Litchi way point 26000ft one way flight

One important thing I forgot to mention. If you add any waypoints BETWEEN existing ones, be sure to change the curve size. For some reason, any waypoints added between others will act like "straight line" waypoints even if the main mission settings is set to "curved paths". The bird will briefly stop at these but the problem is eliminated if you increase the curve size for those added waypoints to a value above zero.
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One important thing I forgot to mention. If you add any waypoints BETWEEN existing ones, be sure to change the curve size. For some reason, any waypoints added between others will act like "straight line" waypoints even if the main mission settings is set to "curved paths". The bird will briefly stop at these but the problem is eliminated if you increase the curve size for those added waypoints to a value above zero.
Yeah, Thanks, I read your two post yesterday.
I then added a bunch more waypoints on one I had been working on, then set checked all them for the curved setting. :)

I hadn't figured out why the stopping / starting has happening intermittently. So for distance goals, I was creating the mission with lots of waypoints checking ground levels then importing in to Google Earth for a visual, then removing waypoints that I didn't need to save battery.

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Since the OP must have solved his question. :)

I been going to start a new thread, I have searched a lot but I keep thinking I have solved it, then last night It did it to me a gain. :confused:

When I bring up mission new or used. :rolleyes:

The properties of the waypoints won't show, I can highlight them create new etc. But no WayPoint settings info box is displayed. Refresh browser, restart clear cache, cookies, site properties. Windows 7, Windows XP, IE, Chrome, Firefox.
Restart the computer, I just don't get it.
Last night computer in my garage, cleared history Firefox, didn't work gave up, Laptop in the house same thing, went to bed.

On a Win 7 work computer, I spent a couple of hours, trying all three browser, clearing the past, shutting off security settings. Restarting computer and browser's, etc.
All three browsers would not work. I did a clear all in FireFox all seven options including site preferences. When I tried again all three browsers worked correctly. :):rolleyes::eek:
Site preferences in Firefox is effecting all browsers?
That was last week.

Well it didn't work last night on two XP computers. Using FireFox and Chrome.
I make 90% of my missions on my Garage XP computer. Last weekend I made at least 20 missions on that computer. Ran 3 or 4 new missions each day.

The only other thing is sometimes I don't get the ground level display to know where to adjust your waypoints, the line is not there, also tried zoom settings and nothing.

Wow this was much longer post then I thought.

I looked at litchi website, but that is like looking and using the help on computer.

Somebody point me to what to look for?

Since the OP must have solved his question. :)

I been going to start a new thread, I have searched a lot but I keep thinking I have solved it, then last night It did it to me a gain. :confused:

When I bring up mission new or used. :rolleyes:

The properties of the waypoints won't show, I can highlight them create new etc. But no WayPoint settings info box is displayed. Refresh browser, restart clear cache, cookies, site properties. Windows 7, Windows XP, IE, Chrome, Firefox.
Restart the computer, I just don't get it.
Last night computer in my garage, cleared history Firefox, didn't work gave up, Laptop in the house same thing, went to bed.

On a Win 7 work computer, I spent a couple of hours, trying all three browser, clearing the past, shutting off security settings. Restarting computer and browser's, etc.
All three browsers would not work. I did a clear all in FireFox all seven options including site preferences. When I tried again all three browsers worked correctly. :):rolleyes::eek:
Site preferences in Firefox is effecting all browsers?
That was last week.

Well it didn't work last night on two XP computers. Using FireFox and Chrome.
I make 90% of my missions on my Garage XP computer. Last weekend I made at least 20 missions on that computer. Ran 3 or 4 new missions each day.

The only other thing is sometimes I don't get the ground level display to know where to adjust your waypoints, the line is not there, also tried zoom settings and nothing.

Wow this was much longer post then I thought.

I looked at litchi website, but that is like looking and using the help on computer.

Somebody point me to what to look for?

I don't have a solution other than to do what I do. I plan all my missions in the app on my Ipad Mini 2. Other than that, I'm flummoxed. :)

I have been using this for years.
TFC - Temp File Cleaner by OldTimer Download

I asked the owner and tech of the one man local computer store, and he said that CCleaner is good also, of coarse I just did the free version. I ended up getting Chrome to work on that computer.

When I was at his store it wouldn't work on Firefox which is the browser he had open Win10. But it did with the chrome. :rolleyes:


I have been using this for years.
TFC - Temp File Cleaner by OldTimer Download

I asked the owner and tech of the one man local computer store, and he said that CCleaner is good also, of coarse I just did the free version. I ended up getting Chrome to work on that computer.

When I was at his store it wouldn't work on Firefox which is the browser he had open Win10. But it did with the chrome. :rolleyes:

Interesting. I use CCleaner and I use Firefox as well. No problems.
But you said you don't use the hub :rolleyes: :)

I never said that. Well, okay. I DID say that. I'd forgotten what this thread was about. I thought you were saying that CCleaner wouldn't work on the computer if Firefox was installed. I got it now. We're on the same page. My brain is a bit fried at the moment. Just removed an eyeball (not mine). :)
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Yo :eek:

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Keep in mind that the mission hub on a PC is different than Litchi on a tablet or phone. The first version is very limited.
@Pharm or anybody,
There is no way to do a one way flight without landing it yourself?

@Pharm or anybody,
There is no way to do a one way flight without landing it yourself?

As far as I know, only if the first and last waypoints are less than 2000 m apart.

I guess you could also set up a giant net at the last waypoint and fly into it, but I wouldn't recommend it.

You could also have someone at the other end hand-catch it and shut it down. Not recommended either. If your altitude was off at that point it could descend into the ground or stop too high for anyone to reach it.
There was a recent post that stated that SDK pack will not allow Litchi to control the gimbal with out signal from the remote.

Do you think the Phantoms are capable?

Not to hijack the tread but do you use the iOS version or Android version ...I used the iOS version the other day for a flight 9,335ft and I kept getting a maximum radius reached error in iOS ...on my Android app I loaded it and it ran fine ...both apps have the same settings in DJIGo everything is set at max in DJIGo also (500m) etc

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