Landing tips

Dec 29, 2016
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I need landing tips for landing my phantom 3 standard. Lately my lands in high winds are bumpy. I am new to flying btw
Slow and steady, let it hover around 6ft then slowly bring it down. Practice. You will get the hang of it. Adjust to the wind accordingly.
Two more tips, once you get back to above home point, or where your standing you can just use the Landing button, works very good. Next get a set of these, I use them on every fight and cuts tip overs to zero.
Thanks for the link. I've been wanting a set of those.
The price is all over the place with these depending on the vendor. This vendor only charges $10. and if a prime member, free shipping. They do seem to fit a bit loose, so I use a very small nylon zip tie, one on each side.
When landing in wind, do as previously suggested. It will need to be a steady decent and maybe at a slightly faster rate than in low/no wind. Once you have established a comfortable rate of decent, take it on to the ground. Don't give it a second to try to start "dancing" with you. Also, practice landing with the nose into the wind. At the moment of touchdown, if there is much wind, you may need a little (not much) forward stick. But you will know before touchdown if you need the forward stick. BTW, I'm calling the NOSE, the front end of the camera. All this from an old Vietnam helicopter pilot. Now, if they would make the throttle stick operate in reverse from the way it does, I would feel right at home. Regards Robert
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I usually cancel auto-land part of RTH when model gets close but before over the home spot.

Why ? To keep ability to fly the bird manually as each flight has different conditions. Its a simple way to 'keep hand in' ....

Second thing of course - is to learn to stay calm and ease the sticks accordingly to get desired response.

People talk about not flying the P3S indoors .... well - practice as I describe here ... you'll be surprised how different your control will be of the bird and eventually be fine indoors with it.

If you want the ultimate prevention of Tip-overs.

Helicopter training gear ..... basically a large cross of lightweight CF rods with a ping pong ball on each end. Fixed to the underside .... gives a far wider stance of the bird. Weight ? Won't make much difference to your flight, even wind resistance is not enough to worry about.

Learn to hand catch. It's incredibly easy and ensures that you'll never have to worry about a tip over.
I'm a big fan of the hand-catch...

even though technically it violates Part 101
I'm not people, and when I grab it I am not under it, so not flying over people either.
Was going to land the other day, 1 foot up, was very stable, started down and at 6 inches started drifting, popped back up to 5 feet and grabbed it. The nice spot was surrounded by water and ruts. To many random gusts of wind.

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