Neighbour troubles

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I would have preferred to shoot him, but I was tired and didn't want to deal with the cops, "ohh you had a gun see the signs?"
No, I don't answer questions without a lawyer and a dead body is not going to get you much sleep that night.
I made sure I was turned sideways so all he could see was the pearl handle. muzzle was perpendicular to him. But the idea was put in his head what the front might look like.
In florida you can OC if you are fishing, so hang a hook from drone. LOL.
Don't get me wrong, I am a CCW permit holder, after all.. But, If you were to shoot back, I think the police would be 'interviewing' you first and you would be wearing the cuffs... Perhaps a little refresher on the laws concerning firearms.. and brandishing, and use of deadly weapons... :)
Shooting "Back" involves another shooter. Trust me when I say I will never just roll over. All you snowflakes can do what ever you like, but I'll take the road that has a winning end. I am very responsible with my guns. I don't get this pansey attitude of certain people. Good luck with that.
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Colorado is an open carry state, it's perfectly legal for me to have a handgun holstered where it can been seen, I can walk into a grocery store with it if I want. No where did I say I'd actually shoot someone for trying to destroy a drone.
Shooting "Back" involves another shooter. Trust me when I say I will never just roll over. All you snowflakes can do what ever you like, but I'll take the road that has a winning end. I am very responsible with my guns. I don't get this pansey attitude of certain people. Good luck with that.
It isn't "tough" to threaten people. It's socially regressive. Troglodyte. Neanderthal. Uncivil. And dumb as a lump of granite to fail to see it result in people getting hurt, or worse, killed. Sometimes people that have nothing to do with the dispute, but just happened to be walking by.

Grow up.

I've been around guns my entire life, and was taught at a young age to respect them as deadly weapons. I no more ponder threatening someone who irritates me with a gun than I do with a knife, my car, a baseball bat, or anything else. I believe in the Rule of Law, Law and Order, and a Civil Society.

You seem to believe in none of these things, but instead pound your chest like a Baboon about "snowflakes", "pansies", etc.

You are exactly the sort of person that should not have access to guns. Your rhetoric makes one suspicious that you might lose control and shoot someone out of anger.
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Colorado is an open carry state, it's perfectly legal for me to have a handgun holstered where it can been seen, I can walk into a grocery store with it if I want. No where did I say I'd actually shoot someone for trying to destroy a drone.
And what you describe here is perfectly legal in CO, and non-threatening.

However, while carrying should you deliberately make a point of showing your holstered weapon to someone while in an argument with them, there is a very good chance you could be charged with, and convicted of brandishing or threatening with a deadly weapon. You don't have to take it out and point it at someone -- all you have to do is bring the weapon into the discussion, and make the other party believe your sending the message that your willing to use it.

When they're doing nothing more than arguing with you. Or threatening your property. Bringing the gun into the conversation, even just by subtle, non-verbal implication, can reasonably be interpreted as a threat and escalation of the conflict.
You would be an extremely irresponsible gun-owner then, and part of the problem that us responsible owners get so much heartburn over.

It is against the law -- rightly so -- to threaten someone with deadly force for any reason other than defending yourself when you truly believe your life or limb is threatened.

Please keep your guns in your home and don't threaten people with them simply because they pissed you off. You're making it harder for us NRA members to defend your 2nd amendment rights by acting like such a neanderthal.
This!! ^^^
What you're missing here is the angry neighbor who is using a weapon (slingshot and yes I know it's old tech) to fire off rocks at my drone. At that point I have no idea what else he going to do, maybe after landing the drone successfully he'll get even more angry and start taking shots at me? Maybe nothing happens and I go back indoors and ponder how to deal with the crazy nutjob next door.
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It isn't "tough" to threaten people. It's socially regressive. Troglodyte. Neanderthal. Uncivil. And dumb as a lump of granite to fail to see it result in people getting hurt, or worse, killed. Sometimes people that have nothing to do with the dispute, but just happened to be walking by.

Grow up.

I've been around guns my entire life, and was taught at a young age to respect them as deadly weapons. I no more ponder threatening someone who irritates me with a gun than I do with a knife, my car, a baseball bat, or anything else. I believe in the Rule of Law, Law and Order, and a Civil Society.

You seem to believe in none of these things, but instead pound your chest like a Baboon about "snowflakes", "pansies", etc.

You are exactly the sort of person that should not have access to guns. Your rhetoric makes one suspicious that you might lose control and shoot someone out of anger.
OMG... You are too much.. I've owned guns for over 40 years. Never ONCE had any problems. It's people that hide behind keyboards while they smack their keys thinking they are above it all. Like I said, good luck with that. Back to the original posting topic. A guy shoots at someones drone, a capitol offense? NO. But the mentality that this action reveals is quite another matter. I am all about law abiding actions and behaviours. Just because I state I'm not a rollover does not mean I'm a risk to others safety. I would react based on the threat at hand. So go back to your keyboard Pharisee attitude. And I'll go back to what I know is right for me. This is a drone board where we speak of drone stuff. Not having to defend whats obvious for the reality of life.
OMG... You are too much.. I've owned guns for over 40 years. Never ONCE had any problems. It's people that hide behind keyboards while they smack their keys thinking they are above it all. Like I said, good luck with that. Back to the original posting topic. A guy shoots at someones drone, a capitol offense? NO. But the mentality that this action reveals is quite another matter. I am all about law abiding actions and behaviours. Just because I state I'm not a rollover does not mean I'm a risk to others safety. I would react based on the threat at hand. So go back to your keyboard Pharisee attitude. And I'll go back to what I know is right for me. This is a drone board where we speak of drone stuff. Not having to defend whats obvious for the reality of life.
Well that was an entirely unsurprising response from someone who threatens "snowflakes" and "pansies" with a gun. True to form.
And with that we are going to take a break for a bit .
Intermiison 3.png
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While we do allow gun talk, it is purely up to the digression of the staff as to wether or not it is left open or not. As usual, a thread with gun talk goes off the rails so this will conclude the thread.

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