DJI Easter Egg competition

I had it as the top of the sidebar for a few hours. I'll probably put it back there after the giveaway.

After spinning the wheel 3 times, no luck for me. It's a little deceiving that only 1 out of 6 slots says "no prize", but they programmed it to be something like only 1 out of 200 win.
I've played it a bunch and spun maybe 40+ times so far. Won nothing, yet...
woohoo won a $10 credit this morning, got 183 eggs.
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woohoo won a $10 credit this morning, got 183 eggs.
Cool dude !! Now with that 10 bucks I could have what I did sat. for lunch ....A jumbo Chocolate milkshake and a large BBQ and tater chips ! Got it here in town at new joint and here's what that sucker looked liked ! Had to take a fork and eat up to the bun so I could pick it up !!!!

Now that's how us southern boy's like our pork ! Ha Ha ;);)
Now after looking at that I thinks me have another one today and think about how dizzy I got trying to zap dem egg's :cool: Congrats to ya !! the most I got was 125 :(
LOL, now thats a samich!!
woohoo won a $10 credit this morning, got 183 eggs.

My best was over 200, still won nothing.
Well done though!

Got to use it by the end of next month I think I read in the terms.

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