Litchi missions stopped early, then refused to execute subsequent attempts - "The execution could not be executed"

Sep 22, 2015
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I had wonderful success with some Litchi missions a few weeks ago, and decided to try again with a new route. Unfortunately, the mission terminated within only a hundred yards or so, then refused to act on repeat attempts with the cryptic message "Failed to upload the mission (reason: The execution could not be executed.)". A copy of the flight log can be found here...

I powered everything down and tried a full fresh start, but basically the same thing happened. It's possible I'm dealing with two separate problems, but who knows. I've Googled around to no avail.

Help me Obiwan Kenobis, you're my only hope.
I had wonderful success with some Litchi missions a few weeks ago, and decided to try again with a new route. Unfortunately, the mission terminated within only a hundred yards or so, then refused to act on repeat attempts with the cryptic message "Failed to upload the mission (reason: The execution could not be executed.)". A copy of the flight log can be found here...

I powered everything down and tried a full fresh start, but basically the same thing happened. It's possible I'm dealing with two separate problems, but who knows. I've Googled around to no avail.

Help me Obiwan Kenobis, you're my only hope.
Failed to upload the mission (reason: Mode error, please make sure the remote controller's mode switch is in 'F' mode.).

Are you certain the RC was in F mode?
It's possible I'm dealing with two separate problems, but who knows. I've Googled around to no avail.
Your mission did load and begin, however as you mentioned terminated itself. Without much more data to go by and unfortunately, I love Litchi operationally wise, however their log files are extremely lacking in detail as DJI GO includes. That being said, I am going to take an educated guess and suggest that you lost GPS lock at some point. That will terminate the mission. The only data to go by is the numsats in the Litchi log which were quite low during the mission time and the fact that there was a very brief switch to ATTI immediately after the mission terminated. If you are interested to know for certain, we would need to see the aircraft .dat log.
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I would like to see the Litichi mission, you can share it from the hub, you need to uncheck the private box.

@Fly Dawg is asking for your .dat file, I get confused is it from the mobile or the Phantom, I assume the Phantom's (BlackBox).

If you got more questions, we are here.

Your mission did load and begin, however as you mentioned terminated itself. [...] I am going to take an educated guess and suggest that you lost GPS lock at some point.

That would be unfortunate, as there's so little I can to about it. It was a picture-perfect morning... no winds, no clouds, great temperature, etc.

I'll try to get the *.dat file off the drone itself and make that availale.

That would explain why the mission aborted, but why was I unable to give it another try? What is up with the "The execution could not be executed" message. That's the first I've seen that one.

As always, thanks for the help. This is a great forum.
Here's a link to the Litchi Mission
Just to point out, and this has nothing to do with the issue, is there some reason why you have your mission finish action set to "none" at over a mile away?
[...] is there some reason why you have your mission finish action set to "none" at over a mile away?

My friend and I will be following along in a chase car. If conditions and battery allow, then at the end of this mission we can quickly start the 2nd mission which has a slight overlap with this one. I then stitch the separate vids together in post processing.

My friend is a railroad fan(atic). I'm helping him document the path that a trolley used to take in our area. Stitching smaller missions together seemed to be the easiest way to pull this off. It even allows us to do the route over a couple different days if need be.
That makes more sense.....

We had pretty good success with this effort a month ago. My friend researched this for weeks ahead of time, and did all the video overlays.
You can even see us in the chase car a few times if you know what you're looking for.
Were you actually reloading the mission from the tablet to the phantom?
Or were you just press play, (starting, restarting the mission)?

Were you actually reloading the mission from the tablet to the phantom?
Or were you just press play, (starting, restarting the mission)?

Tried both. :-(

I'm also somewhat confident that I powered down the app on the phone and power cycled the drone, but still got the enigmatic "The execution could not be executed " message.
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I'll try to get the *.dat file off the drone itself and make that availale.

That would explain why the mission aborted, but why was I unable to give it another try? What is up with the "The execution could not be executed" message. That's the first I've seen that one.
That message I have not seen either. The .dat may explain the anomaly. There are specific signals to look for in regard to GPS lock. It could very well be that the message is in regard to low sat counts. Specifically a couple of signals in the .dat log. A "Failed to upload mission" message is very common, but not the one you mentioned. Again, I am just taking a WAG at the sat counts, due to lack of additional data from the Litchi logs. It could be something else.

Nice footage, Cool Project.
Makes my stuff look like *hit. ;)

@BlueVista If you were curious as to why I suspect a loss of GPS lock. Here is a closer view of the Litchi data. Again, nothing conclusive as we would need the .dat file to verify, but you can see from this the mission termination and 2 brief switches to ATTI which to me would indicate a loss of GPS lock.
Nice footage, Cool Project.
Makes my stuff look like *hit. ;)

Thanks, but I can't take much credit for this. Litchi did all the flying, and my friend did the bulk of the post production.

For what it's worth, I've become a huge fan of Davinci Resolve. That's an amazing free tool, and we've used only 2-3% of what it's capable of.
That certainly looks like a cause and effect. But, just to put a nail in it, here's a link to the *.dat file...
FWIW, you're doing a lot of work to help this community, and it's greatly appreciated. Is there any way to repay this kindness? Is there a charity you're fond of that I could make a donation to?
That certainly looks like a cause and effect.
It is indeed it appears. First you navhealth was really bad from takeoff. ( Red Plot ) Generally speaking, when the navhealth goes below 4, the aircraft will switch to ATTI. In your case, it dropped out at a navhealth of 3. Oddity is that the entire mission was at a 3, until the switch and it dropped farther.
The Green area shows the mission. The Pinkest area shows where the aircraft switched to ATTI which terminates a mission.

@BlueVista In answer to your question in post#18. Not necessary..the way I see it is one helping another. And we do give to numerous charities, and your offer is greatly appreciated. I do flight data as a simple hobby and nothing more. Just one of those things you enjoy doing. ;)
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