I don’t think this is “the glory.” What is it?

Dec 29, 2016
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Adirondacks, NY, USA
I’m seeing a phenomenon on my drone videos which almost seems like “the glory” (if you haven’t heard of it, google it. It’s interesting) but there are aspects of it that do not fit with that phenomenon.

When I fly right between the sun and the subject a bright spot tracks along the ground where my drone shadow should be. That halo effect is usually a hallmark of the glory phenomenon. However the glory is associated with mist or moisture in the air AFAIU and the halo is not on the ground but reflected back by the water droplets in the air (may be a little more complicated). In my case, it does not appear to be associated with moisture in the air at all and I’ve seen it happen multiple times and bet I can reproduce it.

Here is an example below. Look at the 1:53 mark and the bright spot tracks across the stones in front of the lighthouse. The fact that it’s only tracking across that surface and not the water tells me it’s not reflecting off of anything airborne.


Cool vid. The constant fluid movement was unique, never seen a video like that before. It was almost like the AC was flying itself.
Cool vid. The constant fluid movement was unique, never seen a video like that before. It was almost like the AC was flying itself.
Thanks. It was. It was a preprogrammed Litchi mission.
It was probably the Mothman.

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