No RTH with p3p??

Apr 26, 2017
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Purchased a used P3P yesterday and tested it today. Everything was fine until I tested the rth. Started to land directly below where it was. I took over manual control and brought it home. I double-checked for satellites, battery level and height setting. All we're good. What am I missing?
That will happen if you're less than 20m (65ft) from the Home Point. If you were more than 20m away, you need to check the settings in the app for can be set to RTH/hover/land. Default setting is RTH.
If it was 65 feet or less away from you at the time, it did what it is supposed to. If it was further away, it is likely that you took off before home point was recorded. Always wait for "her" to announce that home point has been recorded before lifting off.
That will happen if you're less than 20m (65ft) from the Home Point. If you were more than 20m away, you need to check the settings in the app for can be set to RTH/hover/land. Default setting is RTH.

I was at least 200' away. I'm having trouble finding the rth setting you referred to. Can you help emwith that?
Only thing that I can think of is that I did not allow home point positioning to be set. I'll test again later. RTH setting was set for "return home ".
Only thing that I can think of is that I did not allow home point positioning to be set. I'll test again later. RTH setting was set for "return home ".
Perhaps you triggered autoland instead of RTH?
It should be possible to see from your flight log.
Go to
Follow the instructions to upload your flight record.
Come back and post a link to the report it provides.
There is no such setting for RTH.
You are confusing this with the setting for Loss of SIgnal options.
Quite right!...I woke up in the middle of the night and realised I'd given wrong information. :oops::(
I was going to correct it this morning, but you've done it for me, :)
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