How to upload a .DAT flight log for others to view

Apr 16, 2018
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Hello to this forum, my first post as as P4 owner.

I had a series of flights yesterday, with a P4 Pro and 7.5 crystal sky. On the 3rd flight while flying back, the video locked up on the crystal sky. I still had control of the P4 from the controller and was in VLOS and was able to get back. But the app gave me a couple of messages, the final one that the app had timed out.

I need to get the flight data txt from the crystal sky, but cannot figure out how to get that file. I can see the flight log of the flight where the app locked up and have been trying to pull that flight log down.

I found the flight log of that flight on the Crystalsky, just can't figure out how to get it off the monitor.

Paul Caldwell
I have a .dat from a problem flight that I would like to have someone take a look at. I can upload the file to my dropbox, but I can't seem to create a share that would allow anyone to download this file.

Here is the link on my dropbox.


The corresponding .txt is harder to find as I was on a Crystalsky. I can see the actual flight log in my list of logs, but not sure how to just download that particular flight record. I have all of them from that day on a SD card.

Main problem was during my flight, the DJIgo4 app froze on the Crystalsky. I had control of the P4P still and was in VLOS, but due to other issues had a bit of trouble getting it home, which I finally did. I am just curious as to the reason of the lockup to avoid this issue again. P4P is on the most current firmware, and controller. Djigo4 app loaded on the Crystalsky was 1 update back, I upgraded it today.

Here is the verbiage from my previous post on the help P4 help side.

"(I have what I believe is the flight log.dat file off the drone, and have up loaded it to my dropbox, however I can't seem to get a general share, is there a way around this or another location I can upload the .dat?)

I have been flying a P4 now for about 3 weeks, until yesterday, all shorter flights, and all with a 7.5 Crystalsky normal bright monitor.

Yesterday, on my 3rd flight, where I decided to push my distance a bit I ran into a strange issue.

Flight was down the White River, Arkansas, using the River as my visual ref.

I was flying in a pretty stiff wind, which was gusting around 10 to 12 mph, but not consistently. I took off, home point was set OK. and flew down wind 1440 feet. At this point I stopped to get some still photos. The video had been very clean, no issues, but as I yawed across the scene, the video started to freeze, jump, or get very blocky, then it would reload showing the new spot I had yawed to. I was getting wind warnings, and knew I needed to get back soon since I would be flying back against the wind. My Crystalsky showed I still had full signal strength.

I turned around, and headed home. At first no problems, I could see on the Crystalsky that the P4 had turned around and was headed back. I was also aware I was making around 8 to 11 mph against the wind, but I plenty of battery and was happy to just fly back. At around 1200 feet from home, the I started to notice that even with the stick pushed forward, the scene on the Crystalsky was not moving. I then got one notice, (which I now can't remember) but something about the interface for djigo4 was not working. Then after about 1 more minute I got a message that the djigo4 app was not responsive and did I want to wait or reboot?

I was in VLOS, and could see the P3 at the 1200 feet distance. It was above the trees and clearly visible. My spotter noted that I was moving it as I pushed the stick forward and I could see that it moving diagonally across my field of vision. However my thought was I still had the drone pointed towards me, and so by pushing the stick forward it should just come back towards me. Instead to my eyes it was as if my forward stick motion was being interpreted as a right/left move. I did this a few times moving the drone back and forth, but could not make it head my direction.

Now a bit of panic set in as I felt that somehow I had lost correct stick control. Note the Crystalsky sky was still frozen on a still of my video flying back, pointed in the correct direction. So I rebooted the Crystalsky, but while it was in the process of rebooting, I just went ahead and hit RTH. I got the correct sound on the controller and knew that the drone was starting RTH, and could see it climb up the 90 feet for a RTH. The P4 came home, no problems, and right before the landing the Crystalsky DJIgo4 app came back and thus I could now see the video again. All during he RTH the gimbal stayed pointed straight down. As I could tell the P4 was not going to line up right for the landing, I took over control from the RTH and landed manually, no problems. Right before landing I corrected the gimbal back to horizontal.

About the time the drone landed I realized that the sticks were working fine, the drone had slightly turned away from me during the return flight and my forward and backward controls were doing just that, just now the drone was no longer pointing at me.

I flew the setup once more, much shorter range, no problems.

On getting back to my computer, I wanted to see the video of the problem flight. As far as I can tell, none of the weird strange blocks or blotches were transferred to the card. All of the stills I took are fine. On heading back, I turned back on the recording (I still stop video for stills as I take a lot and don't want a lot of worthless video while I am panning across for a panorama). The camera recorded the drone heading back, fighting the wind, (props show many times), but flying fine. At around 1270 feet from home it appears to move a bit to the right, then the gimbal, drops straight down. Still recording, you can clearly now see I had full stick control and drone is moving forwards and backwards (which at the time I thought the sticks were giving the wrong command but the drone was no longer pointed towards me). Once the RTH command was received, the Gimbal stayed pointed down and starts the climb to RTH then heads back.

When I look at the flight log of this flight on Crystalsky, it shows everything up to the point where the app froze. Also in the top left corner when you view the flight log instead of showing a P4 icon, it shows a screwdriver and wrench, so obviously, something went wrong. From viewing the flight log on the Crystalsky, I have downloaded all the flight log.txt files from yesterday, but it's very hard for me to figure out which log is for that flight. I have what I think is the .dat from the drone, but by uploading it to dropbox, I can't give it a general share, so is there another place where I can put where someone can read it.

Lastly, I realize that I let panic creep in. I should have let the app fully reboot, but just was not sure what the drone would do and if it had started to land it would have been lost in the river or trees, gone. So I went ahead and hit the RTH, which worked.

I have rebooted my iPad with my Mavic due to a similar issue where the video just went black, and the app re launched fine and picked up the Mavic and I was able to get home.

I have less faith in the Crystalsky/Djigo4 now for longer flights and would appreciate others feedback. Love the interface of the Crystalsky, but it's not worth it if it can't be trusted. Crystalsky was at around 65% of full battery and the Controller was still 4 lights, Drone was flying on a fresh battery, started out at I believe 98%. I guess I need to hover the P4 in my front yard and reboot the Crystalsky while the drone is in flight and see what happens? The drone should stay in hover I assume unless I move the sticks?"

Paul Caldwell
Lastly, I realize that I let panic creep in. I should have let the app fully reboot, but just was not sure what the drone would do and if it had started to land it would have been lost in the river or trees, gone. So I went ahead and hit the RTH, which worked. ...
I guess I need to hover the P4 in my front yard and reboot the Crystalsky while the drone is in flight and see what happens? The drone should stay in hover I assume unless I move the sticks?"
The tablet doesn't control the drone.
You can switch the tablet off and you still have full control via the controller.
Joysticks and RTH remain fully functional.
****Threads combined and cleaned*****

Let's get back on track here :)
....... At around 1200 feet from home, the I started to notice that even with the stick pushed forward, the scene on the Crystalsky was not moving. I then got one notice, (which I now can't remember) but something about the interface for djigo4 was not working. Then after about 1 more minute I got a message that the djigo4 app was not responsive........
My spotter noted that I was moving it as I pushed the stick forward and I could see that it moving diagonally across my field of vision. However my thought was I still had the drone pointed towards me, and so by pushing the stick forward it should just come back towards me. Instead to my eyes it was as if my forward stick motion was being interpreted as a right/left move.......

About the time the drone landed I realized that the sticks were working fine, the drone had slightly turned away from me during the return flight and my forward and backward controls were doing just that, just now the drone was no longer pointing at me.

Paul Caldwell
From your description it sounds like the video downlink became disconnected. When this happens the display will show the last frame received. The telemetry uplink was still OK though and the P4P responded to stick commands. There were probably some rudder inputs that caused the P4P to turn away from heading towards you. When elevator was applied the P4P then moved diagonally as you observed.

Good luck with figuring out how to proved the Dropbox link.
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Hello Bud,

I agree the video was disconnected, however in the past on iPad when I get this, the display usually states something like Video disconnected or the screen goes black. The Crystalsky as much as I like the monitor is not as reliable as I had hoped as I have now found other posts where pilots have had similar if not the exact same experience.

Is there another way, if not dropbox to provide the .dat for the flight log? I have all the .txt's from the Crystal sky, it's just trying to figure out which one to upload.

Hello Bud,

I agree the video was disconnected, however in the past on iPad when I get this, the display usually states something like Video disconnected or the screen goes black. The Crystalsky as much as I like the monitor is not as reliable as I had hoped as I have now found other posts where pilots have had similar if not the exact same experience.

Is there another way, if not dropbox to provide the .dat for the flight log? I have all the .txt's from the Crystal sky, it's just trying to figure out which one to upload.

You could try GoogleDrive.

Maybe I'm missing it but I don't see what you're trying to determine. Are you supposing there is another explanation other than the video link was disconnected but the telemetry link remained?
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I guess I thought that there might be a error code on the dat since the drone continued to video all the way back, showing if the error on video was due to djigo4 app or the actual Crystalsky. The flight log .txt stops at the point the gimbal dropped down.

I just feel more than video disconnected, as the gimbal dropped straight down and stayed there all the way back until I got the Crystalsky to reboot and realized the gimbal was straight down.

To me the sequence of events, Video becomes blotchy and hangs on yawing, I start back, encounter a strong wind, drift to the right, Video locks gimbal drops straight down (I don't think I gimbaled it down as the drop is very fast almost like when you turn the P4 off).

Just curious if there is also a possible hardware failure going on.

Paul Caldwell
I guess I thought that there might be a error code on the dat since the drone continued to video all the way back, showing if the error on video was due to djigo4 app or the actual Crystalsky. The flight log .txt stops at the point the gimbal dropped down.

I just feel more than video disconnected, as the gimbal dropped straight down and stayed there all the way back until I got the Crystalsky to reboot and realized the gimbal was straight down.

To me the sequence of events, Video becomes blotchy and hangs on yawing, I start back, encounter a strong wind, drift to the right, Video locks gimbal drops straight down (I don't think I gimbaled it down as the drop is very fast almost like when you turn the P4 off).

Just curious if there is also a possible hardware failure going on.

Paul Caldwell
This is the way I provide a DropBox link

First, navigate to the DropBox folder, then right mouse click the file, then select the Copy Dropbox link. Then go to a post and do a ctrl-V. That should put the link in the post where the cursor was. Like this

Dropbox -
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This is the DAT, link. I hope others can get to it.

Paul Caldwell
This appears to be the same link as you provided in post # 1 above. It looks like this

Code: Flight Logs/DJI_ASSISTANT_EXPORT_FILE_2018-04-17_07-38-49.DAT?role=personal

Did you try using the method in post # 10?
Yes. I am going to place it on my google drive later tonight.

Paul Caldwell
Hello Bud,


This is the link to the file on my google drive. Hopefully it will download.

You managed to select a "flight" in DJI Assistant 2 that didn't have any Flight Controller data that would have created a FLYnnn.DAT file. I didn't think the newer versions of DJI Assistant 2 would allow that to happen. Anyway, you'll need to re-try and get the right flight.
Thanks Bud.

I will go back and try again. In DJI assistant 2 is there anything in particular to look for?

Thanks Bud.

I will go back and try again. In DJI assistant 2 is there anything in particular to look for?

Two things:
I had a similar experience with the video lagging and freezing, and it seemed to be related to wifi or some other interference. Control telemetry was not affected. I turned off wifi on the crystal sky, and moved further away from my various hotspots, and the problem was solved. Could never repeat it though, so can't be certain that was the cause.
Where on the CS are you finding the .dat files?
Hi rfc

I may have mistyped as the CS only has the .txt files. To get to the .txt files on the CS, I used the Explorer, from the main screen.

Then browse, Internal Memory==DJI==Djigo4==flightrecord. All the .txt files are in there.

I was not able to get them to transfer via win, but instead, use one of the SD slots, and then manually copied each .txt. It takes a while as I was not able to grab all of them at once, but instead had to copy and paste each one manually.

Paul Caldwell
Hi rfc

I may have mistyped as the CS only has the .txt files. To get to the .txt files on the CS, I used the Explorer, from the main screen.

Then browse, Internal Memory==DJI==Djigo4==flightrecord. All the .txt files are in there.

I was not able to get them to transfer via win, but instead, use one of the SD slots, and then manually copied each .txt. It takes a while as I was not able to grab all of them at once, but instead had to copy and paste each one manually.

Paul Caldwell
Is there a sub-directory MCDatFlightRecords? I.e. Internal Memory==DJI==Djigo4==flightrecord==MCDatFlightRecords If so, this will be where the tablet .DAT files are.

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