Message from DJI regarding issues

Nov 29, 2015
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I actually just had a conversation with Brendan this evening.

He truly, truly does care and is committed to keeping the experience excellent. They are fixing this as fast as possible and do understand. I think they just need to communicate that better.

But I feel 100% better after our conversation. I truly do.

As you could see from my previous posts, I was skeptical. But I think things will be resolved very soon in a way that will make everyone feel better.
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That's a positive interpretation. How about a little detail on what happened, and why?
Well, mainly I emphasized the ability to have spontaneity, even without a direct internet connection. I addressed what I said was an unreasonable proliferation of "yellow" zones. He essentially explained that they are already implementing changes to address these concerns and maintain the platform as an excellent experience. He also asked if I could report that to the forums if I was going on this evening. They got the message. Loud and clear. That was initially my concern, and I will take him at his word that they know what the concerns are and will fix them accordingly. He seemed like a very stand up guy.
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Great news. Who is Brendan? I presume a bigwig at DJI?

It's amazing to me how this got the community in a tizzy. An indication of a truly great product that the user base doesn't want to see go down the tubes.
Brendan Schulman is Vice President of Legal Affairs and Policy for DJI. He is also in charge of the whole GEO implementation. He knows that no one wants to see it go down the tubes and frankly, seemed like an advocate.
I - and you can verify this by seeing my prior posts- was one of the biggest critics during this whole mess calling for an onslaught of criticism against DJI. And after my conversation with Mr. Schulman, I truly believe that they know what's up and want to ensure a great experience. Off to bed now, but I, for one, will sleep a bit better.
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Never thought it would end otherwise. Businessmen make business decisions.
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the way he sprong all of this onto everybody he's probably afraid he is going to loose his job.... he'd be fired if he worked for my company...
the way he sprong all of this onto everybody he's probably afraid he is going to loose his job.... he'd be fired if he worked for my company...
I bet he is really gutted that he doesnt!!o_O

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