Just got Talked to by the COPS!!!!

I wish we could stop calling them "drones" and start calling them "quads" or something. Hobby RC flight has been around forever, nobody gets bent out of shape about RC helicopters (which people have mounted freaking FIREARMS to btw, not just cameras) but "drone" has a very negative connotation in the US lately I think that's where a lot of the panic comes from
QYV said:
I wish we could stop calling them "drones" and start calling them "quads" or something. Hobby RC flight has been around forever, nobody gets bent out of shape about RC helicopters (which people have mounted freaking FIREARMS to btw, not just cameras) but "drone" has a very negative connotation in the US lately I think that's where a lot of the panic comes from

Thats why when I type "drone" it is always in quotes.
QYV said:
I wish we could stop calling them "drones" and start calling them "quads" or something.

Me too ... but we've lost that battle. Even one of Merriam-Webster's definitions is "an unmanned aircraft or ship guided by remote control". Tough for us to beat that rap. Our best hope is for the proliferation of positive stories regarding the use of drones as opposed to the military connotations (surveillance, weapons) that have made it a negative word.
"Is that one of them drone things?" is what I am frequently asked when flying.
:roll: I respond that it is a quadcoptor or UAV. I try to squash the 'D' word for obvious reasons.
There's a lot of discussion in this thread that might come across as legal advice ... take it with a grain of salt. If you actually anticipate being involved in any such action, you would do well to consult an attorney. There is very little in our complex web of laws that is so absolutely cut and dried ... and laws vary by jurisdiction. For those who are really interested, sit down with your favorite beverage and give this a read, http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/pho ... -amendment, published by folks who are all about the first amendment. It's a bit dated, but certainly highlights the complexity of our laws and how the different court rulings can complicate really knowing what the law is.
LuvMyTJ said:
"Is that one of them drone things?" is what I am frequently asked when flying.
:roll: I respond that it is a quadcoptor or UAV. I try to squash the 'D' word for obvious reasons.

Same here ... but drone just rolls off the tongue (one syllable) and makes the speaker feel like they're with the times ... a "hepcat" to use a term that isn't of the times. :cool:
QYV said:
I wish we could stop calling them "drones" and start calling them "quads" or something. Hobby RC flight has been around forever, nobody gets bent out of shape about RC helicopters (which people have mounted freaking FIREARMS to btw, not just cameras) but "drone" has a very negative connotation in the US lately I think that's where a lot of the panic comes from
Sadly between the NSA spying and DOD using drones to spy on/kill people the public has become hypersensitive to anything and everything. Boogy men around every corner and if you're a male, well then you are a potential child predator that's looking to steal and violate kids.
I've learned to be with my wife or someone else whenever I fly which has worked well (so far) at disarming the paranoid public.
I am surprised by the hair trigger that many people seem to be on with respect to law enforcement. Being confrontational is an immediate escalation and diminishes the officer's ability to be sympathetic to your situation. Tactically, that's a bad move when you're in the weaker position. You're much better off complying and then taking issue with their judgement/actions at a later point.
Re: Just got busted by the COPS!!!!

ianwood said:

Wow. Just wow. Never underestimate the combined powers of naiveté and paranoia. We have to educate people. Carefully. OP, you have my sympathies. I don't know about local or state laws but you have federal coverage from this law passed in 2012:


As for neighbors, put the weapons away. It's not worth it! Make peace with them before something else provokes an incident.

She also seemed quite enamored with her 15 minutes in the spotlight. Naivety, paranoia and just a touch of entitlement issues...
Can you post the video taken that day, that you are accused with ?

Lets see if they have a legitimate argument or if they are just being **** neighbors.

The Rookie
As for the situation at hand, I am a Deputy Sheriff (run Sketch) who is obviously a "drone" pilot as well. I keep myself as up to date on "drone" laws because I love flying them. While most peace officers are still in the dark about "drone law", as are most everyone else, they do know all about "disturbing the peace" issues. The woman in the video was at peace before she picked up the phone to report someone flying over house. While she is obviously paranoid and uneducated about what what these things are actually capable of doing, she does have a right to her peace, as does everyone in the neighborhood.
An on-duty peace officer cannot have their peace disturbed, as we are not at peace the moment we check on the radio. In a case like this, they have to be an advocate for the person whose peace is being disturbed.

Well from the way you are speaking you do seem more like a sheriff deputy then a regular police officer and I would bet you are also held to a higher standard to "protect and serve" Just by the very fact that sheriff are a constitutional branch of law enforcement and Sheriffs and sheriffs (top dog /the boss) can be voted out of office if they become a totally tyrannical department. and start tolerating all sorts of misconduct and letting any thug be on the force like what can happen in lots of other police depts were they have bad leadership and no account ability whats so ever. Also I know lots of sheriffs deputies and city cops in a few of the jurisdictions near me and almost every one I know that wanted to be a sheriffs deputies did it for good reasons and with good intent. Yet on the other hand most any one I know with the exception of a few that wanted to just be city cops that also don't have any qualifications to do any other job many of them are cops just so the can go on a power trip and be allowed to bully people and do it under the cover of being in the gang that wears blue. Not all but most of them esp the younger ones. And it sounds to me that this cop in this situation is NOT some one who joined any police force to be a peace officer and instead probably is the guy that liked to bully people around in school or got picked on by bullies and feels he derives his power from putting on a uniform and a badge and thinks thats were respect comes form instead of understanding its not the badge or the uniform that makes any one respect some one and is really the kind of person they are.

The interaction between the officer and pilot should have gone something more like:
"Hello, I am here because someone reported suspicious activity involving you and your device. They are concerned about you flying over their house. I realize that as of now, this is not a crime, and I know how much fun they can be, you have to understand that the people in this neighborhood have a right to their peace... Which you are currently disturbing. At this point the caller just wants you to stop and find a new place to fly (somewhere that is not over houses if possible). They haven't requested to be a victim at this point, they just want it stopped. They do however have the right to be a victim of disturbing the peace, which would believe it or not, mean an arrest. A charge of DTP is a misdemeanor charge, and while it is a paper arrest, it would require you to appear before a judge. I am trying to keep this from going that route by simply asking you to move on to a place where you too can fly in peace. Deal?"

Well ya thats what a sane reasonable peace officer might say. But then again it never sounded like thats what kind of officer the OP had come out.

But as far as the notion that every one has a right to completely unreasonable absolute right not to have there peace disturbed. is a lil off the wall. I have a neighbor a block away that has a leaf blower. That is the most annoying sound ever. ANd it seriously disturbs my peace any time hes out in his yard blowing leaves around. BUT I think it would be very unreasonable of me to ever demand the cops make him stop. Being I live in a world with other people in it and there is no law that says he cant have a leaf blower or any law that says he cant use it between certain hours. There also is a women 2 blocks down with 12 ids all with different baby's daddies who sits home on welfare and she parents by screaming commands to her kids and shes a disgusting site to even see and just her even existing disturbs the peace of any on in the area or who has ever had to displeasure or meeting her. I also have air plains that fly over my house and some times circle when in a holding pattern waiting to land at the air port as well as military hellos that fly by. That's way more disturbing to the peace. esp when the windows are vibrating from them or my dog barking at them. I'm sure if I ever tried to call the cops about any of them things. #1 I think they would think I was an unreasonable nut bag and a jerk If I really ever tried to insist I had any right to unreasonable expectation of complete peace at all times and wanted to demand that every day things others had a right to do just meanly offended me or just are not my cup of tea. I regular activities of others bother me so much that it is really that much of a disturbance to my peace I really cant reasonably expect the cops to come and help ensure that nothing at all disturbed me and if such little things were so disturbing to me I'd be the one expected to move some place more tranquil and away from others.

Okay Sketch, you can come back out. I am leaving.
I'm quite amazed at the stories of pissed off neighbors. I fly my Phantom by my house and around the houses being built across the street. Every neighbor is inquisitive and really thinks it is cool. They don't even go down the privacy road. Even when flying in some big open areas or parks, not over people or property, strangers come up and ask questions about the Phantom and say how cool it is. Never once had someone get mad.
AY just in the last few days. My neighbor accost the street. Who's a retired cop has come over when I was flying to comment on how cool it was. and inquired were to get on. and yesterday one of the cops out on patrol when he was driving down my street. Stopped. My first thoughts were oh no some one called the cops on me. lol he just stopped to say wow that thing looks fun.

Then when out side doing some stuff in my yard I had my next door neighbor . Who is the fire chief in the next town over and also head of the ny dept of homeland security WMD task force. Ask If I seen that cool RC helicopter flying thingy flying around? I said ya thats my new toy and his eyes lit up. Then I went inside and grabbed it and took it for a spin. He thought it was awesome and wanted to know were to get one and how much he seemed like he really wanted to look in to getting one but never seen on in person.

Some one else a few blocks away also has one cause Ive seen it flying around at night right around the time I got mine.
Along the lines of cops thinking it's cool, one of my neighbors is a Deputy Sheriff who owns a security company contracted with a local department for high impact neighborhood crime interdiction and he wants to use my quad for recon. Not for prosecution but to gain a better idea of who the players are and where they hide/hang out.
These guys SMELL cops coming and run like roaches when the light's turned on so an eye in the sky "could" give some decent intelligence on where to look. I do wish they made whisper props or a stealth mode for it. :ugeek:
Might be interesting though I am concerned they might shoot at my quad. :eek:
I have let thing cool down this week and have not flowed my quad due to weather and it being pretty windy. I talked to a Local Attorney yesterday and asked him what to do or say if a cop came and question me again at the house or out in public , the Attorney told me the best bet is to not fly my quad in city limits or call the parks director and ask for permission to fly there. He said the cops could (crook) up a charge and charge me with (LANDING A HELICOPTER in CITY Limits) WTF? , I asked him are you sure we are talking about the same thing, and told him I have a 3lb Remote Controlled quadcopter and not a REAL Helicopter, he was confused a little and not understanding the difference between RC aircraft and Real Aircraft laws , So im back to square one again. I will be contacting a different attorney today that understands that my RC quadcopter is not a real helicopter and the laws are not the same in regards to them. I just know that if i go the a AMA Air field (I was a member when I had a RC Plane) that they are not going to like a quad flying in the same space as there planes that are going 70+mph
I would definitely talk to a different lawyer. Hobby grade aircraft is not subject to the same laws. Look up this guy who is quite knowledgeable with UAV's. http://sachs.net

As far as pissing off cops, that can be a tricky walk to walk. If he is unscrupulous he could attempt to trump up some sort of law violation to mess with you. If you have to live with them (same jurisdiction), be very careful. Some people can be very vindictive. I would try to get the law on your side.
If someone fly a quad, hover over my house or backyard and looking into my 2nd story window or anywhere above my property, I would certainly be annoyed and call that disturbing my peace.

If this pilot was flying over public street, that's a different matter all together.

If there are film footage, it should be easily proof if such act was conducted. Most of the people responded here seems to be in favor of the pilot.

I am sure none of us like someone flying a quad pointing their camera at our bathroom or bedroom window up close. :)
yawnalot29 said:
<snip>Most of the people responded here seems to be in favor of the pilot.</snip>

We have taken the pilots side because he assured us he did not intentionally hover over the guys house. I'm sure if he said he was peeping them no one here would be on his side. Not for nothing but you would need to be 1 foot away from a window to see much of anything with the most commonly used camera, the Gopro.
yawnalot29 said:
If someone fly a quad, hover over my house or backyard and looking into my 2nd story window or anywhere above my property, I would certainly be annoyed and call that disturbing my peace.

If this pilot was flying over public street, that's a different matter all together.

If there are film footage, it should be easily proof if such act was conducted. Most of the people responded here seems to be in favor of the pilot.

I am sure none of us like someone flying a quad pointing their camera at our bathroom or bedroom window up close. :)

I never once said that i was flying my quad near or pointed at anyones bathroom or bedroom windows. I was just flying over there house at least 60 to 100ft to get to the location I intended to go to begin with. and than again on the return trip back to my location.

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