Insult to injury...

Firestat said:
You guys are killing me here. Just picked up the charger from Amazon. I wish they made it a little harder to order. It's like I have a direct hard line to Amazon. Odered three things for the Vision in the last 3 days. :D :D

Same here... I ordered one of those yesterday. This one click stuff is dangerous... :shock:

Slinger, I don't do that one click stuff. I want to make it harder, not easier. My wife is about to buy a wrist strip, tie to my wrist, and yank on it ever time I try to use the mouse. Of course, she will use Amazon to buy it, and then SHE will discover Amazon.

Lord have mercy :D :D
JimDE said:
RCRookie's method of mounting looks good too and may offset the balance issue I have using the Nexus 7.......

I used RCRookie's mounting strategy and it works perfectly. Good call on balancing out the weight of a Nexus 7, too. I also bought one of those rigs with three holes that you screw into the normal anchoring point for your shoulder strap, that allows you to connect your shoulder strap a bit more forward to help with balance. That should be here by Monday... I've always got SOMETHING coming on the way for this thing. Nickel and dimeing me to death... :shock:

:lol: Ain't that the truth..... I have been using one of those plastic slip over sunshades for my Nexus 7 but now have a foldable 8" Velcro attached sunshade coming and two retractable male USB to male micro USB cords coming as well as the power supply. Velcro and insurance tie strap sitting on the bench waiting. :D

I am thinking about attaching this larger sunshade to the other sunshade so the assembly is easily taken on and off for travel. I use prop guards so a case is not a option so I am using a old llbean fly fishing backpack and using Velcro ties to hold the P2V to it. I cannot see paying $65 plus shipping to get that prop sleeve thing so I just spin the props off and Velcro to all 4 prop guards

Gunslinger have you seen all the fly away posts over on the plus forum .. Obviously ver 3 and 3.2 have not resolved those issues. I am glad I am using a 102 GPS tracker now. If DJI ever wants me to upgrade it better have this problem fixed( like no take off without GPS home lock and a master perimeters hat when home lock is set will not allow the vision to go further but forces rth) and ver 1.08 stability.
JimDE said:
:lol: Ain't that the truth..... I have been using one of those plastic slip over sunshades for my Nexus 7 but now have a foldable 8" Velcro attached sunshade coming and two retractable male USB to male micro USB cords coming as well as the power supply. Velcro and insurance tie strap sitting on the bench waiting. :D

I am thinking about attaching this larger sunshade to the other sunshade so the assembly is easily taken on and off for travel. I use prop guards so a case is not a option so I am using a old llbean fly fishing backpack and using Velcro ties to hold the P2V to it. I cannot see paying $65 plus shipping to get that prop sleeve thing so I just spin the props off and Velcro to all 4 prop guards

Gunslinger have you seen all the fly away posts over on the plus forum .. Obviously ver 3 and 3.2 have not resolved those issues. I am glad I am using a 102 GPS tracker now. If DJI ever wants me to upgrade it better have this problem fixed( like no take off without GPS home lock and a master perimeters hat when home lock is set will not allow the vision to go further but forces rth) and ver 1.08 stability.

I really miss 1.08 stability. I was flying today with 3.0 and 1.0.40... I haven't upgraded to 3.02(3.20) yet, nor have I upgraded the central board to I'll do all that before my next flight this morning. The battery's charging. While I was flying, I was in proximity to a pond and couldn't bring myself to get the bird more than 175 feet up. I'm just not nearly as comfortable/confidant flying this thing as I was back in December. Aren't things supposed to keep getting BETTER as time goes on? :(


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