Everything ok here to discuss?

Aug 3, 2017
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I seem to have gotten blocked by DJI for telling other users how to downgrade their firmware and that I know how to unlock the max altitude (didn't tell them how). Is this ok discussion here? Or is it not allowed?
Downgrade firmware sure, but the unlocking max altitude might be pushing it. Most people around here will maintain the FAA " recommendations" and fly safely and appropriately. There is really no logical reason to fly above recommended altitudes, barring a few "yahoo's" or someone with a Part 107 who has a legitimate reason and exceptions for such, primarily being the 400ft structure rule. And before you ask, no there is no altitude official "regulation" for hobbyist, but IMO, following set guidelines and "recommendations" are the best way to keep everyone safe and happy.
Well actually there is when your trying to scout out a mountain that is 2500 ft and you can only make it part way up. I'm pretty sure there are no airplanes going to be anywhere near the mountainside. If there is, then they have much bigger problems :)
And in all reality, the 500M limit is from point of takeoff, so it doesn't take someone knowing how to open up the max limit to get into airspace...
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And in all reality, the 500M limit is from point of takeoff, so it doesn't take someone knowing how to open up the max limit to get into airspace...
That being the case, you should not even have to change anything. 400ft, is 400ft. from sea level to the mountain top. As you said. All based on takeoff location.
The downgrading discussion seems to be fine but firmware hacks not so, the community guidlines cover this specifically;

16. For everyone's safety, we do not condone the manipulation of the manufacturer's software or firmware (software/firmware hacks), and may, (at our discretion), delete without warning any content that violates or promotes this type of activity.
That said, personally I still see no valid reason for exceeding that altitude based on takeoff location. If you at 2500ft in elevation,then fly up to 2900ft. Perfectly fine.
If you are at sea level, ( a zero reference), 400ft max altitude from that takeoff location. If your takeoff location is on the mountain lets say at 2000ft. Then 400ft above that point max altitude. As I said before, these are only guidelines and not regulations for hobby flying.
This is assuming you are in the US. Otherwise consult your regulating authority.
I get it. What I am saying is the drone was capped at 500M and I want to fly a mountain (from the bottom) that is 2500 ft, and I can only get up to 1650ft. So not sure how the 400ft plays a role in this. These are in unpopulated areas (bush and mountains). So completely safe as there are no airplanes or people.
Well there you go. I refrain from further comments on this thread.
Well actually there is when your trying to scout out a mountain that is 2500 ft and you can only make it part way up. I'm pretty sure there are no airplanes going to be anywhere near the mountainside. If there is, then they have much bigger problems :)
And in all reality, the 500M limit is from point of takeoff, so it doesn't take someone knowing how to open up the max limit to get into airspace...

Variation in terrain height is obviously not taken into account in the restriction of maximum altitude above takeoff point. Your scenario (flying up the side of a 2500 ft mountain and remaining within 400 ft AGL) is within both the recreational guidelines and Part 107 rules in the US, and probably fine everywhere else too, but is still blocked by the firmware. The issue with discussing how to circumvent the firmware is likely that, even though in this specific case it is not with the intent to break any rules, it is about hacking the firmware restrictions in a way that would enable inappropriate altitudes in other situations.
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Are there any sites that real life scenarios like this and ways to achieve them can be discussed openly? It seems like the policing of even discussing this has gone way too far because of some idiots that want to do crazy stuff and not remain responsible.
If DJI really wanted to keep these drones safe, they wouldn't have a 500m altitude cap with miles of distance capabilities. The drones already come capable of exceeding most rules for most countries. So why not be allowed to talk about responsible ways to use them to their full potential.
All good, thanks for everyone's feedback. I guess this isn't the place either though :)
I seem to have gotten blocked by DJI for telling other users how to downgrade their firmware and that I know how to unlock the max altitude (didn't tell them how). Is this ok discussion here? Or is it not allowed?
I beleave you have been given your answer . Downgrading firmware is one thing but changing the parameters to change NFZ's.height restrictions or anything else will not be allowed and you will find your self like in the DJI forum .
You have YT and other forum's that show it but not here and one has posted the guideline so please follow that . You should have read it when you joined and if you didn't please read these Community Guidelines
Welcome to our forum . :)
Are there any sites that real life scenarios like this and ways to achieve them can be discussed openly? It seems like the policing of even discussing this has gone way too far because of some idiots that want to do crazy stuff and not remain responsible.
If DJI really wanted to keep these drones safe, they wouldn't have a 500m altitude cap with miles of distance capabilities. The drones already come capable of exceeding most rules for most countries. So why not be allowed to talk about responsible ways to use them to their full potential.
All good, thanks for everyone's feedback. I guess this isn't the place either though :)
While current US law holds site owners harmless for such discussions it is their site to determine what they wish to allow.
Start your own site where YOU make the rules then you can do as you wish.
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The Mods on DJI's site get their little feelings hurt easily. If it wasn't for the discussions and the fix that was posted my P4 would be a brick. I appreciate the community that openly embraces the ability to at least roll back the failware that DJI inflicted on consumers. Two more days will be a month and they still have not acknowledged an issue or allowed a simple rollback. Many are still stuck with high dollar unflyable machines.
While current US law holds site owners harmless for such discussions it is their site to determine what they wish to allow.
Start your own site where YOU make the rules then you can do as you wish.
I'm sure there are sites out there that won't require my creation of one.. But thanks.

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