Can't Control our Phantom 2

Dec 5, 2013
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We are having continued chronic problems with our Phantom 2. The unit worked great for the first six flights, but now is uncontrollable. Basically, in GPS mode when hovering, the Phantom 2 starts to fly in an ever-widening circle, picking up speed as it goes. This is without any input on the controls. Also, when flying in a straight line, the Phantom wants to fly slightly sideways. We have gone thru exhaustive calibrations and upgrades. All parameters on the software seem to be in order and within spec. We've calibrated the compass over a dozen times, and get a reading of 10 satellites for the GPS. We loved it when we first got it, but it is unusable as it is now. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
Have you tried ATTI mode?
Could it be that one of the sensors is not installed properly (misaligned)?
Yes, we have re-calibrated the compass many times. All the parameters on the computer are within spec, and we get correct lights on the Phantom 2. Flying in Atti Mode reduces the circular pattern, but it still drifts quite a bit.
You're describing classic "toilet bowl effect". If the compass is reading within expected value in the Assistant check its physical location. Has it moved position on the leg at all due to a hard landing or loose screws? If its not located correctly then the Phantom can't fly straight and true.

If nothing else works then it may just be a bad compass...
Thanks. We are really starting to appreciate how critical the compass is. All of it's numbers look good, and we have rechecked the positioning. Maybe we should just get a compass as you suggest - they are not too expensive.

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