notam question

Jul 29, 2016
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So Cal
Hi all. According to the FAA website a couple of days ago, notam 6/2475 there is a tfr in my area due to the sand fire. According to the website the tfr started on July 26th and ends on October 1st 2016. When I go to the FAA website today the notam is not listed on the site. Does this mean it has ended or am I missing something?
You're missing something. 6/2475 NOTAM Details


I didn't phrase that well. The NOTAM isn't on the FAA website list of NOTAM's anymore. Since I already knew the NOTAM # I could search and find it. As of last night (after I posted this question), the NOTAM was not on the web site, but now there is a new one for the area.

So, let me try again..... The original NOTAM was no longer on the FAA website list of NOTAMs. If I didn't already know there was a NOTAM for the area I would've flown in an area where there is a TFR. If there wasn't a new NOTAM issued, would the original NOTAM still be in effect even though it was not on the FAA website?
Considering the area, and the news over the weekend that a P4 was flying in the area (In Violation of the TFR) until the battery died (yes, there IS video) and someone turned it over to the authorities, and... most importantly it's a Forest Fire!

I would call Lockheed Martin Flight Services, Triple Check every available resource, including calling the PIO of the Incident Commander, to ensure that it was OK to fly before I lifted off.

And finally, just in case something changed in the 15 minutes it took to make those phone-calls, I would check again, via an app... just before launch to ensure there was no TFR in place.

While you're flying, I would have a crew member who is NOT the VLOS checking constantly for a Pop-UP TFR, or I would have com's with ATC via a handheld radio to make sure I knew if conditions changed, and I had to scramble home.

CYA!!! :(
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I was under the impression that when there is a TFR in an area that the Phantom treats this as a No Fly Zone and won't arm the aircraft if IN that area and if outside will not enter into the TFR area. Am I correct in this or is this only in future releases etc?
Without an internet connection or ADS-B, there is no way for the Phantom software to get current TFRs.
Considering the area, and the news over the weekend that a P4 was flying in the area (In Violation of the TFR) until the battery died (yes, there IS video) and someone turned it over to the authorities, and... most importantly it's a Forest Fire!

I would call Lockheed Martin Flight Services, Triple Check every available resource, including calling the PIO of the Incident Commander, to ensure that it was OK to fly before I lifted off.

And finally, just in case something changed in the 15 minutes it took to make those phone-calls, I would check again, via an app... just before launch to ensure there was no TFR in place.

While you're flying, I would have a crew member who is NOT the VLOS checking constantly for a Pop-UP TFR, or I would have com's with ATC via a handheld radio to make sure I knew if conditions changed, and I had to scramble home.

CYA!!! :(

Good advice. Except the part about radioing the ATC. That's a no-no without a license. What would the call sign be?
Without an internet connection or ADS-B, there is no way for the Phantom software to get current TFRs.

Huh? I think you're mistaken here at least partially.

DJI GEO System - Up-to-date Information On Where to Fly

"DJI’s Geospatial Environment Online (GEO) provides DJI flyers with up-to-date guidance on areas where flight may be limited by regulation or raise safety concerns. In addition to airport location information, flyers will have real-time access to live information on temporary flight restrictions due to forest fires, major stadium events, VIP travel, and other changing circumstances. The GEO system also includes locations such as prisons, nuclear power plants and other sensitive areas where flying may raise non-aviation security concerns.

GEO by default limits flights into or take-off within locations that raise safety or security concerns."

Of course if you haven't had your tablet/ap on the internet to get the latest flight data a "new" TFR might not be in the system. The majority of us at least update to get the latest maps etc before heading out to the flying site at which time new TFR/Restriction data would be downloaded to the tablet/ap.

If you are "authorized" to fly within a restricted area DJI does have a way to request and get the needed work around to do this but it's cumbersome and for a specific time period in a specific area but it can be done if you NEED to and are AUTHORIZED to fly in that area.

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