Geofencing 2.0

Oct 24, 2018
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Hello everyone,

I am a bit curious on the geofencing 2.0. I understand what it is and how to get approval and all that. What I don’t know is on which update was this incorporated. Was it an update on DJI Go, a firmware update or the Fly Safe Database? My DJi Go app and firmwares are up to date, but I have neglected to update the fly safe database. Everytime it pops up for update, I’m on a tight schedule or weak LTE signal and it takes forever to download. It’s been a bit over a month since my last flight, so I don’t know if I have these new restrictions. I am kinda hoping the Geofencing 2.0 is incorporated in the Fly Safe database. I really don’t want to have to answer to anyone that is not the proper authorities for takeoff. Anyone here has any info? I included a screentshot of my current Flysafe version.
Hello everyone,

I am a bit curious on the geofencing 2.0. I understand what it is and how to get approval and all that. What I don’t know is on which update was this incorporated. Was it an update on DJI Go, a firmware update or the Fly Safe Database? My DJi Go app and firmwares are up to date, but I have neglected to update the fly safe database. Everytime it pops up for update, I’m on a tight schedule or weak LTE signal and it takes forever to download. It’s been a bit over a month since my last flight, so I don’t know if I have these new restrictions. I am kinda hoping the Geofencing 2.0 is incorporated in the Fly Safe database. I really don’t want to have to answer to anyone that is not the proper authorities for takeoff. Anyone here has any info? I included a screentshot of my current Flysafe version.View attachment 105919
If your bird operating good then don't bother the update you could be introducing unnecessary problems just FYI.
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Lol so that means Geofencing 2.0 is incorporated from the Flysafe database update?
Yes. You just need to be careful unfortunately DJI has a history of a messed up firmware so as the saying goes if it's not broke, don't fix it.
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Yes. You just need to be careful unfortunately DJI has a history of a messed up firmware so as the saying goes if it's not broke, don't fix it.
Thank god I neglected the update. My office is 1..5 miles from an international airport and has a ceiling of 150'. I tried google and many forums, but could not find an answer to my question. I was hesitant and lazy to ask for a waiver to fly 160' just to see if DJI screwed me.
Thank god I neglected the update. My office is 1..5 miles from an international airport and has a ceiling of 150'. I tried google and many forums, but could not find an answer to my question. I was hesitant and lazy to ask for a waiver to fly 160' just to see if DJI screwed me.
They did and that sad. However now you know. Safety is one thing and we need all the competent and responsible drone Pilots we can get to strengthen the Drone community and maintain a positive image , on the other hand when we the customer pay our hard earned money and we follow the rules we shouldn't be limited at every turn as to where we can fly, I'm just saying.
Has anyone noticed that everytime DJI comes out with a firmware update that's supposed to fix issues The the new firmware update creates problems that we don't have, and in addition to that your bird worked perfectly prior to the update but after the update its performance is extremely affected REALLY!!! Now I ask is it me or is it DJI I have reached the conclusion and even though DJI is the world's leader and consumer drone technology they are limiting the performance of our aircraft at every turn by their new firmware updates so you have to be careful and I know this to be true because I had a phantom 3 standard I purchased a brand new Android tablet and it works flawless after a firmware update the new tablet was obsolete it kept crashing and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it so I was forced for to upgrade to an iPad Mini 2 which I'm glad I did I'll never go back to Android but my point is this I paid my money and everything works no crashes at all took care of my Phantom 3 standard like it was my baby which it was and there is no reason I should have been limited by a firmware update that should have helped me or improved issues so I'm convinced that's when DJI manufactures these aircraft they are designed from the ground up to add new features by simply creating the firmware to do this and all the new latest bells and whistles that are supposedly add-ons or not really add-ons at all these machines are designed to be upgraded these add-ons to so called new features already exist DJ I like most companies such Apple it'll all about control plan and simple don't be deceived. There is no way you can tell me the the Phantom 4 which at its release was the most technological consumer drone to have ever hit the open market and less than a year they discontinued it, are kidding me and DJI sold the public a bogus bag of goods as though the same this new technological drone wasn't as good as we thought it was so we're going to improve on it and come out with the advance and Phantom 4 Pro get the heck out of here!! I'm telling you guys we have to hold DJI and other companies completely accountable you will not get the benefit of our hard-earned money if you're not going to give us the best that you can for the money that we spend money is money and BS is BS.

I said all of this to say the Phantom 4 original is an awesome outstanding aircraft - the side obstacle avoidance and the infrared which are really not foolproof basically you have to use common sense but the aircraft itself is far from obsolete and I'm glad I purchased it I waited two years instead of paying $1,400 I got it for 699 I rest my case if you're willing to wait for the latest and greatest you can get it at a reasonable price point or at what you're willing to pay if you don't buy into the hype of all the bells and whistles which have not been proven but I basically just marketing height. Sorry for the long post but this needed to be put out there. I just want to know is it me or does someone else feel the way I do Fair winds and clear skies
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They did and that sad. However now you know. Safety is one thing and we need all the competent and responsible drone Pilots we can get to strengthen the Drone community and maintain a positive image , on the other hand when we the customer pay our hard earned money and we follow the rules we shouldn't be limited at every turn as to where we can fly, I'm just saying.
Has anyone noticed that everytime DJI comes out with a firmware update that's supposed to fix issues The the new firmware update creates problems that we don't have, and in addition to that your bird worked perfectly prior to the update but after the update its performance is extremely affected REALLY!!! Now I ask is it me or is it DJI I have reached the conclusion and even though DJI is the world's leader and consumer drone technology they are limiting the performance of our aircraft at every turn by their new firmware updates so you have to be careful and I know this to be true because I had a phantom 3 standard I purchased a brand new Android tablet and it works flawless after a firmware update the new tablet was obsolete it kept crashing and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it so I was forced for to upgrade to an iPad Mini 2 which I'm glad I did I'll never go back to Android but my point is this I paid my money and everything works no crashes at all took care of my Phantom 3 standard like it was my baby which it was and there is no reason I should have been limited by a firmware update that should have helped me or improved issues so I'm convinced that's when DJI manufactures these aircraft they are designed from the ground up to add new features by simply creating the firmware to do this and all the new latest bells and whistles that are supposedly add-ons or not really add-ons at all these machines are designed to be upgraded these add-ons to so called new features already exist DJ I like most companies such Apple it'll all about control plan and simple don't be deceived. There is no way you can tell me the the Phantom 4 which at its release was the most technological consumer drone to have ever hit the open market and less than a year they discontinued it, are kidding me and DJI sold the public a bogus bag of goods as though the same this new technological drone wasn't as good as we thought it was so we're going to improve on it and come out with the advance and Phantom 4 Pro get the heck out of here!! I'm telling you guys we have to hold DJI and other companies completely accountable you will not get the benefit of our hard-earned money if you're not going to give us the best that you can for the money that we spend money is money and BS is BS.

I said all of this to say the Phantom 4 original is an awesome outstanding aircraft - the side obstacle avoidance and the infrared which are really not foolproof basically you have to use common sense but the aircraft itself is far from obsolete and I'm glad I purchased it I waited two years instead of paying $1,400 I got it for 699 I rest my case if you're willing to wait for the latest and greatest you can get it at a reasonable price point or at what you're willing to pay if you don't buy into the hype of all the bells and whistles which have not been proven but I basically just marketing height. Sorry for the long post but this needed to be put out there. I just want to know is it me or does someone else feel the way I do Fair winds and clear skies
I fell for the bells and whistles, but I share your experience with using dji go on android.
I fell for the bells and whistles, but I share your experience with using dji go on android.
Knowing is half the battle my friend as retired veteran of the Army & Navy one bit of advice I can sure with you that is say gather your own Intel and a lot of times this is based on trial in error. So I'm only sharing with you not what I think what I do to be true.
Take care I hope this keeps you and others in the know.
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Knowing is half the battle my friend as retired veteran of the Army & Navy one bit of advice I can sure with you that is say gather your own Intel and a lot of times this is based on trial in error. So I'm only sharing with you not what I think what I do to be true.
Take care I hope this keeps you and others in the know.
I wanted this model, because I prefer the Phantom model and with occusync = :hearteyes:
I suggest you never update anything from DJI based on their previous problems. Also you should consider flying with Litchi. Most consider it superior to GO 4 especially with its Mission Hub and waypoint features. I’ve been flying it only for two years and never had a demand pop up to upgrade anything. It’s nice to fly without DJI interfering.

Good luck
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Agreed on all...
IMO it's WAY easier to tap on "Ignore" every time I open GO 4 than it would be to deal with any/all possible issues the update(s) might cause...
I stopped doing un-forced DJI updates (thanks to info on this board) way back when I got my first drone (P3 Standard) and I refuse to do updates to almost everything now unless forced to...

This is also because after doing a Droid update to my NVIDIA Shield K1 (that I bought and loved for flying) that RUINED my K1 for flying my Drone(s)!!!
I ended up buying a nice-new Samsung Tablet at a good price (with the intention of NOT updating), but I made the stupid mistake of signing into WiFi the FIRST TIME I STARTED IT (before turning auto-updates OFF) = it immediately updated and wouldn't even connect to my P3P!?!?!?
I ended up being glad that happened because I returned that tablet for full refund and bought my first ever Apple (iPad Pro) and have LOVED flying with ZERO Software ISSUES ever since...
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I never update anything from DJI period. I run Litchi, and modded DJI firmware/software so I don't get the pop-ups. I fly safe, and within the FAA regulations. I just don't need all the nannies from the other side of the globe that think they know where I can fly.
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I never update anything from DJI period. I run Litchi, and modded DJI firmware/software so I don't get the pop-ups. I fly safe, and within the FAA regulations. I just don't need all the nannies from the other side of the globe that think they know where I can fly.
Well stated!
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So I updated my brother's P4P, just to see how it works. About 1.5 miles from a class B airport, it recognize where it was, gave me a warning to acknowledge that I was near Class B airspace, but did not prevent me from turning on the motors. I didn't take off, but it never asked me for any information or waiver, as stated in DJI's webpage.
I purposely took my drone to an area near the Tupelo Regional Airport (MS) today and fired it up with Litchi. It loaded OK but gave the warning "Can't takeoff in a restricted airspace' or "no fly zone". I forgot which it said but Litchi did lock me out of taking off, not that I was trying to. Since I don't use DJI GO 4, I did not have it loaded on my iPad so I could not test it. I may download it just for that purpose and see what indications I get, after I turn off the internet capabilities!

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Were you adjacent to the airport? If so, I have gotten this message from being some 1k feet from SJU. Just turned it on to see what would happened. That was a year ago.
I was actually at the Veteran's Museum which is about a mile from the runway's edge to the Northeast. We have a ham radio club meeting there every Tuesday morning and it was a good time to check out Litchi. I'll download GO 4 just for this purpose and test it next week to see what response it gives. I have not upgraded any firmware on my new V 2.0 as I assume it is the original factory version. I do not intend to upgrade either. I flew my older P4 for over two years without upgrading anything after GO kept crashing. I switched to Litchi and no more issues with anything DJI related.

Good luck,
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