If I could find my p4p...

If you could retrieve it with seaweed attached, that would be a good souvenir to hang out on the patio, and a good reminder what not to do maybe.
Once found, I'll ask the forum to decide on what to do. Today might be the day! Big surf...moon tide!
Let's be honest... Even if nothing on there can be reused... How cool would it be to have it hanging on your wall and being a talking point? go for it dude. Even if you don't find it... You get the satisfaction you tried. Nothing worse then not trying and having it eat at you for months on end thinking "maybe I could have had it by now if I looked for it"

I got 5 snowboards, the slope shut down, some are wrecked... I rode it across concrete and the sparks we're amazing.... Point being... Despite it being wrecked... I will never throw it away. It looks cool, great talking point, and most of all... Brings back good memories.

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