My phantom completely lost connection in mid-air today

Aug 3, 2013
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The weirdest thing happened today and I need help understanding and preventing it.

I have 100+ flights with zero accidents and have read all manuals, forums and thought I had understood everything regarding the Phantom.

Yet today...

1.I went out of my office on the street for a break
2.I armed the phantom, waited for compass and gps 20-green flashes
3.Took off and tested the GPS point to make sure it's recorded.
4.Took it out of range to test the range - and it started coming back on it's own as expected.
5.As it came closer, took control back. Went a bit far away again, this time not out of range and headed back to land.
6.And the craziness began : as the phantom approached above the office building, it started acting weird. Was circling in circles, with little control - and soon I completely lost control. Controller was in GPS / HL/CL-off setting; was on, I did not turn it off during the flight for sure. But there was no connection. Phantom started making circles near the top of the office building. This continued for quite a bit. It seemed as it was holding the level, just circling around. After some more time it finally hit a chair on the balcony on the last floor and got stuck.

I was running around, searching for it, then went on the last floor and found it. It was still on, one of the props was jammed in the chair. I removed the Phantom carefully, as it was obvious it will keep running - which it did, it turned back on all 4 props and was trying to maintain it's level successfully. I was not having any connection between it and the remote.

7.Took off the battery; which was super drained at that point; but just to make sure - reset the controller, put the battery back on and tried - there was OK connection this time.

A hint may be that when I returned back to the office floor (same building, two floors lower); I was told that the internet (Wi-Fi) had went off at some point; seems like at the same point while I was flying my phantom and lost connection.

What could be the explanation? Is there a cure? Would this randomly happen again; or was there a logical cause for it?

Sounds like something may have been interfering or that the building itself was confusing the compass.
Did you notice what colour the led was when you lost control? Was it flashing yellow the same as in failsafe or when radio is off? Or was it still flashing green indicating its still in gps mode but you simply lost control?
I have my doubts, but I am almost sure it was flashing green. It was not the compass. I was in cl/hl-off. And also, I had time to try many times and nothing was happening. At all. Nothing. I had no control. I could have hit someone. Now I do not trust my phantom. Sad!!! How can it lose control in midair for no reason?! If it was failsafe, it had to pand at gps start point anyway. It was rather hovering in circles!
In a congested area its possible strong radio interference could have caused you issues, did you try going to atti mode and did it make any change. If the compass gets magnetic interference it could do this in GPS mode but you would still have some influence on control even if it doesnt go where you want it to you should be able to change its direction or go up and down.

Check that your controls are all working in NAZA as possibly something may have come lose in your radio. When connected to NAZA are your controls all showing up as they should? Are the batteries in your radio very old as it may be low on voltage and the alarm may be faulty on your radio for some reason.

-The batteries in the remote are not old; and the alarm works when it has to (tested)
-The controls are not faulty - when I got back up to the phantom, i had no control still. But after resetting it I immediately had control. So it's not something loose in the remote or the phantom; it programatically lost connection.
-I do realize that due to electromagnetic interference, the compass may go bonkers, but I would then be able to fly up, remove myself form the dead spot and land manually. But I simply had NO control.
-I did try to play with the GPS/ATTI/RTH switch (I've set third position to RTH); as well as with the CL/Hl/off switche, was moving all controls like crazy - there was NO connection.

What I feel happened is...

The phantom got strong interference from a WiFi router/extender. Due to this it went into the mode that it goes into if you turn OFF the TX - so I had no control at all afterwards.

Any ideas?
If you turned off the transmitter the phantom should have come home and landed.....I think there was strong WiFi in the air at the location and that is what caused your problem...once it was interrupted you couldn't get it back. Did you happen to notice what was happening to your signal indicator on your transmitter? I should ask first if you are running a stock transmitter? Im running a DX8 and when I get wifi interference you can see the signal starts to flicker so you know its affecting the phantom.

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