Introduction To My Fellow Pilots

Jan 9, 2017
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Hello Everyone,

I stumbled across this forum over the weekend and have read a few threads and felt like I should join.

I picked up my Phantom 3 Advanced back in June of 2016 and have had many great adventures with my drone. I had a very scary moment in late October after accumulating ~72 flight hours when my drone dropped out of the sky during a night flight filming a football game for the High School I work for. In the interest of Safety I was flying my drone over an empty adjacent field next to the game in progress and the drone was well within my line of sight as I watched it fall from the sky. It was windy that night and it blew into the neighborhood next to the school. I searched for weeks and was unable to find the drone which gave no warnings before dropping from the sky. I contacted DJI and gave them my flight records which they concluded (after 2 weeks of investigation) that the crash was due to an electrical failure in the drone itself and was covered under warranty. I received my new drone in December and have only had it up in the air ~2 hours of flight time.

I feel stupid that I never placed any form of GPS tracking on the drone or location device. Knowing what I know now, I placed a Tile GPS on the outside/underbelly of the replacement drone held on by very grippy velcro. In the future, I am looking for another way to track the drone in case of any other emergencies. I love flying my drone and I hope to share stories with everyone here and learn more each day.

It is my pleasure to introduce myself and "Icarus", my Phantom 3 Advanced.
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Welcome to Phantom Pilots! :)
Welcome to the forum ShowHBK .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .
This bunch here are the smartest you will find anywhere :)

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