New Phantom firmware 1.6

TC Malker, where do you live? Is there any law/rule in altitude limit where you fly?

I am wondering about people living in countries in altitude restriction such as 400ft/120m, where they want to fly much higher than they are allowed. I see the P3 has ability to fly higher than 500m, but manufacturer DJI restricts the altitude to 500m, and then the country restricts the altitude even further to 120m, but they still want to fly higher than 500m. Why?

An example is the car I used to own has top speed of about 280km/h. The manufacturer electronically restricts the top speed to 250km/h. Then the government put a top speed limit of 110km/h in the highway. So the fasted I should be travelling is 110km/h. I don't see the point of me having to drive at 250km/h at all. Even in a private race track where there is no such speed restriction, I don't see the point of driving at 280km/h.
I live in the United States. Why do people want to fly higher than 500m? Because they want to fly above the skies. It's just cool as hell. As for the altitude restriction / speed limit, I treat them as recommendations or suggestions. I know what is safe or unsafe and its up to me to decide, not the govment. As an example, today when I tested the altitude test, I know there isn't any airports or airplanes nearby. So it's completely safe to fly as high as I want. Tomorrow I'm going to try to take pictures of the Camel Rocks, anybody heard of that?
I know what is safe or unsafe and its up to me to decide, not the govment. As an example, today when I tested the altitude test, I know there isn't any airports or airplanes nearby. So it's completely safe to fly as high as I want.
Because everyone knows that planes and helicopters only circle close to airports and never transit between them.
I actually went out and flew today, thank you very much. Tested the is indeed maxed out at 500m. What a bummer! The good thing though is that it went above the cloud. I guess they chose 500m because the clouds are a little below that.

edited: actually I'm not sure it went above the clouds. It was very foggy...couldn't see when it was above 300ft. Then a few minutes later I was above something...not sure fog or clouds. Must go higher somehow!


ill explain then if needed
Because everyone knows that planes and helicopters only circle close to airports and never transit between them.
I'm no pilot, but everybody knows that airplane cruising altitude is between 30,000 - 40,000 ft. So yeah, it's safe for me to fly it 10000ft, my goal.
I'm no pilot, but everybody knows that airplane cruising altitude is between 30,000 - 40,000 ft. So yeah, it's safe for me to fly it 10000ft, my goal.
TC ... you are a complete goose and have very little idea what you are talking about.
Passenger jets cruise at high altitudes .. but there are plenty of smaller planes that aren't even pressurised and fly a lot lower than that.
With your appalling lack of knowledge combined with your supreme self-confidence, you're the last person that should be deciding how high it is safe for you to fly.
Nothing like making stuff up so you can biach about it!

Why are you so angry?

I have my 5 th phantom ready to go out as we speak and fly . The other 4 are ready to go also or sold.
somehow they survived all this supposed dji crap you are whining about.

just go fly and enjoy
or don't!
just a question why would anyone need 5 phantoms??!!!
Hey guy my house near 2 airports, one international and other is just like a private airport. One big located around 5.6 mile from my house, another small private one is 2.5 mile. Can i fly above 120 m? How to break the restricted
TC, most general aviation aircraft fly below 10,000 ft ASL. You are risking other people's lives through your childish actions.
I mean i am not going to fly to high just enough to take a picture of the whole community roughly about 200-300 m
I wouldnt let him wind you all up. Looking at his posts, it seems to me that hes deliberately being inflammatory to seek attention. No-one could be that stupid.
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Do you have AutoPilot IPA extract? Please sharing. I don't mind his word cause' it doesn't cost any cent of mine.
Chitaijack ... in future start a new thread for your inquiries rather than hijacking someone else's.

Hey guy my house near 2 airports, one international and other is just like a private airport. One big located around 5.6 mile from my house, another small private one is 2.5 mile. Can i fly above 120 m? How to break the restricted
Seems like you don't know much about your Phantom.
You have a lot of reading to do and plenty of practice flights before you start trying to zip off into the skies.
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And sharing Autopulots IPA, if you can fix it, is called stealing. That's a paid for App, that took someone a lot of time and effort to code. If you want it, buy it.
That's nice that they slow down my phantom so when I'm flying in windy conditions it will have a hard time making it back to me it looks like they did it also to the inspire 1 I hope they get this problem fixed the way I Read the release notes is that it will slow it down the colder it is outside at least that's what I'm hoping on.
That's nice that they slow down my phantom so when I'm flying in windy conditions it will have a hard time making it back to me it looks like they did it also to the inspire 1 I hope they get this problem fixed the way I Read the release notes is that it will slow it down the colder it is outside at least that's what I'm hoping on.
DJI's biggest problem is users that read between the lines things that aren't there and then create problems that don't exist.
Reread the release notes to get the context.
Then go out and test your Phantom and see how much it has slowed before you decide it's a problem.

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