sorry, when i turn the controls on it beeps 2x. is that FCC? if so, why am i told to go home as soon as i reach 110m. in other words, how can i get more altitude out of my drone.
Yes that is FCC mode. Undue the rubber tap on the front of the phantom and Plug in your Phantom to a USB port on your PC. Go to your DJI Phantom 2 Vision Assistant_3.8 and open it. Click on the Advanced tap. Then click on the Limits tap. Under the Length Units Click the (Feet). Click on the distance Limits tap. Adjust your Limits in the box that says Max height. Put your Cursor in the box and set the limit. Then click the enter key. In the USA we are only allowed to go to 400 feet. (121.92 Meters). Hope this helps. Good luck.