If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 READ!

Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

Jeremy, Thanks for the PM and guidance as I completed the wiring upgrade today. One motor at a time. Since the solder connection point are pads and not through holed ($), I feel even better that I changed the motor wire to a silicone based stranded wire product as when I took off the old motor wires while two at the motor on a few there was only one wire visible.

On the fourth motor it took only 15 minutes and I feel a hell of a lot better that it is completed.

And now catching this thread with the DJI glue it up fix all I can do is laugh..
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

burlbark said:
Please dont bend your wires more than once to clear the mosfets. If esc 2.1 was the fix than there is no need for the stress relief compound that DJI is now applying to the wires and esc's ;)

Yes, I couldn't agree more. Please do not open your drones up and intentionally start wiggling the wires to see if they will break or not! To be honest, although single core is a bit silly, if the wire has good integrity after installation, I don't believe the vibration can "shatter" the wire. I think what is happening in isolated cases, is that the wire has been compromised during soldering and fitting and is already partially fractured. The vibration then completes the failure. I actually don't think we will see as many failures as some might think for this....at least I hope not. But fundamentally I don't understand why the wires changed to single core as I cannot see any advantage in that whatsoever.
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

The advantage is that it is cheaper. Fewer parts to stock, fewer assembly operations.

The problem lies in that the lessons we learned decades ago from our aircraft and rocket failures are thus far lost on the Chinese.
Measures like Service Loops and Strain Reliefs were found to be viable solutions for the vibration and work-hardening issues
common in unsupported wires and cables.

I can't speak for the Chinese Aircraft or Space industries, but it might be a good idea for dji to send a few department heads
to visit these industries and take some notes.

Don't even get me going on this "balling" solder technique.
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

Not doubting you, but please tell me where are you seeing this bit of info you mentioned ?

burlbark said:
If esc 2.1 was the fix than there is no need for the stress relief compound that DJI is now applying to the wires and esc's ;)

Are you seeing this on new quads DJI releasing.. or where exactly are you seeing this ???? Thanks :)

burlbark said:
justin00 said:
Melb.. as per sig... shipped for $95 express post to yeah..
PM if interested.

clayton4115 said:
where in Australia are you justin?

BTW... done around 6 hours of flights... no issues with wires/heating/mosfets.,.. will keep checking every few hours.. but so far so good with the small wires (that come with motor)

Burlbark read your post.. I know you are an expert at this... but I was playing with the wires, bending all sorts of things as I was concerned originally.. not seeing any results that you are... Why are we not seeing any more crashes ? Seems like ESC 2.1 fixed up the problem... but yeah.. saying that.. I'll probs crash due to wire issue on my next flight in a few mins lol.

Lol, dont jinx yourself. There have been around half a dozen or so reported here on this forum, I dont know the exact number. We are a very small percentage of the Vision community. Just wait till spring comes and people start flying. Its been a cold winter with many waiting for warm days. This is a cycle fatigue problem and it will forever plague these motors until the wires are replaced or compound is applied to help dampen vibration.

Please dont bend your wires more than once to clear the mosfets. If esc 2.1 was the fix than there is no need for the stress relief compound that DJI is now applying to the wires and esc's ;)
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

RichWest asked if I had any pics of the "wire". So, I scoured the garbage can and am posting the pic with the DJI coated motor wire with two leads on the left side of the black/ red pair and the upgraded 18 ga. wire on the right.

Also note on last wire right side is the stranded solder point to the ESC pad to compare to the DJI solid wire solder point of the first black wire.

Benefits of stranded wire include 1.) less resistance, 2.) flexible in high vibration usage and 3.) larger solder points for less resistive connection


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Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R



Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

So as per my question 4 posts up... is DJI doing anything to fix or acknowledge ??
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

justin00 said:
So as per my question 4 posts up... is DJI doing anything to fix or acknowledge ??

Yes Justin....You missed it on page 62. They are gooping toothpaste on the leads and we are unsure if its flavored with spearmint or peppermint. :lol:
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

dolphindancer said:



not sure where you reside in the world but if you have ever dealt with the recent offerings of Chinese products - DJI is no different... I can almost guarantee you'll have the same problem with other vendors but there is this "open" forum with a large community to support it. Don't know if other products have a similar forum but I can bet ya $1 the other vendors will have similar issues... they all source from the same component houses eventually... It's China!

The purpose of this forum is to define, share real life experiences, detail items of concern and in this case find solutions quickly to what many believe are inferior initial offerings... This forum is open in its information by many educated people (and a few snicker bar eaters) who enjoy the hobby or use the device for their own entrepreneurial gains with this new technology...

I utilize the information herein to give me options that I elect to take on or connect with others that can perform the task. Can't do that at the DJI "forum" as you will get banned...

I have no problem owning, flying and working on my P2V+V3 My goal and I believe many of the others here was not to scare anybody but help mitigate any potential risks at driving in my case a safety first demand. It's been 20+ years since I was a practicing engineer but to date nobody has ever repealed Ohms law...

Good luck and if you buy something else - not only buyer beware but find a community of support to help you as response from any of the Chinese manufactures will never live up to past standards many of us have drove in various general industries or as consumers come to expect.
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

I opened my Phantom up tonight, I purchased mine through Amazon.com from Adorama. No version numbers on the ESC's, very stiff wires, no vents on the WIFI module, blue dots on the capacitors. I have about a total of 4 hours of flight time. The other issue I noticed though is some weird blue staining on the front arms, and when I looked inside it looks like the risers that come from the body that the motor mount to are deteriorating... https://www.icloud.com/photostream/#A25oqs3qDGu8b

I opened a case with Adorama through Amazon, see where this goes...
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

ChristoHD said:
The other issue I noticed though is some weird blue staining on the front arms, and when I looked inside it looks like the risers that come from the body that the motor mount to are deteriorating
That's what happens when you put Loctite on the screws.
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

msinger said:
That's what happens when you put Loctite on the screws.

So the blue stuff they put on the screws at the factory will eat through the plastic?
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

Nope. It looks like it might have been owned by someone else and returned. Did everything look brand new?
Definitely not good. That looks like some stress fractures around the screws as well. Wonder if someone used locktite before or after over tightening the motor mounts.

Amazon should take care of it for you if it's only been four hours of flight. Otherwise, Get in touch with DJI became that is not normal.
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

I have started an email inquiry regarding getting this unit fixed. It did look brand new upon opening it, although the outer box had some damage. Hopefully I can get the updates too...
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

Lol thanks mate.
Ummm are those pics real ??? surely its a joke ?? DJI did a pretty nice job smearing other crap in silicon/whatever it is... It seems hard they would do such a half arsed job on the solder joints ??? It must be a joke ?? Lol.... some one please confirm if its a joke or real..... maybe I missed the post...

burlbark said:
justin00 said:
So as per my question 4 posts up... is DJI doing anything to fix or acknowledge ??

Yes Justin....You missed it on page 62. They are gooping toothpaste on the leads and we are unsure if its flavored with spearmint or peppermint. :lol:
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

That is not something done at the factory by DJI. Even they have better standards than that. I would definitely send it back and never buy from that vendor again.
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

I've sent 2 back to Amazon. Both having the older esc's. I had no issues with the returns at all. I didn't hear anything from them after about 10 days so I chatted with them and within 2 hours I had my refund. Finally bought one from DJI directly and it had all the good parts.
Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

from one of my many "upgrade the wires" upgrades, just like Jeremy and I do it.
i've had so many people sending me their V3 Phantom asking to replace the wires and
so many were "next flight away" from bird dropping from the sky because the next flight would burn through the wires
or short something out.


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Re: If you just purchased a brand new Phantom 2 Vision+ V3 R

Hunch.. which version of ESC do most of your clients who almost a crash do to wires dying have? And do you upgrade ESC to 2.1 for them? Or atleast recommend it?

do you guys just replave wires from thr bits sticking out ftom motors? Like in your first pic, do you rewire from that point?? Or do you take motor housing apart and change the wire from the part hidden by motor housing?? Thanks :)

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