
  • > 90% accidents = pilot error one way or another
  • accidents are always result of several combined factors, for instance badly maintained or readied battery + off the charts flying conditions + BVLOS
  • most accidents during landing or take off
  • bad battery practices, not respecting wind limits and not keeping VLOS, the most common factors
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DavidGnew: I would also agree that the vast majority of crashes are human error. A number of people, of course, will deny they are to blame because it's easy to displace their own ignorance, sloppiness, or whatever onto the complex technology.

JeffreyS: Like yourself, I have always taken great care of my pro camera gear. I'm still using a Nikon 300mm f2.8 wildlife lens today that I bought way back in 1985 and it's in excellent condition. My F4 body was likewise in excellent condition when I eventually made the move to digital. But I know a very pleasant female sports photographer who treats her long lens with astonishing disrespect, although her images are adequate and of consistent quality for local publication. You would have though the cost alone might make someone take better care.....?
I fly a pair of P4Pro (sometimes several times a day), no issues so far.

- I always use a flight battery that's full
- I always check that the battery is properly in place
- I always check the wind higher up by dropping into ATTI mode briefly
- I never ignore warning messages - never 'assume' it will be OK, land ASAP and check what's up
- I balance my props

I’m new. Have P4 pro. How do you balance props and where can I find a video on Atti.
For my P3 I used a balancing rod bought from Ebay - threaded each way at each end, lay it on a wineglass, I used tape for balance, some a dab of superglue, others gently sand the heavier end.

For P4 I found a bar that fitted the central slot perfectly but I'd imagine there are proper adapters available. I'd have to say that P4P props (including the quieter ones) are much better balanced out of the box. From 12 props I've only needed to balance one, whereas my P3 props were nearly all out of balance to some degree (perhaps why arm/motor cracks were so prevalent?).

ATTI mode is the left switch on the P4P, it keeps altitude but drifts on the wind like a balloon would. You can use this to judge the wind speed and direction higher up - very often surprising.

HTH Adam

I’m new. Have P4 pro. How do you balance props and where can I find a video on Atti.
For my P3 I used a balancing rod bought from Ebay - threaded each way at each end, lay it on a wineglass, I used tape for balance, some a dab of superglue, others gently sand the heavier end.

For P4 I found a bar that fitted the central slot perfectly but I'd imagine there are proper adapters available. I'd have to say that P4P props (including the quieter ones) are much better balanced out of the box. From 12 props I've only needed to balance one, whereas my P3 props were nearly all out of balance to some degree (perhaps why arm/motor cracks were so prevalent?).

ATTI mode is the left switch on the P4P, it keeps altitude but drifts on the wind like a balloon would. You can use this to judge the wind speed and direction higher up - very often surprising.

HTH Adam
Thank you.

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