Jello while yawing

Jul 10, 2018
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I only get jello in my video sometimes while yawing sideways, guess is it has something to do with the gimbal balls,...anyone experience this ? Moving forward or backwards zero jello.
.my guess is it has something to do with the gimbal balls,
Yawing is lateral circular. Do you mean roll? And gimbal what?
No I meant Yawing,...
Gimbal Dampeners......Jees.....You need to be a bit more specific in what you mean. These are vibration isolators. You can try that for the jello effect, but there are other reasons for it.
Gimbal Dampeners......Jees.....You need to be a bit more specific in what you mean. These are vibration isolators. You can try that for the jello effect, but there are other reasons for it.
Be more specific,...what for you ? A simple google search of the words gimbal ball and the whole world knows what I mean,...
So far you've responded to every one of my very few post on here, yet have offered zero help whatsoever,..only condescending comments,......please pass me by. ty
A simple google search of the words gimbal ball and the whole world knows what I mean,...
This is true, but the technical description is "vibration dampeners". I do not men to be condescending at all and I apologize if it appears that way to you. Quite honestly, when you said "gimbal ball" the first thing that came to my head was "bearings" and there are none. Just to clear that up.
Well if we're being that 'technical'... I said gimbal balls,..plural....and as ive pointed out many ppl refer to the gimbal buffers as balls...and if you were really atempting to be helpful, (which is what enthusiasts forums are all about), you may have offered some insight on the weather the buffer balls wear out over time,.become loose,..ive noticed some pilots run 2 drop pins,..some 4. Is there a setup that offers more stability towards jello.
Is there a setup that offers more stability towards jello.
Can't offer a particular setup, but I can make one suggestion. Have you balanced your props? Or switched them out? This can also cause the jello effect.
but the phrase "gimbal balls" is pretty specific, it.
I think that this phrase, is understood now. And Google has nothing to do with it. This is "slang" as many other items are. We have your point now. No need to escalate the terminology farther. Wasteful, and it does not help with your issue. Did you consider the recommendation in post #8?
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Wasteful, and it does not help with your issue. Did you consider the recommendation in post #8?
Literally all your responses to date have been wasteful,..but since you are so "on topic" now,... Yes,.. I own a Top Flight prop balancer from my 1/4 scale days... Ive balanced all four...still getting jello in yaw attitude.
Literally all your responses to date have been wasteful,.
I have already apologized, for any "inconsistency's" in what I have mentioned. But that comment was unnecessary, If you have been around here as long as I have, you will soon see that everyone wants to assist in whatever manner possible. Right, wrong or indifferent, this is the standard, if you will. And I can only mention that if you do a thorough search through the various threads. You may find the answer you are looking for.
@Shaw520 if you don't mind lighten up with someone who is trying to help you .
And Dawg walk away when one acts as such you know better .
Thanks guys .

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