Jerky images poor quality images.

The video/photo playback on the tablet are just the cached med-res files stored on it, not from the drone's SD card.

For photos, try and get your shutter speed up to around 1/120" or faster (esp on windy days) by increasing the ISO. This will help reduce any blurs caused by vibrations/movement of the drone. Keep in mind, going above ISO200, you starting getting noise in your photos.

To get the max detail esp shadow details, set your photo settings to:

Image Size - 4:3
Image Format - RAW (saves to a DNG file)
White Balance - you call but AWB can be adjusted easily in post
Style - Custom -2,-2,-2 (works for me)
Color - D-LOG

Import your images into Lightroom and do your adjustments ie sharpen/contrast/saturation etc.
Thanks , I will give those settings a try ! appreciate the information :)
Hi Chris, I am experiencing the same issues , video quality really poor and jerky. I'm new also to drone flying but I expected much more from the camera for video and picture taking. I have only tried this weekend to fly and getting errors coming up like vision system error , if I reboot app it goes away but then comes back . Are you getting this also ?
Hi sorry , took so long but I screwed up .
I found that I reset all the camera settings to factory reset. I also shoot video in a lower res 1080.

And edit video with widows movie maker and since I did that it's now 100%. And I'm real happy with the results.
Something else that helps using only "U3" micro SDcards .... That's U with a 3 in the middle of it. U1 or SD1 are just barely fast enough to read and write the 4K video data along with flight parameters at the same time. Check the side of the chip. Check online to get details .U3s are definitely faster... Bit more expensive but worth it.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots

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