they would give the officer instruction on "how to write a better supporting deposition". Seriously. I'll upload the sound clip if you think I'm [Language removed by Moderator] here.

And no, folks on pushbikes aren't faring any better. Every time a motorist kills one here, the NYPD goes on a ticket-writing campaign against... {drumroll...} bicyclists. Whereupon they receive very meaningful tickets like felony not having a ringy ringy thingy on your handlebar.

I could go on about how the NYPD's systemic corruption and its literal allergy to proper conduct, due diligence and reporting has directly affected my family going back five decades. Truly the stuff of crime dramas. Stuff that's in newspaper articles, legal textbooks, etc. Stuff that if you watched a program about it and you saw "based on a true story" in the ending, you'd be slack-jawed in horrified disbelief. You wouldn't sleep that night, and you'd never trust another cop again. But this is not the place.

So, folks,[Language removed by Moderator] your "T"s and "I"s, your inclinations, your suppositions about evidence, your assumptions, your generally misplaced blind trust.

Oh, and, fly safe. :)
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Being a motorcyclist, I don't think I should have to explain to you folks how I feel about this.
This being a Phantom drone forum I don't think you should have to explain it to us either... but you did anyway, in detail.
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Let me put it to you this way: I live here. You don't.

But since I'm sure you're not going to leave it at that, do keep reading, please...

FOIA, FOIL, tomayto, tomato. The answer is Google-able. I'll spare you the snarky LMGTFY link.

I'd be inclined to assume that the authorities of a city of 100,000 in Michigan could provide safe drinking water. But those of you who haven't been living in a cave in the Andean Mountains know how well that worked out.

If there's one thing wrong with this forum software, by the way, it doesn't have nearly enough emoticons to express gut-busting drink-spraying floor-pounding hysterical laughter.

Here, allow me to show you a current example of how the NYPD crosses their "T"s and dots their "I"s...

The TL;DR version is that the NYPD is running checkpoints but calling them "step-out initiatives", thereby side-stepping all the constitutional and legal reporting requirements that come with operating checkpoints, and making it all FOIL (and FOIA, LOL) -proof.

And to the extent that dangerd said "ask a cyclist in New York how the NYPD crosses their t or dots their i" and you yourself wrote "that cyclist would have to come down here, I wouldn't go to New York City for love nor money", I would like to mention that the tactic being contested in the above linked legal action has been used for almost a decade by the NYPD's HWY, CTTF and ordinary precinct cops to conduct checkpoints to pull over all motorcycle riders, without cause, and royally screwing up traffic for everyone just to make them hate motorcycles more than they already do, to go on fishing expeditions and not just ticket but impound bikes for silly crap like license plate lamps or missing reflectors.

Being a motorcyclist, I don't think I should have to explain to you folks how I feel about this.

Two summers ago I filed a complaint with IAB about one HWY cop who wrote me a fraudulent summons (in one of those checkpoints that aren't checkpoints, LOL). Thanks solely to beautiful full-HD helmet camera video, IAB had his command strike the summons, but somehow exonerated the officer of any wrongdoing. Talk about crossing those "T"s and dotting their "I"s. Actually, no, wait, they did say they would give the officer instruction on "how to write a better supporting deposition". Seriously. I'll upload the sound clip if you think I'm bull****ing here.

And no, folks on pushbikes aren't faring any better. Every time a motorist kills one here, the NYPD goes on a ticket-writing campaign against... {drumroll...} bicyclists. Whereupon they receive very meaningful tickets like felony not having a ringy ringy thingy on your handlebar.

I could go on about how the NYPD's systemic corruption and its literal allergy to proper conduct, due diligence and reporting has directly affected my family going back five decades. Truly the stuff of crime dramas. Stuff that's in newspaper articles, legal textbooks, etc. Stuff that if you watched a program about it and you saw "based on a true story" in the ending, you'd be slack-jawed in horrified disbelief. You wouldn't sleep that night, and you'd never trust another cop again. But this is not the place.

So, folks, **** your "T"s and "I"s, your inclinations, your suppositions about evidence, your assumptions, your generally misplaced blind trust.

Oh, and, fly safe. :)

That's an awfully long post to confirm your complete lack of evidence that they were operating illegally. Are you trying to bore us into submission?
That's an awfully long post to confirm your complete lack of evidence that they were operating illegally. Are you trying to bore us into submission?
LOL. I can play that game too. Do present evidence that the NYPD is in compliance. Please.

Some folks are dangerously naive about how the NYPD operates. That seems to include you. All the department cares about, from the top, is looking good in Compstat with the least possible amount of effort.

IAB is so busy trying to get rid of the cops running protection rackets, brothels and drug rings that they have no time to deal with minor little things like, oh, compliance with FAA regulations. One of the boneheads who screwed with us, was convicted a few years later in connection with bribes and extortion (read: protection racket) along with a half dozen other ranking officers. Big shock, LOL.

The NYPD does as it pleases, Constitution of the United States be damned, until it is successfully sued to change their ways. The "Stop, Question & Frisk" policy being one fine example of exactly that. You should read up on that, Adrian Schoolcraft, etc. It would make your head spin.

And the city still pays out hundreds of millions every year on claims against the NYPD for various civil rights and other violations. Compliance with regulatory paperwork - which my prior post made clear is something the NYPD goes to surprising lengths to avoid - is way way down on IAB's list of priorities - which also should have been abundantly clear with the exoneration of a rogue cop as well as everyone else conducting that checkpoint that was not called a checkpoint. That's just how it is.

But hey, you go right ahead believing the NYPD is eager to cross their "T"s and dot their "I"s, along with believing in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, maybe the Tooth Fairy. Whatever gets you through the night...
Let me put it to you this way: I live here. You don't.

But since I'm sure you're not going to leave it at that, do keep reading, please...

FOIA, FOIL, tomayto, tomato. The answer is Google-able. I'll spare you the snarky LMGTFY link.

I'd be inclined to assume that the authorities of a city of 100,000 in Michigan could provide safe drinking water. But those of you who haven't been living in a cave in the Andean Mountains know how well that worked out.

If there's one thing wrong with this forum software, by the way, it doesn't have nearly enough emoticons to express gut-busting drink-spraying floor-pounding hysterical laughter.

Here, allow me to show you a current example of how the NYPD crosses their "T"s and dots their "I"s...

The TL;DR version is that the NYPD is running checkpoints but calling them "step-out initiatives", thereby side-stepping all the constitutional and legal reporting requirements that come with operating checkpoints, and making it all FOIL (and FOIA, LOL) -proof.

And to the extent that dangerd said "ask a cyclist in New York how the NYPD crosses their t or dots their i" and you yourself wrote "that cyclist would have to come down here, I wouldn't go to New York City for love nor money", I would like to mention that the tactic being contested in the above linked legal action has been used for almost a decade by the NYPD's HWY, CTTF and ordinary precinct cops to conduct checkpoints to pull over all motorcycle riders, without cause, and royally screwing up traffic for everyone just to make them hate motorcycles more than they already do, to go on fishing expeditions and not just ticket but impound bikes for silly crap like license plate lamps or missing reflectors.

Being a motorcyclist, I don't think I should have to explain to you folks how I feel about this.

Two summers ago I filed a complaint with IAB about one HWY cop who wrote me a fraudulent summons (in one of those checkpoints that aren't checkpoints, LOL). Thanks solely to beautiful full-HD helmet camera video, IAB had his command strike the summons, but somehow exonerated the officer of any wrongdoing. Talk about crossing those "T"s and dotting their "I"s. Actually, no, wait, they did say they would give the officer instruction on "how to write a better supporting deposition". Seriously. I'll upload the sound clip if you think I'm bull****ing here.

And no, folks on pushbikes aren't faring any better. Every time a motorist kills one here, the NYPD goes on a ticket-writing campaign against... {drumroll...} bicyclists. Whereupon they receive very meaningful tickets like felony not having a ringy ringy thingy on your handlebar.

I could go on about how the NYPD's systemic corruption and its literal allergy to proper conduct, due diligence and reporting has directly affected my family going back five decades. Truly the stuff of crime dramas. Stuff that's in newspaper articles, legal textbooks, etc. Stuff that if you watched a program about it and you saw "based on a true story" in the ending, you'd be slack-jawed in horrified disbelief. You wouldn't sleep that night, and you'd never trust another cop again. But this is not the place.

So, folks, **** your "T"s and "I"s, your inclinations, your suppositions about evidence, your assumptions, your generally misplaced blind trust.

Oh, and, fly safe. :)
Ever hear the phrase "The worlds largest criminal gang."? So there you go.
Ever hear the phrase "The worlds largest criminal gang."? So there you go.
As I read this article linked below, I can hear "The Sidestep" in my head...

The NYPD, crossing those "T"s as always, with criminally defective record keeping, and dotting the "I"s with not even bothering to respond to nearly a third of FOIL requests.

By the way, that thing about the spoofers is really creepy and didn't get nearly enough discussion in the article. If you have an app on your phone like the NYCLU app, which records audio and video to cloud servers so that your evidence isn't destroyed if police confiscate and "misplace" or "accidentally damage" your smartphone, it becomes useless if the NYPD can screw with cellphone comms.

Your rants against the NYPD have nothing to do with drones, waivers, or FAA compliance.

You've turned this thread into your own personal soapbox, and obviously have a chip on your shoulder against the NYPD.

I made the comment about crossing T's and dotting I's in relation to DRONES (remember drones?) and FAA compliance, not the overall culture of the entire force.

Please take your vitriol against the NYPD elsewhere, unless you have evidence that they are flying DRONES illegally.
Listen, I’m not saying that whoever is in charge of the UAV division at NYLD is not flying legally I’m just going to point out how well they know about vehicular law on the streets which has been around for a good hundred years,

So you just have to wonder what they do when they get in the sky and “fly over the crowd”, as the article says.
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