First Flights - Happy with stabilized footage

Mar 14, 2014
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First few flights with the Phantom 2. I just string together footage shot as I get to grips being a newbie to aerials. I have not used FPV yet so wasn't sure what kind of framing I would get. At times I couldn't tell whether the camera was pointing straight or at an angle and at some heights couldn't even tell direction the Phantom was facing. Hope to receive my FPV next week.

Hero 3 Black + Zenmuse, stabilized in Premiere, no color correction/grading.
Thanks Dave. Once my FPV arrive I think I'll be asking a lot of questions to the experts around here. Should have found this site much earlier:)
beautiful! great choice of music. love how quads are bringing the world closer together.
bernardb said:
Very very nice!
Thanks bernardb.

thongbong said:
beautiful! great choice of music. love how quads are bringing the world closer together.

Thanks thongbong. It is indeed the simplicity and yet capable nature of the Phantom that enable more people to engage in 'flight'.
For someone without FPV, you got your Phantom pretty far up there! Nice work. Good editing.
ianwood said:
For someone without FPV, you got your Phantom pretty far up there! Nice work. Good editing.
Thanks ianwood. Now that you mentioned it I checked out the height of that round building. So I was at 120 m and much higher in the twilight shot. Now I'm scared :)

Shrimpfarmer said:
That was worth watching, good music choice. You are going to love the freedom FPV will give you.

Thanks Shrimpfarmer. I firmly believe you! Can't wait for my Immersion 600/BP to arrive.
poostik said:
nice job!

you scared me a bit near the trees, over the water.

Thanks poostik. Yes it scared me too at that time. I just yanked the stick and flew up in a hurry!
That was awesome.
Loved the start and the editing with the sky.

For someone without FPV that was incredible, I was cringing slightly when you flew close to that tree by the water. Because I knew you didn't have FPV.

I have attitude v2 goggles and I wouldn't do that, so I take my hat off to you sir.

Well done
jayhas said:
poostik said:
nice job!

you scared me a bit near the trees, over the water.

Thanks poostik. Yes it scared me too at that time. I just yanked the stick and flew up in a hurry!

i've posted both of these before somewhere in these pages, but here they are again, for your enjoyment. You'll see why I'm scared of trees.

clips from my maiden flight and 2 or 3 flights after. Please note around the 1:00 mark. My FIRST flight. Not one casualty on this one.

clips from maybe my 5th through 8th flights. fast forward to the end. i activated return to home to show some friends, not judging my altitude very well. I knew it was coming but was too late on disabling return and trying to gain altitude. busted my gimbal and 2 props on this one.

poostik said:
jayhas said:
poostik said:
nice job!

you scared me a bit near the trees, over the water.

Thanks poostik. Yes it scared me too at that time. I just yanked the stick and flew up in a hurry!

i've posted both of these before somewhere in these pages, but here they are again, for your enjoyment. You'll see why I'm scared of trees.

Thanks for the videos. A nice reminder of what not to do. These mishaps and my near-miss will hopefully help me be aware all the time when in the air!

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