Beta Testers requested to fix Compass Issue

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There would likely be a robust secondary market in the previous firmware if any of you testers wanted to unload your old firmware upon receipt of your new and improved firmware. ;)

Outside Looking In
ianwood said:
Landon, none of us can judge how long it should take. Unless you have the source code, you just don't know. I agree it's probably not their top priority but to demand it be put above everything else is unrealistic. In all my discussions with them, I have tried to be reasonable. Why? Because I know they can walk away from the table at any time. And if they do, we have no recourse.

And don't assume the last sparrow effort was that effective. We barely got started and they immediately reached out with an elaborate plan to approach the issue. I think they were going to do so anyway. They were too ready, too fast. I think they were motivated to fix it simply based on the number of people who had reported the problem on this forum. I also sent them frequent updates on the numbers.

Anyway, they asked for another week. It seemed reasonable. Pissing them off with one week to go seems stupid. If it's not done at the end of the weekend, we put the sparrow back to work and see how effective it is. If we do put the sparrow to work, everyone will need to be involved. It will take effort. The impact will need to be sharp and powerful. Way way bigger than before. I hope it's not necessary.

Sooooooo... Did we get our Beta 2 as they promised? Or was that next Friday.
ianwood said:
Just got word from DJI that the 2nd beta is ready for testing. It is still version 3.05 so to keep it clear, we will call it 3.05b2. Note that I am calling it a beta, DJI has not. So it could very well be a release candidate in that if all goes well with preliminary testing, it could become the official 3.05 firmware.

I am flying back to LA later today and I will be testing it first thing tomorrow morning.

This is good news indeed, hope all goes well.
Need this one badly
ianwood said:
Just got word from DJI that the 2nd beta is ready for testing. It is still version 3.05 so to keep it clear, we will call it 3.05b2. Note that I am calling it a beta, DJI has not. So it could very well be a release candidate in that if all goes well with preliminary testing, it could become the official 3.05 firmware.

I am flying back to LA later today and I will be testing it first thing tomorrow morning.

Any time schedule for b2 testing?
Are the previous Beta testers going to be included in the 3.05b2 test?
I thought they would reach out to the other testers directly but I have asked them if they want me to test it first or if I should circulate it amongst beta group. Waiting to hear back.
Xrover said:
Either way, I'm confident in your assessments.

Woah.... heavy brown-nosing! :lol:
3.05b2 loaded up, heading out to test. Let's hope it works (and doesn't have any catastrophic bugs).

Side note, this looks like a release candidate. There are other firmware changes in there unrelated to the declination issue. So I guess if all goes well, it goes to general release.

UPDATE: I am not sure what all the additional effort was as it seems to be exactly the same. Here are my observations:

  • It's the same 80% we talked about before. Maybe 90% for me.
  • You get a hook on the first movement (e.g. forward) and then it is gone. At least here in LA at a medium level of declination.
  • There is no "memory" between flights so it's a reset each time you power up.
  • CL works best if you reset after the first movement. DJI, please make it so CL simply uses the current heading when you engage it. Reseting it by flipping the switches 5 times is dumb and you risk resetting the home location by mistake. No one cares about preserving the take off heading.
  • I did notice a couple of times that changing CL heading wasn't always accurate. It would be really nice if this worked much more tightly. It works and is passable but the anomalies are annoying.
  • The default gains cause the occasional vertical drop at the end of a strong horizontal movement. Same as before.
  • This could be a total anomaly but at the 3rd low battery or 10.7v, auto-land seems to have been replaced with RTH. It surprised me. It started rising up and I saw GHome in the OSD. Flipped to ATTI and back to GPS then it started auto-land so I had to maintain throttle up to bring it to my landing spot.
  • In short, everything is the same except the low battery RTH.

I expect what I just tested is the 3.05 everyone is going to get. Given that the 2nd beta feels no different, I actually think DJI has been working on other changes in the 3.05 firmware and wanted me to retest it to make sure they didn't break the declination fix we got in the first beta. That's just a guess. Anyway, I think this is as good as it's going to get. Time for DJI to put it out.
It is disappointing but it is still much better than without it. Frustrated would be how I feel about it. It would be so much easier if DJI would just tell me what their plans are so I don't have to keep guessing.

Right now, I just want everyone to get it. DJI should put the firmware out now. When that happens, we can still consider this whole effort an accomplishment.

And the Drunken Sparrow doesn't end with this. It will fly again for other lobbying efforts like the sudden battery death.
ianwood said:
3.05b2 loaded up, heading out to test. Let's hope it works (and doesn't have any catastrophic bugs).

Side note, this looks like a release candidate. There are other firmware changes in there unrelated to the declination issue. So I guess if all goes well, it goes to general release.

UPDATE: I am not sure what all the additional effort was as it seems to be exactly the same. Here are my observations:

When are the other beta testers going to get a copy of this?
It'll be interesting to see if there's any difference in other locations around the world.
Overall, it sounds like DJI haven't taken it seriously at all.
ianwood said:
It is disappointing but it is still much better than without it. Frustrated would be how I feel about it. It would be so much easier if DJI would just tell me what their plans are so I don't have to keep guessing.

Right now, I just want everyone to get it. DJI should put the firmware out now. When that happens, we can still consider this whole effort an accomplishment.

And the Drunken Sparrow doesn't end with this. It will fly again for other lobbying efforts like the sudden battery death.
Thanks for all your stalwart efforts Ianwood. We could never have gotten to this stage without your persistence.

While I look forward to loading the new firmware on my Phantom, I too have experienced the other problems like the sudden battery death issue and even a swollen battery after only 20 uses. At one time, I considered continuing my investment in this platform with a better gimbal, longer range antennas, and ground station capability, but no more. This experience has so soured me on DJI and their lack of QC and responsiveness, that I no longer want to support them or their products. They have exhibited an all too common symptom of some fast rising tech companies that forget to support their existing customer base while overreaching for new customers with new products such as their new Ronin camera stabilization system for the movie industry. I refuse to finance their continued growth at my own expense.

So, after the software is released, I will have a few final flights and then say goodbye to the Phantom. Someone else can work with this faulted product and I will look to DJI's competition for a replacement.

Thanks again Ianwood. It's been an interesting experience, albeit not a particularly pleasant one.
droneranger said:
So, after the software is released, I will have a few final flights and then say goodbye to the Phantom. Someone else can work with this faulted product and I will look to DJI's competition for a replacement.

Yeah, me too. Was using the P2 as a stepping stone to a more serious business investment (S800 or S1000) but are never going to spend another cent with DJI. Joke company.

Leak the beta Ian.
droneranger said:
They have exhibited an all too common symptom of some fast rising tech companies that forget to support their existing customer base while overreaching for new customers with new products such as their new Ronin camera stabilization system for the movie industry. I refuse to finance their continued growth at my own expense.

A lot of us are feeling the same way.
I was checking in every hour to hear back from Ian, fingers crossed...
And then the lack of communication to Ian as to what he's getting, seriously?
Do we still not know if other testers got their firmware?

A small leak can sink a big ship and No company is to big to fail.
ianwood said:
It is disappointing but it is still much better than without it. Frustrated would be how I feel about it. It would be so much easier if DJI would just tell me what their plans are so I don't have to keep guessing.

Right now, I just want everyone to get it. DJI should put the firmware out now. When that happens, we can still consider this whole effort an accomplishment.

And the Drunken Sparrow doesn't end with this. It will fly again for other lobbying efforts like the sudden battery death.

Were there any notes with it that specified exactly what the other changes are?
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