no gps signal

Jul 5, 2016
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I calibrated the remote and drone multiple times and it continues to say that I can't fly due to the lack of gps signal. I have tried switching modes but the motors just won't turn on
Did this happen right out of the box? Or, is there more to this story?
my friend doesn't use it anymore so he gave it to me and he said he's had problems with the gps signal before and that's all there is to it
Perhaps the GPS antenna is cracked and/or it's disconnected. We're only going to be able to take stabs at this since there is no back story.
I calibrated the remote and drone multiple times and it continues to say that I can't fly due to the lack of gps signal. I have tried switching modes but the motors just won't turn on

What message do you exactly get if you try to fly with switch on A mode?
Replace the GPS antenna and/or reconnect it.
You'll need to first diagnose the problem. Like I said, I'm simply taking an educated guess here. If you're not sure what you're doing, it might be best to send it to a repair shop.
a few months, however someone else bought it for him and we don't have any of the warranty information
Next question is how handle are you. If not do like Msinger said find a good hobby shop that can work on them. Msinger might be able to help locate one in your area.

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