
Hope you a speedy recovery Ted and glad your back .
Glad your back. Not much surgery for me, but a lot of drugs and MRI's.
Glad your back. Not much surgery for me, but a lot of drugs and MRI's.

Done the Drug thing now for 30yrs

I weaned myself off Morphine from VA, back pain.
Pain decreased after a few weeks off of it
Wasn’t fun but it was destroying my Mental health
I was Cwazy!

My neck injury flared up
Then they put me onOxyContin and Percocet.

Surgery Tuesday replaced 3 disc in neck
Back on
Oxy Perc etc

I will wean off all of this ASAP
No opiates is the way to go

I deal with my pain mentally now

Taught a very cool trick by my Phycologist to defeat pain with no meds

Stay off this crap as soon as u can or be trapped for decades in an endless cycle

My 2 cents

Droneted has re entered the building. Had back surgery this morning and I am hurting but I am back. By the way hospital food sucks

Glad you're on the road to recovery! I got very lucky a few weeks ago - tore my knee up pretty good but somehow did it in a way to avoid surgery.... rather than tear the ACL, I broke the attachment point off the bone instead. It's actually heal-able without surgery (amazingly enough!) -- so I hear you on the recovery. Take your time, take it slow and do what the doctors tell you to... don't rush it!!
Droneted has re entered the building. Had back surgery this morning and I am hurting but I am back. By the way hospital food sucks
I've been there too Ted. Do what the docs and the Physical Terrorists tell you and you should be as good as new but you need to give it time... lots of time.
10 days later and still in pain. Muscle spasms all the time. Oxy not much help for that
How many levels? I had 3 levels fused at various times and some hurt worse than others. The spasms were really bad for me too. I'd anticipate them and then start to giggle and that would set off the spasms. My wife wondered what in heck was going on in my head... (so did I.) After one surgery I was back to work at 4 weeks and I'd have spasms that would last for a few minutes but 8 weeks out they were pretty much gone. PT helps with that. The Valium did too but Jeebus! that's a messed up drug there...
Have had 2 back surgeries, fused back in one location, drugs I use is ralivia , or I think in the south is referred as tramadol, but I can still function pretty good with that drug but don’t miss a dose by a few hours , you will regret it
Welcome back buddy. I have sclerosis and ankylosing spondilitas (basically arthritis) what gets me through is a wonderful injection called HUMIRA. This is more helpful then steroid injections (with me it was 50/50 of the steroid working) but with HUMIRA it works 100% and has no side effect like feeling dizzy, sluggish, etc....

Bit of research and maybe worth getting your doctors opinion to see if that will benefit you. But glad your back (no pun intended lol) hopefully for a speedy recovery mate
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Have had 2 back surgeries, fused back in one location, drugs I use is ralivia , or I think in the south is referred as tramadol, but I can still function pretty good with that drug but don’t miss a dose by a few hours , you will regret it
They fused L4 and L5. I do use tramadol but can only take one a day. Any more than that and I get a weird side effect.

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