New Advanced Owner

Nov 5, 2017
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Hey all. Flew my first Quad a few weeks ago and had the 4 Advanced since last week. This stuff is a lot of fun. I would have gotten into serious trouble about 20 years ago with one of these things. A little older now, it amazes me what you can see above the treeline. Even got my first operator error crash in a few days ago. I've often wondered if I will die from a heart attack. That day I might have come close! She's insured but I'd rather not use it just yet. I got overconfident and hit the corner of the carport resulting in the battery coming out, two white plastic covers on the landing gear coming off, the front lights no longer illuminate, and a propeller detaching. I put it back together, did a restart, and everything but the front lights checked out OK. Did a lengthy calibration and firmware update and she's just as nimble as new. Pretty durable. I expected to crash it at least once. This is to be expected with something you have to learn how to operate. Now that I've given you something to rib me about, its over to another branch of the tree to figure out how to fix it and buy parts.
P.S. Roxxy is "her" name. Lol
Knowing how much those sensors help in flying the Phantom 4 Pro I was sorry to see that they offered the advanced without the sensors as the sensors helped so many of out when you first get started learning to fly.. good luck to Roxxy .
Welcome to the forum .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .:)
Welcome to Phantom Pilots! :)
I like this place already. Corrected the front lights under 24 hours with the help of others. Looks like I'll have to replace the whole landing gear to make her like new again. Its all good. I am the one that crashed it after all. I figure if I'm going to get into this very rewarding hobby, I better learn how to operate on my own equipment. I'll have a bunch more questions in the future I'm sure of it. Hopefully some day, I'll be the one answering questions, as well... Thanks again for the speedy responses.
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Phantom Pilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge and for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in DJI quadcopters.

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