Lost Video Files on SD card

Hi, i had the same problem today. Went back to studio after two days recording, recorded more than 15 clips, and only had my last clip in the card, numbering like it was the first one (dji_0001)
But the clips appear in the cache files on the dji app.
Have you solved your problem? How?
Did you turned off the video recording before turning off the P3 ?
Then that don't sounds good. If the filename would be DJI_0015, some recovery software could maybe do something. With DJI_0001 as name and the content of the last clip in it, it is the P3 that write it thinking there is no file.
Maybe it is worst to try some recover software, like EaseUS | Data Recovery, Backup, Partition Manager & PC Utility Software (Windows) that's the one that recommend Sandisk and they have a free version that can tell you if it can detect something.
Then probably the recovery software see some directory entries but the link table or the related data sectors have been overwritten.
Such software is usually working fine to fully repair just after the deletion. More writes are done on the card, less chance to get something usable. Sorry for that.
If you start to think why it happened, there could be a lot of reason, but at first I would try to use a new card and be sure it is matching the requirement of the P3. Also it could be better to have more than one card (smaller) and swap them after the flights to reduce the risk of data loss (I know it is obvious).
Also it is better to format the card in the P3 through the command in the status screen.
I had the same problem almost everytime i fly my drone. let me know if anyone knows how to fix it because it drives me crazy!
I have same problem. I lost all clips in 7 days long trip. Wtf???? It's only have low res clip on my phone. I see that it also have .RLV and .THM in other folder than DCIM. Do you know to open .RLV file (I think it is cached files for clips in low resolution).
Another partial, incomplete answer to the question: "What are the .RLV files" (as well as - how do you play them?) They are very large and there is no info here, at DJI, or anywhere else on web re: .RLV files.
A poor Chinese translation?? .RLV ---> .lvr???

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