Flying your P3 around the neighborhood, it's gets shot down

That certainly sounds reasonable. Your 333 will say to stop all flight immediately if someone within 500 ft walks into their backyard to see the drone, so what do you do then?
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Well, you are right and I've considered that. There's no way I can see behind each obstruction and into every backyard. My flyer will include safety procedures, like if any neighbors want to watch the UAV in flight to stand near me or stay under a porch or awning. Yeah, I know that means squat, but I tried. I can always climb or move to another spot. A literal interpretation of the rule (below) means zero real estate flying. Here's where the intent of the rules have to be considered. The way I see it if I gave you written notice you are now aware and are a "participating person." Will this "fly" in case I knock someone on the head? Beats me, that's what insurance is for. The 500 ft. rule is a bit draconian, perhaps It will be adjusted later...Any thoughts?

"26. All Flight operations must be conducted at least 500 feet from all nonparticipating persons, vessels, vehicles, and structures unless:
a. Barriers or structures are present that sufficiently protect nonparticipating persons from the UA and/or debris in the event of an accident. The operator must ensure that nonparticipating persons remain under such protection. If a situation arises where nonparticipating persons leave such protection and are within 500 feet of the UA, flight operations must cease immediately in a manner ensuring the safety of nonparticipating persons; and
b. The owner/controller of any vessels, vehicles or structures has granted permission for operating closer to those objects and the PIC has made a safety assessment of the risk of operating closer to those objects and determined that it does not present an undue hazard.

The PIC, VO, operator trainees or essential persons are not considered nonparticipating persons under this exemption.

27. All operations shall be conducted over private or controlled-access property with
permission from the property owner/controller or authorized representative. Permission from property owner/controller or authorized representative will be obtained for each flight to be conducted.
[QUOTE="LUISMARTINEZ, post: 468207,
"26. All Flight operations must be conducted at least 500 feet from all nonparticipating persons, vessels, vehicles, and structures unless:
a. Barriers or structures are present that sufficiently protect nonparticipating persons from the UA and/or debris in the event of an accident. The operator must ensure that nonparticipating persons remain under such protection. If a situation arises where nonparticipating persons leave such protection and are within 500 feet of the UA, flight operations must cease immediately in a manner ensuring the safety of nonparticipating persons; and
b. The owner/controller of any vessels, vehicles or structures has granted permission for operating closer to those objects and the PIC has made a safety assessment of the risk of operating closer to those objects and determined that it does not present an undue hazard.

The PIC, VO, operator trainees or essential persons are not considered nonparticipating persons under this exemption.

27. All operations shall be conducted over private or controlled-access property with
permission from the property owner/controller or authorized representative. Permission from property owner/controller or authorized representative will be obtained for each flight to be conducted.[/QUOTE]

Are these actual rules and or regulations or guidelines, they seem to be written in a childlike manner.
"they seem to be written in a childlike manner." perhaps because they were written by the government??? you can go here and read every 333 granted.
Before??? If I am going to take photos of a house for a realtor, how many doors am I supposed to knock on before flying?
The doors of the property you'll fly over. Or, in the absence of getting permission, accept the conequences, whatever they may be. Not hard. Just courtesy and being polite and civil.
Are these actual rules and or regulations or guidelines, they seem to be written in a childlike manner.
There are no rules that say this, but when you fly under the conditions of the Section 333 exemption, they become an order, enforceable as a rule.

I really think the exemption letters are written by a committee.

500 ft from a vehicle, but isn't the occupant of the vehicle a protected nonparticipant?
I think the definition of a "nonparticipant" has been not observed for a while now at least in traffic control, I'm not saying there is an overlap into the FAA but this is how lines of authority get obscured.

It is also how these so called agendas are helped along, the real trouble is everyday common sense is not looked at as a fashionable approach to just about anything now.
I'm Canadian. We're not allowed to have guns. Most of my neighbors just hurl pithy comments at me.;)

Are these your neighbors?

"I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
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At present time, the FAA considers drones to be unmanned "aircraft". And since it's a federal crime to fire at an aircraft of any type, I would say the shooter could technically be put in prison for a very long time if there are mandatory minimum sentences for such an offense under federal law. Either way.. the shooter is more of a danger to society than a drone owner and should be put jail.

Its a federal felony to discharge a firearm in the air and especally in city limits. call the cops!

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