DJI GO app turn off

Jan 28, 2016
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Hello everyone!

I have new Phantom 3 Professional and I use Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 for fly. I was flying 2 times with this set, and on both flights after about 6-8min in the air my app did turn off?!?! First My monitor stop respond ,than turn black (it stop FPV view showing in this moment) and app error showed on. Fortunately remote did work so I could take my Phantom down to land. DOES ANYONE HAVE ALREADY THIS PROBLEM???

another strange thing was that I had "weak remote controller signal" information on monitor having My RC 10cm from Phantom!?
This was happend 30-40min after when my app error did. I just drive to another place to see it will happend again, so my Phantom was turned off that time. I went to another place , turn on Phantom to fly and I saw the inscription about weak remote signal. I turn off my RC once or twice (I dont remember now) and everything was fine, I fly up and had no problem (but this fly was short -3-4 min of fly).

Can someone help me? After that all, I'm afraid to fly my Phantom...
Regarding the Remote signal read this Frank's Story item #144 :) (just click on the bit that says Franks Story)

Cannot help you with the screen going blank problem but just as a thought do you have your tablet set to switch itself off after a period of non use? Like phones and computers in you leave them alone, even if you have a program running, they can go dark and eventually switch themselves off?

If its an app problem I am sure someone will be along shortly to help.

Just teething problems.
Cannot help you with the screen going blank problem but just as a thought do you have your tablet set to switch itself off after a period of non use? Like phones and computers in you leave them alone, even if you have a program running, they can go dark and eventually switch themselves off?

If its an app problem I am sure someone will be along shortly to help.

Just teething problems.

No that is not that problem because when the monitor turn black the app stop and error is showing. so it is 100% app problem not used galaxy tab error....

But thx for information of Youre topic.
Try turning off "Cache local copy" and clear the cache. In other words stop saving a local copy of the downlink from your bird. See if that makes any difference.
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Ohh and one more I forgot to add - my flyes doesnt save on DJI app... :-/ I fly three times in two different days and I got only one fly saved....
I had trouble with flight record not being saved or saved with wrong date. I uninstalled go app. Then connected tablet to computer in file transfer mode. Then with windows explorer I deleted anything that said DJI. There was one file I could not delete. Then ReBoot. Then reinstall go app from the app store. Then reboot once more.
Worked for me.
Ok . I will uninstal dji go app and instal once more and see what will happend. ..

One more question, does this app is automatically in dji go app,or is this something to install
separately for better work of dji go app?

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Never seen it before. Probably something to do with their Lightbridge product.

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